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The big Freeze downunder


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Still it will be a nice winter's day. Should be about 13 later and sunny.


There is no cloud at all which tends to make it colder in the mornings.

But this is very unusually cold for Melbourne. Usually our overnight lows are about 8 in winter.

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Still it will be a nice winter's day. Should be about 13 later and sunny.


There is no cloud at all which tends to make it colder in the mornings.

But this is very unusually cold for Melbourne. Usually our overnight lows are about 8 in winter.

Is that because there's generally more cloud cover in Melb? It's not unusual for Perth to have spells of similar weather though the daytime is usually 17 plus. Yesterday was very pleasant indeed, not a great deal of sun but a warm feel to the air which was very springlike. Think it got to 21. T shirt weather and the house feels much warmer too.

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Melbourne is further south than Perth. Perth is almost in line with Newcastle on the East Coast.

So yes it is always cooler here in winter.


But this is the first time since 1998 that temp hit below 1 degree in Melbourne.


I think a combination of factors. No cloud cover which normally acts as a bit of a blanket and very still, combined with some arctic air I expect.


It is beautiful day outside now, just taken the dog for a run in the park.

And my youngest son has just twisted my arm to take him to the football this afternoon.

So off to see Richmond St Kilda.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It is going to reach 9C here today :eek: Just heard on the radio it will be 25C in Sydney and 27C in Brisbane.


Whilst out walking it started to snow! It lasted for about 5 minutes and as the ground was wet after all the rain we had it melted as soon as it landed. It looked pretty as it was falling though. So different from last winter. We didn't even have a frost here in Devonport last year.

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Bloody freezing in Melbourne this morning - lots of hail - and snow on nearby hills. We have had the wood fire burning every day since the middle of April. I am sick of chainsawing and splitting wood. They reckon it's the coldest winter in 20 years but really every Melbourne winter is crap and seems to last 6 months. Don't come here!

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Bloody freezing in Melbourne this morning - lots of hail - and snow on nearby hills. We have had the wood fire burning every day since the middle of April. I am sick of chainsawing and splitting wood. They reckon it's the coldest winter in 20 years but really every Melbourne winter is crap and seems to last 6 months. Don't come here!


You might have to move further north Lambethlad :cool: I don't mind the cold at all - I just don't like when it lashes down with rain for more than a couple of days. Anyway, the sun is shining now but it's very much on the chilly side.

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We've had our niece and her boyfriend with us for 10 days. They've been teaching in China and are on their way back via a few friends and rellies in Aus. They were here weekend before last and couldn't believe it was winter. The boyfriend went out on my surf ski Saturday and did pretty well for someone who's not paddled one before. He's paddled a sea kayak so managed to stay in for a couple of minutes at a time.


Sunday they both had a go on the paddle boards for an hour or so and both of them expected the water to be colder than it was.


Took them for a bike ride to Mindarie after so about 8:30 at night they were dropping to sleep on the settee.:laugh: Neither of them has done much exercise in China so it was a shock to the system. They're in Sydney now and I think they got a decent weekend there too. Another week and they head back home where they'll have to start looking for jobs.

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It is warmed up quite a bit in Brisbane and was lovely today, it isnt even that cold at night so we havent lit the fire these last few evenings. Hopefully in another 6 weeks we will be back to complaining 'its too hot'', lol, i think thats why i find the Aussie winter much more bearable - you know the cold wont last long !


Cal x

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Just read this article and if it's correct we should all start heading for Queensland now.

Might want to start stockpiling those down jackets: The sun could nod off by 2030, triggering what scientists are describing as a “mini ice age.”

Professor Vlentina Zharkova of Northumbira University presented the frigid findings at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno, Wales. Modern technology has made us able to predict solar cycles with much greater accuracy, and Zharkova’s model shows that solar activity will drop by more than half between 2030 and 2040.

Solar activity was thought to be caused by a turbine-system of moving fluid within the sun. In search of a more accurate system of prediction, Professor Zharkova and her team discovered fluctuating magnetic waves in two layers of the sun. By studying the data of the dual waves, she says, forecasting is far more precise.

“Combining both waves together and comparing to real data for the current solar cycle, we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97 percent,” said Zharkova, whose findings were published by the Royal Astronomic Society.

Using this method, she and her team discovered that there will be far less solar activity in sun cycles 25 and 26, leading to a prolonged period of solar dormancy

“In cycle 26, the two waves exactly mirror each other – peaking at the same time but in opposite hemispheres of the Sun. Their interaction will be disruptive, or they will nearly cancel each other. We predict that this will lead to the properties of a ‘Maunder minimum’,” said Zharkova.

The Maunder Minimum is the title given to periods of time when sunspots are rare. It last occurred between 1645 and 1715, when roughly 50 sunspots were recorded, as opposed to the standard 40,000. That time was marked by brutal, river-freezing temperatures in Europe and North America.

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