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If it was a choice between Melbourne or Parramatta it would be Melbourne every day! The only good thing about out west is the cheap beer (3 schooners in Bligh Park on Friday was $12!)


Just go and do what you want - i'm actually a tad jealous as i wish i didn't settle straight into work - i'll do my travelling on the way back to the UK though!


what sort of things do you do here on your time off? I feel like I haven't been doing much yet still spending money! I'm convinced I've dropped some out my purse lol

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what sort of things do you do here on your time off? I feel like I haven't been doing much yet still spending money! I'm convinced I've dropped some out my purse lol


I went to see AC/DC last weekend which was epic and i've been to see the vaccines / jake bugg / mumford and sons tonight in the domain which was awesome! Alot of my down time is pretty much the pub / exploring North Sydney and the city!


I've got to say in comparison to London i find this place so cheap, some things are more expensive but you earn alot more $$$ in comparison!

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I'm just trying to get some advice off people on the best choice out of 2 or 3 choices since I'm completely new to Australia. 2 girls are going home next week.. And I don't want to be like that. I want to stay at least 6 months

Going home after less than two weeks? I was thinking you might be still jet-lagged and maybe a little disorientated?


Did you say you've not had time to look for a job yet? Maybe give yourself another week to settle down?


Looking back on my own first weeks in Perth desperately looking for work, I wish I'd just treated it more as a holiday, forgot the search for work and stayed there till Xmas.


Come to think of it. I didn't have a good first impression of Sydney after Perth.


There's nothing wrong with looking for work in Parramatta, or even Penrith where I worked, cheaper out there, I actually rather liked it there, hotter than Sydney tho. But if you've not looked for jobs in Sydney yet, why not do that first?

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Going home after less than two weeks? I was thinking you might be still jet-lagged and maybe a little disorientated?


Did you say you've not had time to look for a job yet? Maybe give yourself another week to settle down?


Looking back on my own first weeks in Perth desperately looking for work, I wish I'd just treated it more as a holiday, forgot the search for work and stayed there till Xmas.


Come to think of it. I didn't have a good first impression of Sydney after Perth.


There's nothing wrong with looking for work in Parramatta, or even Penrith where I worked, cheaper out there, I actually rather liked it there, hotter than Sydney tho. But if you've not looked for jobs in Sydney yet, why not do that first?


My niece only did 2 weeks in Aus on a WHV

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Yeah those girls are looking at it as a holiday now. Everybody's different but I'd be gutted if I was to do that. One has lost out on almost £2000 as well because she booked a package. Never mind! I feel quite a bit better after a good nights sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to do some touristy stuff I think, either taronga zoo or something like that

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I'm just trying to get some advice off people on the best choice out of 2 or 3 choices since I'm completely new to Australia. 2 girls are going home next week.. And I don't want to be like that. I want to stay at least 6 months


Stacey, I'll try to find what the options you are considering are back on the previous pages and get back to you if I can, though honestly my suggestions is probably going to be you should go with whatever you feel is right for you in terms of where to go next in Aus.


In the meantime...


As a reader and occasional poster to this thread I find it very overwhelming with advice and suggestions. I'm not the person its intended for of course, but its still a wide range of people from all over Aus posting their suggestions on places, things and more, many of them not in Sydney, though perhaps with some knowledge of the city. Still, its everyone talking over each other and my brain fries. I appreciate you are asking for advice but there is so much conflicting advice on here, in good ways, its perhaps difficult to know what you want to do. You've had some fab offers from people on here to stay with them, suggestions on places to go, work advice and so on.


A WHV used to be so much more simple. I know forums have a place these days but its also perhaps not helping as much as it might when it comes to making a decision on what to do as so many people are chiming in with different things and from their own experiences etc.


