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More evidence of the effect of global warming in Australia.


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these climatards get a bit confused between 'climate' and 'weather' don't they?


...and the concept of averages seems to be completely beyond them :rolleyes:...a concept I would expect the average IQ to understand by the end of primary school.

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Yes, it is evidence of global warming actually. I was confused by it too, but I've since watched two excellent programs (one from the Open University) showing how the Jetstream etc move around the earth and bring weather from the Poles, and it makes a lot more sense now. I just tried Googling but I'm afraid I can't remember what the programs were called, but here are some articles explaining it:





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Australia can expect to have more extreme weather events - bad news for those who have recently lost everything in bushfires and floods. We can also expect to see spread of diseases usually only seen in tropical areas - this is already happening with mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, whihc is becoming endemic around Cairns.

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Apparently climate change /global warming gives extremes at both ends of the scale .

.something is definitely happening


P.s ...because of el Nino and the jetstream ,there are predictions of a severe winter here in the u.k .....el Nino used to occur once every 10-20 years ...then it was every 5 ...now its even more frequent

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Apparently climate change /global warming gives extremes at both ends of the scale .

.something is definitely happening

Perhaps but the climate change fanatics want it both ways. When there is a heat wave they scream PROOF MORE PROOF but when they predict that Australia's reservoirs are all going to run dry and and rains DO come, well that is just more PROOF. No snow in Oz PROOF. More Snow PROOF. Volcano erupts PROOF. tsunami PROOF. Yet I know in the past it was cold enough for the Thames to freeze over. Is that proof? What about the extreme heating the UK in 1976? Nobody then linked it to climate change but if it happened again?

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.. Volcano erupts PROOF. tsunami PROOF....


Firstly - volcanoes and tsunamis have nothing to do with weather or climate. :arghh: Honestly...what sort of science education did you have at school? Didn't you do geology? Don't you understand what causes volcanoes and tsunamis?


Weather events by themselves are no proof of anything. It is long term changes to existing climatic patterns which matter - and there is plenty of evidence that this is happening.


Even this on its own wouldn't matter except that this planet has billions of people relying on a very complex system of food production and living in large population centres - and both of these will be adversely impacted by long term climate change.

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a few facts to consider, a somewhat simplified little climatology refresher i guess,


wind is caused by temperature gradients. air moves from cold to hot on the surface then rises, its distance from the radiant heat of earth causes it to cool and sink this coupled with the earths rotation causes primary circulation currents.

if there are more extreme differences in heat this causes more extreme wind on the surface.


hot air holds more moisture than cold, the energy released by this moisture, the subsequent moving current of air cooling to clouds and release of heat draws up more moisture.

more moisture in clouds = more energy release in clouds = bigger clouds more extreme rain and storms.


these events associated with cold weather are ultimately caused by heat, have you ever asked yourself why it is generally so calm and peaceful at 4 or 5am, before the sun comes up; or why rain storms on the heat equator are so regular at certain times of year you can almost set your watch by them?


forget the murdoch press and the flat earthers, use your eyes your senses, learn a little about climatology then ask yourself what, in light of this new found knowledge will happen if you turn up the heat in the system?


for those who need videos to learn, i can highly recommend orbit earth's extraordinary journey made by the BBC, its available on the torrents and chunks on youtube. it's a great watch :)

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Perhaps but the climate change fanatics want it both ways. When there is a heat wave they scream PROOF MORE PROOF but when they predict that Australia's reservoirs are all going to run dry and and rains DO come, well that is just more PROOF. No snow in Oz PROOF. More Snow PROOF. Volcano erupts PROOF. tsunami PROOF. Yet I know in the past it was cold enough for the Thames to freeze over. Is that proof? What about the extreme heating the UK in 1976? Nobody then linked it to climate change but if it happened again?


What about the anti-climate-change fanatics? Actually they seem much more like fanatics, in the sense that they are mindlessly espousing a theory without even bothering to study the facts. Did you actually bother to read the articles I linked to? You are now doing academic study, you should be able to apply that new attitude to this subject as well.

