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First they came for the Socialists....


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and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.





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Can't help but wonder why he never became a citizen. Of course even citizenship can be revoked but it's quite exceptional for that to happen. Perhaps he started his criminal career before he was eligible for citizenship so was never in a position to pass the character test.

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Try as I might I can't feel sorry for someone who commits agrivated burglary and assault. I'm home here alone without my OH and that is my absolute nightmare. It's rough but crime has consequenses and this sends a clear message to people in the same situation. 2 years behind bars isn't usually given to first time offenders either so, I assume he's committed previous crimes too.

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Can't help but wonder why he never became a citizen. Of course even citizenship can be revoked but it's quite exceptional for that to happen. Perhaps he started his criminal career before he was eligible for citizenship so was never in a position to pass the character test.


He may never have been eligible for citizenship. People born in NZ who enter Australia using their Kiwi citizenship are treated as temporary residents of Australia for their whole life...no matter how Australian they become. I doubt he was a permanent resident, let alone a citizen. Poor system.

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and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.






Would you be able to explain what your issue here is exactly? You have just posted about what looks like to be an extremely undesirable person, but with no comment of your own.


Are you suggesting that Australia should be more tolerant of non citizen thugs? I am not sure.

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He may never have been eligible for citizenship. People born in NZ who enter Australia using their Kiwi citizenship are treated as temporary residents of Australia for their whole life...no matter how Australian they become. I doubt he was a permanent resident, let alone a citizen. Poor system.


Is this true Fish? I only ask because my son has married a Kiwi, can they not get a partner visa, and she get then get PR and eventually citizenship?

Sorry not applicable to the post, just interested. Thanks

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I believe New Zealanders can apply for PR like everyone else if they meet the criteria. The issue is they don't feel they should have to - they think they should automatically get it. A lot would also not meet the criteria - skills assessment etc. I don't feel sorry for this guy at all.

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Then, on Thursday last week, without warning, he was transferred in the middle of the night to Christmas Island, about 5000 kilometres from his partner of eight years, Nakita Regan, and their five-year-old daughter.

The transfer was akin to a raid and was carried out by officers dressed in riot gear, he said.

"They came at me at 3:30 in the morning. We were fast asleep. They didn't warn us and say get on the ground. They came in with batons and shields and just started giving it to us. I was scared for my life."



Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/kiwis-held-on-christmas-island-as-visas-revoked-20150929-gjx0cl#ixzz3nAvrAP97



No one see anything mildly sinister about this?


Let's look at the developments of the last 2 years:


1. changes to the Migration Act, which introduce a 'character test'. If memory serves correctly, this also includes people with a history of serious mental illness and drug problems


2. proposed changes to citizenship laws, which would give the immigration monster the power to revoke citizenship from dual nationals, without a need for any judicial review. They wanted the same for sole nationals but it didn't pass the cabinet 'pub test'


3. the introduction of a 'border force' bill, which creates a new paramilitary unit, combining customs and immigration, which recently proposed random spot checks of visas in Melbourne


4. the introduction of the 'use of force' bill, which effectively gives immunity to detention centre staff to use whatever force they deem necessary to 'maintain order', even if that means killing detainess


5. the introduction of mandatory data retention, ostensibly for the purpose of counter terrorism, even though there is no evidence that such data has been of use on a global scale in terms of preventing a terrorist attack


6. new secrecy laws which mean a jail sentence of 2 years for anyone involved in detention centres if they disclose information to the media, or even UN officials




I mean, do I actually have to teach you how to think FFS?



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Then, on Thursday last week, without warning, he was transferred in the middle of the night to Christmas Island, about 5000 kilometres from his partner of eight years, Nakita Regan, and their five-year-old daughter.

The transfer was akin to a raid and was carried out by officers dressed in riot gear, he said.

"They came at me at 3:30 in the morning. We were fast asleep. They didn't warn us and say get on the ground. They came in with batons and shields and just started giving it to us. I was scared for my life."



Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/kiwis-held-on-christmas-island-as-visas-revoked-20150929-gjx0cl#ixzz3nAvrAP97



No one see anything mildly sinister about this?


Let's look at the developments of the last 2 years:


1. changes to the Migration Act, which introduce a 'character test'. If memory serves correctly, this also includes people with a history of serious mental illness and drug problems


2. proposed changes to citizenship laws, which would give the immigration monster the power to revoke citizenship from dual nationals, without a need for any judicial review. They wanted the same for sole nationals but it didn't pass the cabinet 'pub test'


3. the introduction of a 'border force' bill, which creates a new paramilitary unit, combining customs and immigration, which recently proposed random spot checks of visas in Melbourne


4. the introduction of the 'use of force' bill, which effectively gives immunity to detention centre staff to use whatever force they deem necessary to 'maintain order', even if that means killing detainess


5. the introduction of mandatory data retention, ostensibly for the purpose of counter terrorism, even though there is no evidence that such data has been of use on a global scale in terms of preventing a terrorist attack


6. new secrecy laws which mean a jail sentence of 2 years for anyone involved in detention centres if they disclose information to the media, or even UN officials




I mean, do I actually have to teach you how to think FFS?





