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My travel thread


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Not been on your thread for ages. Can't believe how much you've done. As Pom queen says slow down a bit. I came via nyc when I came nearly 15yrs ago... Spent a month in nz travelling and missed Milford sounds area which is on to do list. Australia I arrived in dec into Sydney. I know ppl love it but I love it as a city but not to live. We stayed in kings cross Eva's I think... But we ended up following the weather we moved to Adelaide and worked (overnight bus from Sydney made interesting by Christmas beetles at service station stops...) I travelled with my best friend. We then went to kangaroo island fora few days and March time went to Melbourne. We worked in the hostel for our board which was fab and it was here we met our first friends for life.. We had Easter together then when we went to Sydney in May/June where it was miserable cold and wet.... Spoke to the guys and ended up going to meet them in brisVegas....sunny n warm just to saywedidtheoz bus and yes never met Ffl thru this but have stayed in touch with some. But they all bring something to your trip. Chill enjoy and take it as it comes. One guy we met in Brisbane we are now v friendly with but he was v full on when travelling and it wasn't till back here he seemed to mellow.

Met so many ppl in Brisbane (stayed at what was palace backpackers) friend ended up driving hostel bus and she never paid board. Others worked in the bar.. But got so many friends for life here... Don't see each other often as all over UK but still in touch now most of us married with kids... I found you became close to ppl quickly cos we are all in same boat but easy enough to not spend time with those you unkeen on but give ppl time sometimes to get to know them.. I ended up leafleting in Brisbane not great but gave me a new appreciation for those who do it

enjoy. We were in Brisbane at max watts seeing OCS the other night it was fab but lovely area around there so many pubs n restaurants...

good luck

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The government here seem to hate backpackers. We spend so much money here but get treated like rubbish. The idea of paying 33% puts me off even more lol but I know I won't see everything I want to within the year which is a bit disappointing


33% and you'll still take home a decent wage... Forget about the tax. Enjoy life.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Im not sure what time limit your on SS maybe two yrs but i have nothing but admiration and envy for what your doing , i came over in my twenties but stayed in Perth as the then recession was on and i was loving it here when Ocean Reef was just being built .......nothing was here after that ........if i was single again i would be doing what your doing even if you have to travel around Oz twice , who cares ? You have time on your side and i can honestly say you have seen much more of Oz than i have and probs many families on here ....do it while you can and enjoy it , dont worry about ifs and buts ....as once you settle down with a partner then the kids come along everything becomes so much harder to do and organise .... Good on you SS ......X even though you didnt make it to my place last time , there is always next time ......dont worry about it ......

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Hey, cool! You back here then now?



yeah! We were staying in that North ryde campsite that you suggested so thanks for that. It was really handy and only worked out 17 each. Jakes left now and I'm staying on to try find a job here but I'm not sure I'll be able to save much so I'm still looking out for country pub jobs or farm work too

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It was on the bondi to coogee walk, I get mixed up with the areas though. There's quite a few. I felt like just jumping in with my clothes on lol, it was hot and that walk was a lot longer than I remembered! Was really busy too, we couldn't believe how busy bondi was. Last time I went it was raining and pretty much empty.


Im trying to put more pictures on but they keep going upside down so I'll try again tomorrow

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when I was in coogee it was exactly 4 months to the day that I arrived there, pretty much to the hour too haha. Walked past my hotel and I was really nervous around the pavements incase I twisted my ankle again :laugh:


it's going really quickly, I wish I didn't have to worry about work

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It was on the bondi to coogee walk, I get mixed up with the areas though. There's quite a few. I felt like just jumping in with my clothes on lol, it was hot and that walk was a lot longer than I remembered! Was really busy too, we couldn't believe how busy bondi was. Last time I went it was raining and pretty much empty.


Im trying to put more pictures on but they keep going upside down so I'll try again tomorrow


I must do that walk next time I am over there, last time my friends mum invited me with her walking group who often do that walk on a Saturday but I had made other plans. I probably would have jumped in with my clothes on :laugh: then people would point and laugh at me lol. I have only been Bondi once and it was a Sunday it was super busy, we got to see them film that bondi rescue program which was interesting to watch. However we all got so badly sunburnt even my Australian friends who were annoyed at their selves for getting sunburnt (Happens to me even after putting factor 50 on)

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Hi stacey. Been following your thread since back home and it has been great reading. Really want to go to Perth because of you ha-ha. Seen that you're also in the North ryde campsite. It is really handy. It's mine and Kate's last night tonight. Weather has been great but is aweful now. Hope it clears up as we need to do our washing before heading on our travels. Good luck finding work. Plenty of people on the campsite are working so worth asking around.

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Hey Timmothy


its a shame we didn't know that we were on the same campsite. You could have told my travel buddy I was a famous blogger haha :laugh: I've been in a hostel for almost 5 days now, we were really lucky with the weather on the campsite. I tbink it only rained for 5 minutes one morning. I was in a tent so always made the bad weather a bit crapper! That campsite is really good isn't it. So handy for the train and I still got my daily dose of wildlife after the city. Cockatoos waking me up at 5am lol.


I did think about just staying at the campsite in my tent after my travel buddy left but I think it would be grim at the end of autumn and winter. Where are you heading on your travels?

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This must be the most followed thread on here so you do have the right to throw the word famous out there haha.


The campsite was great, we had a possum in the tree above us with a baby, so cute.


What's the hostel like? We stayed in evas and that was brilliant.


We're currently seeing my family near the blue mountains and then heading south. Have bought a van and just hope it turns out to be reliable. Will start looking for work when we need cash which will unfortunately be sooner rather than later now that the pound is weakening.


Are you going to stay in Sydney? I thought you disliked the place?

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I wish I was famous, some of those travel blogger people make a fortune if they are on YouTube etc. mines would be so boring.. "Today I went down the street for a bit of cheesecake then went home" :laugh:


aw im jealous, we didn't see any possums but I think I heard some. I woke up with loads of ducks standing outside my tent and there was a kookaburra sitting right beside the bathroom once. I used to moan about the noise but I loved all the nature on all our campsites.


The hostel is good although I haven't been very social other than with the girls in my room. It's a much smaller hostel than the ones I've been in and I think a lot of people work. You'll love driving in the van, you get to stop anywhere you want. We had that worry about it breaking down too although it wasn't my van. We thought we were going to wreck it when we went to see some caves outside Sydney, I think it was Jericho cave? The road is crazy steep


at the moment I'm giving it till next week to find a job and then I'll leave and do another country/outback job if I can't find one here by then. I'm torn between wanting to have a bit more of a social life to needing to save and remote being the easiest

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I can remember saying "oh it's been 3 months" and now it's almost onto 6. I thought I'd miscounted at first! Currently trying to make rough plans on how to see as much as possible for the rest of the year (without rushing too much ;) ) and what to do afterwards. I'm not sure wether to go home or go to New Zealand straight after. I guess it depends on money

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