To travel, it takes a fair bit of self resilience and often you are jumping into the unknown but that is part and parcel and IMHO part of the fun. Also please cut yourself some slack about heading home or not and a time frame to stay. I don't know your personality but you perhaps are finding it a bit overwhelming being on your own atm, perhaps not. Its only been a short time and it can take a good couple of months to really find your feet and get an idea of what its all about. If you are looking at others heading home after 2 weeks here, try to shake off overthinking it and their reasons and just let them go. Its their experience, it doesn't have to be yours.


We know a couple here, one of which had a former UK workmate come and stay with them at the very start of their WHV last year. After a few weeks, it became clear this WHV person had to fly the nest in order to actually go live and do the WHV experience rather than be tied to living in a home, having people she knew around her and so on. So she booked into the hostel near the beach for 2 weeks, found casual cafe work, met other backpackers and hit it off with another woman well enough that they headed off to do their regional work elsewhere together and had a blast. She is now in Melbourne I think and loving it.


Don't put expecation on yourself or Aus. Wherever you decide to go, you have the freedom to move on if it isn't for you. OK it might set you back a few $$ or means you stay somewhere a few weeks and work hard and spend little to move on to the next place, but don't be afraid of that. Its only temporary and a few weeks working in a cafe or someplace isn't the end of the world. Many people will work flat out for a period of time somewhere, save like mad, move on to the next place to have some fun and kick back, move on again and so on.


I had a friend in her 20's recently spend 6 weeks or so in Aus travelling round after working in Borneo for 6 months. She was just on a massive holiday, had saved hard and just wanted to see Aus and did every tour or backpackers thing going and had a blast. She visited with us for a few days which was lovely. An example, she had booked on a tour to cross the Nullarbor starting from here. Bunch of strangers, she made instant friends for 10 days and will most likely never see them again. She had a blast She did this sort of thing all round Aus pretty much. She still didn't see everything nor did she feel she had truly seen Aus so is coming back on a WHV next year.




You have been a long time poster on here and are perpaps overthinking on matters and over reliant on it for decision making and support. Its not a bad thing but there comes a point IMHO where you need to go do your WHV your way, regardless of what we all might think or say :wink:. Travelling is taking you out of your comfort zone, it does test you, does help you grow as a person, do things you might otherwise never have done. Thats the beauty of it.


I suggested you take a bit of time away from the forum and just let yourself find your own feet and comfort level. Perhaps do that for a few days at a time and pop in a couple of times a week to update on things? Atm in a way I see this thread as like having heaps of Mums and Dads and being tied to the apron strings rather still and that comfort zone. My Mum was the parent who once I said I was going travelling pretty much packed my bag for me, shoved me out the door and said go have fun, see the world, call me now and again and whatever you do, don't get married! That is me here in this thread I guess lol :cute:

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The Rocks is a lovely area to wander around Stace. The area was built by the early convicts so it is interesting from a historical perspective and there are lots of little alley ways etc. It's a buzzing area with markets, cafes, galleries etc and it has a lovely vibe.


The area is just near the harbour bridge so you could walk there.



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Thanks guys. Going to stay in Sydney for another few nights. I've just noticed a ad in here for work for accommodation. I'm going to ask about it and if they are interested then I'll stay and try find a job that fits in with it. If not then I'm moving to Melbourne on Thursday. Flights are only $100 roughly.


I moved rooms this morning after what I had to go through last night. I walked into my new room and that guy was in it half naked hahahaha :laugh:


doing the bondi to coogee walk today. Is it hard?!!

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I'm off to the blue mountains tomorrow with 2 of the girls from my group. It's funny because I've ended up more friendly with 2 girls that i didn't think I would be and not liking being around one girl that I spoke to the most before I came here. After tomorrow I still haven't a clue. I want to leave but I have to hang around for this bank card arriving. I'm not sure if they would send it to another place in aus or not

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Stacey - just enjoy the day tomorrow - as for moving on - you have had so many offers of places to stay in Australia why not take advantage of that as to where you move on to - people have been incredibly generous on this this site - please think about it - free lodgings is worth a lot

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