No need for you to teach people how to think (far too troublesome) it has been all been taken care of very nicely,

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Absolutely outrageous state-sponsored behaviour. OK the guy committed a crime, but is indefinite incarceration without trial on a remote island an appropriate punishment? WTF next? You haven't paid your car rego so we'll exile you for only 2 years instead of forever?


Has the state no care for his family? What about his kid?


Crazy behaviour and Harpo is right. Citizenship is also being eroded. It's probably fine for those of us 'lucky' enough to be white, but if I was, for example, a Muslim citizen then I'd be getting concerned.

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Yep, he did all that schooling, living, paying taxes and other stuff he mentions in Aus. The only problem is he also committed aggravated robbery and got a 2 year jail sentence, so it must have been pretty bad. In the meantime he's not bothered to get residency.

In all honesty I can't see a problem with this decision and it's hopefully going to send a message that do the crime you do your time and if you aren't a permanent resident you might also get sent back the where you came from.

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Absolutely outrageous state-sponsored behaviour. OK the guy committed a crime, but is indefinite incarceration without trial on a remote island an appropriate punishment? WTF next? You haven't paid your car rego so we'll exile you for only 2 years instead of forever?


Has the state no care for his family? What about his kid?


Crazy behaviour and Harpo is right. Citizenship is also being eroded. It's probably fine for those of us 'lucky' enough to be white, but if I was, for example, a Muslim citizen then I'd be getting concerned.


You would only have to be a concerned Muslim or any other citizen if you are planning on committing a crime rob. What's your status? Have you got PR or are you on a working visa or 457 maybe? You're average Muslim with citizenship needs to be less worried than anyone on a 457 I would think.


As for trying to equate not paying your car rego with aggravated burglary, for which he got 2 years, is just a crazy argument.

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I think PR is not enough. It can be revoked.

If you are a criminal you better get your citizenship.


With more and more discretionary powers being granted to the Minister. even citizenship is not safe. Even people born here that inherited dual citizenship are not safe.

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Absolutely outrageous state-sponsored behaviour. OK the guy committed a crime, but is indefinite incarceration without trial on a remote island an appropriate punishment? WTF next? You haven't paid your car rego so we'll exile you for only 2 years instead of forever?


Has the state no care for his family? What about his kid?


Crazy behaviour and Harpo is right. Citizenship is also being eroded. It's probably fine for those of us 'lucky' enough to be white, but if I was, for example, a Muslim citizen then I'd be getting concerned.


Not forgetting those asylum seekers on bridging visas but not allowed to work. Any infringement no matter how trivial, for example riding on public transport without a ticket, would likely witness them back in detention centre with the likelihood of removal. There are names for such regimes that behave in like minded ways.

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You would only have to be a concerned Muslim or any other citizen if you are planning on committing a crime rob. What's your status? Have you got PR or are you on a working visa or 457 maybe? You're average Muslim with citizenship needs to be less worried than anyone on a 457 I would think.


As for trying to equate not paying your car rego with aggravated burglary, for which he got 2 years, is just a crazy argument.


I would hope Muslims have less to be worried about in regards to resident status than 457's otherwise we are in in trouble.

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"They came at me at 3:30 in the morning. We were fast asleep. They didn't warn us and say get on the ground. They came in with batons and shields and just started giving it to us. I was scared for my life."


Did he stop to think that maybe this is how his victims felt when he robbed them, did they not wonder what the hell was happening ?? where they not scared for their lives ?? Id say its called Karma and his criminal past as well and truly bitten him on his butt.


Cal x

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"They came at me at 3:30 in the morning. We were fast asleep. They didn't warn us and say get on the ground. They came in with batons and shields and just started giving it to us. I was scared for my life."


Did he stop to think that maybe this is how his victims felt when he robbed them, did they not wonder what the hell was happening ?? where they not scared for their lives ?? Id say its called Karma and his criminal past as well and truly bitten him on his butt.


Cal x



Yeah but that is what he did 2 years in prison for. If politicians are going replace the rule of law (separation of powers being vital to a democracy) with their own mob rule version then we may as well get rid of courts and judges completely.


The term 'slippery slope' is very apt here

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