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Ping Pong!!


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Ah yes, sure you will find this topic a few times on here.


Shortly returning to Auz from UK.

Spent 6 years in Auz, been back in the UK 5, now leaving UK on a permanent basis.

You'll never find a perfect answer, but you will spend a long time searching - so try to enjoy the journey.

Be flexible, because just when you think you have it all pinned down life throws something in unexpectedly.

And if you're not sure try to keep your options open.


For myself and my wife the balance went to Auz for work / life and a future for the kids.

Also getting out of the mortgage trap.

Exchange rate happens to help, but that's just luck.


Time will tell!

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Also getting out of the mortgage trap.



May work for you but potential migrants need to appreciate that may not be the case for them. Moving from "upmarket UK" to "mediocre Oz" may work, but seeking similar housing in similar (Oz) location won't get you out of the mortgage trap. If anything, it will get you deeper into it seeing as how the housing market is here

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  • 2 months later...

Yes me! It's been really tough being back in England - lack of school places, traffic jams everywhere & lack of stimulating activities and events in comparison with where we were in Aus. Miss the super friendly expat scene terribly and our lifestyle has just gone down no end despite earning twice as much money here. We're heading back asap. It's been a nightmare for us returning and I would advise anyone to think very, very carefully about it....

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We're in Herts which seems to be one big traffic jam. We're very lucky to be able to return - maybe you'll be able to at some point if that's what you want to do. Choose which part of the country you decide to live in with care - it's got a lot more packed here, especially when you compare with the absence of this problem in Aus! Good luck Jacaranda....

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Oh dear Jacaranda - sorry to hear that! Do I see citizenship in your future to give you more flexibility?


I'm still here (who'd have thought it) but my olds can't kick on forever so no doubt I will feel the same way when the time comes to depart. Loving East Anglia!!!

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Yes me! It's been really tough being back in England - lack of school places, traffic jams everywhere & lack of stimulating activities and events in comparison with where we were in Aus. Miss the super friendly expat scene terribly and our lifestyle has just gone down no end despite earning twice as much money here. We're heading back asap. It's been a nightmare for us returning and I would advise anyone to think very, very carefully about it....



"Super friendly expat lifestyle" - where were you?


I've experienced the expat lifestyle in other countries and agree, in a foreign country, expats are much friendlier - but I think most people don't experience that in Australia, because they don't move to an expat community. So I'm curious where you were.

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We moved back this year and I miss it and feel sad. I miss my surroundings, bluer skies, warmer weather, beaches, the sea. I miss the work environment and my easy commute. I always found Australians very nice and friendly, but I certainly didn't experience a "super friendly expat lifestyle" that someone mentioned, I didn't mingle with any expats not particularly in a social sense anyway.


Although I miss Australia, I am not finding anything unpleasant about the UK. It has been nice catching up with people and we have settled back into our neighbourhood and know everyones names. Whilst the weather is cooler here, I find being outside much easier and spend a lot more time outside now. We also have a degree of financial security and our own home here, whereas we always rented in Sydney and it is good to feel more settled in that sense.


We won't be ping ponging anytime soon, but we do fancy moving back to Australia for retirement or semi-retirement.

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Wow Dunwanderin,where did you return to in the UK?I'm heading back to Oz before Xmas,not overly thrilled about the prospect but Oz Immi won't renew my 5 yr RRV so have no choice really.



If you are as happy as you say you are in the UK why on earth wouldn't you just get tourist visas when you want to come back to see your family?

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Yes me! It's been really tough being back in England - lack of school places, traffic jams everywhere & lack of stimulating activities and events in comparison with where we were in Aus. Miss the super friendly expat scene terribly and our lifestyle has just gone down no end despite earning twice as much money here. We're heading back asap. It's been a nightmare for us returning and I would advise anyone to think very, very carefully about it....


That doesn't describe our experience in either country. I couldn't recommend a return to the UK highly enough to be honest but as with moving to Australia I certainly suggest thinking carefully about it. Lots of us move to the UK and love it.

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I'm not sure I'd have chosen any of the Home Counties if I wanted to avoid crowds. It's quite well known for them! After living in Perth for a few years my tolerance for queuing and lots of people definitely evaporated and never came back.


For some, coming back takes time to settle into, for others it's immediate. It took me a good couple of years the first time we came back and I can recognise a lot of my old feelings in some other recent returners posts.


The last time we came back was much easier and there is so much I love about being here. However, like others, we will probably have another stint in Aus. My husband will retire from his current role in a couple of years and is already being offered posts back in Aus, so it's likely that he'll want to go. I have mixed feelings. I love the country, the weather, the beaches etc, but I like being here with my friends, closer to my family and being able to get to Europe quickly and cheaply. We've also just spent a lovely afternoon walking the dogs on the beach. Yesterday was spent walking by the river. It's beautiful here too. My perfect solution would be a home in Norfolk, near my friends, and spending part of the year in Australia where my husband can work. I doubt that's a really practical idea though, so I may just have to bite the bullet and return full time for a couple of years until we can split out time between both places.

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If you are as happy as you say you are in the UK why on earth wouldn't you just get tourist visas when you want to come back to see your family?


If it were that easy FF,don't you think I would just do that?My aussie kids are in the UK(Adults)and if they return back to Oz,and I stay here?I'll technically be here alone.(My son,brothers,sisters etc are all in Australia.I don't want to be the only one in my family in the UK.

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Any one here moved to Oz then moved back to the UK and wish they were back in Oz???? x


I didn't move exactly.


I was backpacking in Oz on a one year WHV.


Then when I arrived back to the UK.........I desperately wished I was back in Oz.


The day I was granted a resident visa was the happiest day of my life ever. And not left since.

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