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Findings so far of being in the UK


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What have you been up to today Kev? Is the weather still nice?


Overcast atm and 21d. Rest and woman's work this morning ;-) Caught up on the washing and ironing. The grand daughter is competing this arvo so we'll be going to watch that. They've not a cat in hell's chance as the 2nd placed national US team is visiting but it'll give them some experience.


Had a bit of a panic this morning as I noticed the Image Stabilising switch was set at off on my lens. Seeing as I took over 100 pics of Mompesson House and Salisbury Cathedral yesterday, I expected them all to be a write off as due to the dim light inside, most were taken at shutter speeds of less than 1/15th second. This old fart must have a steadier hand than expected, as on viewing, most were ok. I've learned a lesson that in future I'll check it each time, as it's easy to inadvertantly knock the switch to off.


Thorpe Park tomorrow to treat the kids and grand kids, but no doubt, I'll be up there with 'em on the rides, screaming just as loud as they can. I love the rides :-)

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Overcast atm and 21d. Rest and woman's work this morning ;-) Caught up on the washing and ironing. The grand daughter is competing this arvo so we'll be going to watch that. They've not a cat in hell's chance as the 2nd placed national US team is visiting but it'll give them some experience.


Had a bit of a panic this morning as I noticed the Image Stabilising switch was set at off on my lens. Seeing as I took over 100 pics of Mompesson House and Salisbury Cathedral yesterday, I expected them all to be a write off as due to the dim light inside, most were taken at shutter speeds of less than 1/15th second. This old fart must have a steadier hand than expected, as on viewing, most were ok. I've learned a lesson that in future I'll check it each time, as it's easy to inadvertantly knock the switch to off.


Thorpe Park tomorrow to treat the kids and grand kids, but no doubt, I'll be up there with 'em on the rides, screaming just as loud as they can. I love the rides :-)


Stealth and Swarm are the two to head for.....go for the front seat queue.....its well worth it.....avoid the backwards queue on Swarm, last year I went with my 10 year old and we went on Swarm about 6 times and Stealth about 4 (the park was surprisingly quiet) front row every time...on our last go on Swarm we decided to do it backwards.....big mistake.....it was horrible and we both felt ill after....I took this of my boy on his first go on Stealth.....front row :


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Overcast atm and 21d. Rest and woman's work this morning ;-) Caught up on the washing and ironing. The grand daughter is competing this arvo so we'll be going to watch that. They've not a cat in hell's chance as the 2nd placed national US team is visiting but it'll give them some experience.


Had a bit of a panic this morning as I noticed the Image Stabilising switch was set at off on my lens. Seeing as I took over 100 pics of Mompesson House and Salisbury Cathedral yesterday, I expected them all to be a write off as due to the dim light inside, most were taken at shutter speeds of less than 1/15th second. This old fart must have a steadier hand than expected, as on viewing, most were ok. I've learned a lesson that in future I'll check it each time, as it's easy to inadvertantly knock the switch to off.


Thorpe Park tomorrow to treat the kids and grand kids, but no doubt, I'll be up there with 'em on the rides, screaming just as loud as they can. I love the rides :-)



he was doing washing, ironing and watching his granddaughter on sunday.


Most likely not climbing hills.

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Josh is spitting feathers! He got a text from his mate saying, "are you home already?" When he asked why his mate said, Because you are online playing your X Box!"


The ex is house sitting as they're her dogs anyway, and it seems she's had the temerity to have a going away party at the house without telling us, and allowed kids into his room!


I think her best bet will be to be out of the house before we get back. Normally, the party wouldn't bother me as the sooner she's gone the better, but Josh is quite indignant about the intrusion on his room. Still, it won't spoil our day. Off to Thorpe park in a mo

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Story of my life! 4 out of 7 of the big rides were out of commission. Still had a good day though especially as my son did his "chip off the old block" impersonation and demanded a refund.....and he got it! That's my boy! :-)


Had to stop off for food on the way home. I'd never heard of Tiger bread till I went to Oz, and seeing some in Waitrose, I gave it a go. Price comparable but size and weight about 50% more than Coles/Woolies. It was dry, heavy, and practically tasteless. Not the light fluffy, tasty stuff I'm used to. Was reminded what a great range of cheese is available in the UK but contrary to past postings from others, apart for UK cheeses, I found the price of continental cheeses, to be on a par with Oz and in some cases, more expensive. I'm sorry but I find nothing special with regards to Waitrose and the oft given excuse, especially by my son, that "it's more expensive "cause it's better" I dearly wish that I could taste this perceived difference between a tescos cucumber/lettuce/pork pie/............flora margerine even, that would somehow explain their pricing? "A fool and his money" comes to mind. That said, I love their revamped store in Salisbury and their pleasant staff. That may go some way to explain why people will pay more for similar goods, based , as far as I can tell, purely on "class" because I found nothing other than that to justify their pricing, albeit, not that much dearer that Asda/Tescos on individual items but I guess a weekly shop would register more.