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What about the anti-climate-change fanatics? Actually they seem much more like fanatics, in the sense that they are mindlessly espousing a theory without even bothering to study the facts. Did you actually bother to read the articles I linked to? You are now doing academic study, you should be able to apply that new attitude to this subject as well.

Look at the attitude of those academics in WA who ganged up to stop a new centre for research into climate change. And the unscientific lefties who hate nuclear power which could have made OZ 100 per cent green.

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Look at the attitude of those academics in WA who ganged up to stop a new centre for research into climate change. And the unscientific lefties who hate nuclear power which could have made OZ 100 per cent green.


A new centre for research lol


Why did they stop it?

They want to be known as a center for academic excellence, one that works in scientific consensus.

How is hosting a climate change denier (when the global scientific concusses is so overwhelmingly in agreement of anthropogenic climate change) a good thing?

They gave him the arse because the man is a paid mouth, a fool. As such all he can add to the discussion is the Government spin, which anyone with an ounce of sense knows is lunacy.

We can only hope no other academic institution will give him a podium, however it seems the government are out to kill renewables all the same, I guess we'll see how that pans out.

So far this government seem unstoppable, breaking promises all over the show and still in power, makes you wonder what's even the point in voting.


how much is the fine, if you feel the system is a crock of arse, and dont want to encourage them?


Nuclear? Renewables and storage are far cheaper and safer.

(Before we do the baseload thing, do a little research ;) )

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A new centre for research lol


Why did they stop it?

They want to be known as a center for academic excellence, one that works in scientific consensus.

How is hosting a climate change denier (when the global scientific concusses is so overwhelmingly in agreement of anthropogenic climate change) a good thing?

They gave him the arse because the man is a paid mouth, a fool. As such all he can add to the discussion is the Government spin, which anyone with an ounce of sense knows is lunacy.

We can only hope no other academic institution will give him a podium, however it seems the government are out to kill renewables all the same, I guess we'll see how that pans out.

So far this government seem unstoppable, breaking promises all over the show and still in power, makes you wonder what's even the point in voting.


how much is the fine, if you feel the system is a crock of arse, and dont want to encourage them?


Nuclear? Renewables and storage are far cheaper and safer.

(Before we do the baseload thing, do a little research ;) )

What bulls##t. He is not even a climate change denier just someone who thinks we have other priorities. He was hounded out for not being a part of the accepted group think.


There is not a single industrialised nation that could supply its complete power needs with renewable energy. Name me just one. I mean 100 percent too. Plenty of countries eg USA rely on various means including renewables but also nuclear and coal.


China's economy would collapse without coal.


Other nations rely on nuclear power so why not Australia?


Danger of accidents? Perhaps but if we are facing a catastrophe then these dangers are the lesser of two evils.

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From my understanding the carbon footprint to build a turbine is way off the scale and defeats the object of green energy not to mention the damage it causes wildlife.

As it stated in the article it was a one off it produced that much energy.

I would like to see more development with tidal and hydro opptions.

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I will put my tuppence in as a geoscientist.


From my reading of a lot of the research, I believe there is "some" evidence the earth is undergoing a warming pattern. However, it is only some. The big issue for me and a number of other scientists I know is the lack of data. The best data is ice core work. However, this only goes back about 1.3 million years - the blink of an eye in the history of the earths climate. At the same time, we know that the earth has repeatedly warmed and cooled during its cycle. In fact, geology tells us we are currently in an intra glacial period. There is some evidence that temperature rises are well within some of the models for the natural cycle of the earth.


This does not mean we should do nothing, it means that we do not have all the answers and there is still significant debate among the scientific community about what is happening and what is causing it.


but my big concern is the way the science is often carried out. There are a lot of the climate scientists being paid to find man made climate change. Their incomes depend on therefore providing evidence of it.

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Climate change is real. Overwhelming scientific evidence that is already being factored in by insurance company risk estimators. Go ask your local SES group about their long range strategy. Many parts of Australia will be subject to bushfires and floods, even seemingly inocuous outer suburbs of cities - viz Canberra 2003, Victoria 2009, Queensland floods. If you take part in any Natural Disaster Planning events as I have you will learn from very practical experts about the kinds of scenarios Australia faces in coming years. It's going to be a major burden and Australia needs to be prepared.

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