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Flies and bugs


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Ok so looks like the Perth move is off and it's mornington pen in vic

Is it buggy ?

Sorry but if I hear one more 'I had a friend who said bla bla ' I just need it like it is from you folks

Thanks xx

Yes, we get a lot of flies during the Summer, though I did not find last Summer too bad. We use repellant to keep them away from our face. We get the usual bugs, moths, mossies etc, though nothing to worry about if you take care. Don't leave water to stagnate around the garden etc. We have lived in peace with them all for 34 years, by just using common sense. Control what bothers you. What does not, leave alone.

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On my travels round Australia, the only place we found bugs problematic was in Western Australia, can't step outside without being covered in them (not Perth itself though).


We experienced that in the Mt Buller area in Victoria. My wife refused to get out of the car again :)

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Eww. Is that a certain month or all of the time?


Well I was in Western Australia twice last year, early November and late December / early January. I cannot comment on the rest of the year. But the times we were there you would get out of your car and after ten steps would have hundreds of flies all of your back. We were in Margaret River, Albany, Esperance on the first trip and the second time we went north to Exmouth and Ningaloo.

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I wouldn't have thought Mornington would be too bad. The worst for me are the mossies that come out early evening and the sandflies, horrible little beasts. Houses have flyscreens so you are fine indoors and there are plenty of commercial remedies for outdoors. Not that many cockroaches, either- much worse further north.

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Well I was in Western Australia twice last year, early November and late December / early January. I cannot comment on the rest of the year. But the times we were there you would get out of your car and after ten steps would have hundreds of flies all of your back. We were in Margaret River, Albany, Esperance on the first trip and the second time we went north to Exmouth and Ningaloo.


In outback areas there bad all spring to start of winter. Not an issue through winter, but outside of winter they can be VERY bad. I have a picture somewhere of me near Laverton and it looks like I have a black shirt on - it's not. Just covered in flies.


In Perth and coastal areas we get a few waves of them each summer. Normally associated with winds blowing from the outback. Each wave though rarely lasts more than a week. But that week can be horrid - enough to make you question if it worth stepping foot outside.

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