Just guzzling some 11 quid "Remy" from the local "booze bank" an offy attached to a convenience store, attached to a petrol station, attached to my wallet :-) Not bad with a splash of coke or lemonade and me being a bogan 'n all, the price is right :-)


Josh has had stomach pains ever since arriving here so it's off to the "walk in" medical centre tomorrow with his older pommy brother's wife who he tends to see as an "aunty". She fusses over him like one! :-) He normally eats heaps of protein at home (half a kilo of rump with 6 eggs for example at one sitting) for his body building regime, so I think perhaps he's having withdrawals based on his consumption of melton mowbrays, chicken drumsticks and boiled ham with the occasional scotch egg! Jake and I will likely go to Mottisfont Abbey, whilst he's being fussed over

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Story of my life! 4 out of 7 of the big rides were out of commission. Still had a good day though especially as my son did his "chip off the old block" impersonation and demanded a refund.....and he got it! That's my boy! :-)


Had to stop off for food on the way home. I'd never heard of Tiger bread till I went to Oz, and seeing some in Waitrose, I gave it a go. Price comparable but size and weight about 50% more than Coles/Woolies. It was dry, heavy, and practically tasteless. Not the light fluffy, tasty stuff I'm used to. Was reminded what a great range of cheese is available in the UK but contrary to past postings from others, apart for UK cheeses, I found the price of continental cheeses, to be on a par with Oz and in some cases, more expensive. I'm sorry but I find nothing special with regards to Waitrose and the oft given excuse, especially by my son, that "it's more expensive "cause it's better" I dearly wish that I could taste this perceived difference between a tescos cucumber/lettuce/pork pie/............flora margerine even, that would somehow explain their pricing? "A fool and his money" comes to mind. That said, I love their revamped store in Salisbury and their pleasant staff. That may go some way to explain why people will pay more for similar goods, based , as far as I can tell, purely on "class" because I found nothing other than that to justify their pricing, albeit, not that much dearer that Asda/Tescos on individual items but I guess a weekly shop would register more.


Just guzzling some 11 quid "Remy" from the local "booze bank" an offy attached to a convenience store, attached to a petrol station, attached to my wallet :-) Not bad with a splash of coke or lemonade and me being a bogan 'n all, the price is right :-)


Josh has had stomach pains ever since arriving here so it's off to the "walk in" medical centre tomorrow with his older pommy brother's wife who he tends to see as an "aunty". She fusses over him like one! :-) He normally eats heaps of protein at home (half a kilo of rump with 6 eggs for example at one sitting) for his body building regime, so I think perhaps he's having withdrawals based on his consumption of melton mowbrays, chicken drumsticks and boiled ham with the occasional scotch egg! Jake and I will likely go to Mottisfont Abbey, whilst he's being fussed over



Hope Josh is feeling better soon. It could be the change in water even, I had a bit of a bad tummy most of the time I was there, it did start to get better toward the end of our two weeks though.

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^^The bugger has a kidney infection! He had it before he left but wouldn't go the the GP in case I cancelled the trip. My Son had a big hoo hah with the receptionist who knew bugger all about the reciprocal agreement and he was told, "go to the walk in centre if you don't believe that he has to pay, but they will tell you the same. The walk in centre which was only 2 minutes away duly treated him immediately, and said they would "back up" the lodging of a complaint. My son has already lodged one :-)


Mottison was beautiful. A walk down by the river had us seeing brown trout the size of which we'd never seen before. I reckon some of them must have been 3 kilo+. The rose gardens were still in bloom and Maud Russel must have been quite a lady to gift the property to the National Trust. Jake picked up on the dumb waiter being in the servants quarters upstaits, saying, "that can't be right" they ate in the scullery, but he was informed by a member of the lovely staff that Maud actually moved in there when she gifted it so the dumb waiter was to service her needs. Jake near wet himself when he stood where Ian Fleming had tapped his cigarette on a gold case that Maud had gifted him :-)


Tomorrow we head for Longleat but no way is the hire car going through the monkey enclosure. My son lost his windscreen wipers last time he tried it!

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^^The bugger has a kidney infection! He had it before he left but wouldn't go the the GP in case I cancelled the trip. My Son had a big hoo hah with the receptionist who knew bugger all about the reciprocal agreement and he was told, "go to the walk in centre if you don't believe that he has to pay, but they will tell you the same. The walk in centre which was only 2 minutes away duly treated him immediately, and said they would "back up" the lodging of a complaint. My son has already lodged one :-)


Mottison was beautiful. A walk down by the river had us seeing brown trout the size of which we'd never seen before. I reckon some of them must have been 3 kilo+. The rose gardens were still in bloom and Maud Russel must have been quite a lady to gift the property to the National Trust. Jake picked up on the dumb waiter being in the servants quarters upstaits, saying, "that can't be right" they ate in the scullery, but he was informed by a member of the lovely staff that Maud actually moved in there when she gifted it so the dumb waiter was to service her needs. Jake near wet himself when he stood where Ian Fleming had tapped his cigarette on a gold case that Maud had gifted him :-)


Tomorrow we head for Longleat but no way is the hire car going through the monkey enclosure. My son lost his windscreen wipers last time he tried it!


why complain?


I'm sure the receptionist was just trying to help.....all that will come of this is the receptionists gets a boll#king.....whats that gonna solve.....you got treated.

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why complain?


I'm sure the receptionist was just trying to help.....all that will come of this is the receptionists gets a boll#king.....whats that gonna solve.....you got treated.




Unlikely. Hopefully it'll be used as a training opportunity. They usually are.


She obviously didn't know and should have sought further information rather than telling them to go away.

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why complain?


I'm sure the receptionist was just trying to help.....all that will come of this is the receptionists gets a boll#king.....whats that gonna solve.....you got treated.


Only because we went elsewhere, through no choice of our own, instead of my son's regular GP who refused treatment,,,,,,,,correction, a jobsworths reception refused treatment, and no, she wasn't trying to help, as can clearly be indicated if you read my post properly in that she said we would get the same "brush off" elsewhere.You mean a Pom that got refused treatment under the reciprocal agreement wouldn't complain if they took ill in Oz? How do you educate jobsworths receptionists if you don't complain? Like I said earlier, some of us don't have an agenda, but we can clearly see those that have. Read, digest, or get a life.

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Unlikely. Hopefully it'll be used as a training opportunity. They usually are.


She obviously didn't know and should have sought further information rather than telling them to go away.


Than you. A voice of reason/common sense.

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Only because we went elsewhere, through no choice of our own, instead of my son's regular GP who refused treatment,,,,,,,,correction, a jobsworths reception refused treatment, and no, she wasn't trying to help, as can clearly be indicated if you read my post properly in that she said we would get the same "brush off" elsewhere.You mean a Pom that got refused treatment under the reciprocal agreement wouldn't complain if they took ill in Oz? How do you educate jobsworths receptionists if you don't complain? Like I said earlier, some of us don't have an agenda, but we can clearly see those that have. Read, digest, or get a life.


a GP's surgery?


You have to be registered at a GP's to see a dr.....unless its an emergency then I am sure they would have seen you......we have walk-in-clinics for minor probs and A&E if its an emergency.......I dont know why or how you came to be having a disagreement with the GP's receptionist but if you know you are entitled to free care then just head off to the walk-in-clinic and get it.....The GP's was probably already fully booked so did not have space anyway......more than likely a mis-communications.....I still think to complain is going a little over the top....too many people now-a-days are only to happy to complain......me personally I am not the complaining type so would just get on with it as it seems you eventually did......hope your boy got the care he needed.....our NHS is the best in the world you know.....us in the UK are very lucky.

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a GP's surgery?


You have to be registered at a GP's to see a dr.....unless its an emergency then I am sure they would have seen you......we have walk-in-clinics for minor probs and A&E if its an emergency.......I dont know why or how you came to be having a disagreement with the GP's receptionist but if you know you are entitled to free care then just head off to the walk-in-clinic and get it.....The GP's was probably already fully booked so did not have space anyway......more than likely a mis-communications.....I still think to complain is going a little over the top....too many people now-a-days are only to happy to complain......me personally I am not the complaining type so would just get on with it as it seems you eventually did......hope your boy got the care he needed.....our NHS is the best in the world you know.....us in the UK are very lucky.


Like I said, Get a life. My post is not about attacking or defending the NHS, It's about something that went amiss that should not have. Any Aussie, leastwise someone with dual nationality is entitled to see a GP of their choice in the UK, My son chose to take his Brit born brother to his GP who he had been with for 18 yrs and was turned away by a jobsworth receptionist,,,,,,,,,,,end of! Argue all you want, defend all you want, it was out of order and any brit experiencing the same in Oz would likely soon kick up a stink. Its about legal entitlement not agendas such as yours. FWIW I had a similar complaint a while back and my GP had me in hospital within 2 hrs and on an antibiotic drip immediately (which is documented in this forum somewhere) Supposing my son's infection was as far advanced as mine was, what would being directed elswhere have benefited his need for immediate treatment?

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You don't have to be registered - you can go in and fill in a temporary patient form and get treatment. If they were fully booked, she should have said that, not given false information.

I've worked in five GP surgeries and while most people are helpful and do their best, there are those who see it as their job to prevent any communication with 'their' Dr.

We do have a fantastic NHS, but there is always room for improvement, and knowing about who has the right to treatment is increasingly important, not only for those who are entitled to treatment, but also to be aware of those who aren't. If this complaint raises the issue at this surgery then the appropriate training can be given.

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The receptionist was wrong,


have sadly had to go to the Dr. a couple of times when back in the UK, I don't even have reciprocal rights as not eligible to Medicare here, or any rights to NHS as lived overseas too long, even though British subject, don't ask we fall between the cracks.


Never been turned away.


Kev, just have a wonderful time enjoy the holiday, and ignore the PIO posters who just cause mischief.

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