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Favourite Place to Get a Coffee in Australia


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Dont like any of those brands - cheap coffee often poorly made. I like Campos and Elixir coffee but it has to be made right.

Deer Sir in Portside - Hamilton is my current favourite

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2 of my locals:


Little corner cafe - Wooloowin

Artie and Mai - Albion


Oh and The Low Road - Windsor


I like Genovese beans

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7/11 $1 does it for me, as does any chateaux de cardboard box under $10 for 5 litres, Coles regular mince in me chilli and spag bog, Woolies barbeque snags and a $1 loaf, all toiletries bottom of the line Aldi..........illustrates fully who/what I am :-)

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I'm a bit of a coffee whore so I couldn't possibly select just one favourite place but one of my current favourites is Ona Coffee House in Canberra. They roast their own coffee and the owner is the 2015 world champion barista. They really do serve coffee to die for :yes:

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I don't drink coffee very often but when I do, I'm really fussy. Gloria Jean's coffee is just awful - Starbucks even worse. There are some very good independent coffee shops in Sydney - Newtown and Leichhardt were my favourite areas for good coffee shops.

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Too many places around here in Melbourne to have a favourite. We usually frequent local independent cafes. Last time I had coffee from a well-known chain was at Melbourne Airport. It was somewhat average.


One local cafe we tend to visit a little more regularly than others is Miss Marie in Rosanna. Really nice "regular" coffee and they have some great special offerings too.

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I'm learning loads here from my own thread about coffee lol


I do go into smaller cafe's independents when out and about and have found some really nice places with great coffee


But none that close to me tbh


I guess it's more out of ease I go to the above I listed


I'm no expert for sure especially after reading the replies in here


I guess if you like the taste yourself that's ok then


Saying that I was the same with wine what some told me was wow tasted like vinegar to me lol


I'm definitely going to be trying more places now for sure


Keep em coming especially anyone close to me

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So just how do you define (good) coffee? Like I say, 7/11 does it for me and I've even gone apeshlt 'cause Jake has spent mega bucks on Maccona when Aldi hits the spot for me. Like everything else, coffee is subjective and perhaps well illustrated by the fact that not so long ago,(in my lifespan) it was fairly cheap and most folk had their eyes glued to the tv, advertising the merits of the "tetley men" or the "PG tips chimps"


I hate to place a "personal" slant on this thread, (despite my first response seeming to miss the mark) but aren't you all victims of marketing, otr heaven forbid, some kind of snobbery?


When the time has come that a drink of coffee can cost as much as a brekky (Howard take notice) then sureely that is indicative, not so much of a good "drink" but of marketing strategy and the consumers willingless to be sucked into yet another "fad"? Coffee is already on it's way out and tea is making inroads. I seee more shops selling tea producst than I see selling cofffee products, it just needs an entrepreneur to market tea on the same level/platform as coffee and he/she will have suckered yet another generation of "cool people" :rolleyes:

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So just how do you define (good) coffee? Like I say, 7/11 does it for me and I've even gone apeshlt 'cause Jake has spent mega bucks on Maccona when Aldi hits the spot for me. Like everything else, coffee is subjective and perhaps well illustrated by the fact that not so long ago,(in my lifespan) it was fairly cheap and most folk had their eyes glued to the tv, advertising the merits of the "tetley men" or the "PG tips chimps"


I hate to place a "personal" slant on this thread, (despite my first response seeming to miss the mark) but aren't you all victims of marketing, otr heaven forbid, some kind of snobbery?


When the time has come that a drink of coffee can cost as much as a brekky (Howard take notice) then sureely that is indicative, not so much of a good "drink" but of marketing strategy and the consumers willingless to be sucked into yet another "fad"? Coffee is already on it's way out and tea is making inroads. I seee more shops selling tea producst than I see selling cofffee products, it just needs an entrepreneur to market tea on the same level/platform as coffee and he/she will have suckered yet another generation of "cool people" :rolleyes:


While I can see how it could look like just snobbery or a fad (and there are certainly some coffee snobs around).... you honestly really can detect a whole range of coffee decency when you drink espresso daily. We can all remember back to the pre-addict days when we couldn't tell that much difference so understand where you are coming from.


The good ones are so great that average or bad coffees just become really disappointing when you are addicted and know how good they can be :) Had a "terrible" coffee at sea world today...so annoying...morning coffee on the mountain at springbrook made by a kid was better...


It also seems really hard to get a great coffee out at the suburban shopping mega malls. The chains just can't seem to do it.

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While I can see how it could look like just snobbery or a fad (and there are certainly some coffee snobs around).... you honestly really can detect a whole range of coffee decency when you drink espresso daily. We can all remember back to the pre-addict days when we couldn't tell that much difference so understand where you are coming from.


The good ones are so great that average or bad coffees just become really disappointing when you are addicted and know how good they can be :) Had a "terrible" coffee at sea world today...so annoying...morning coffee on the mountain at springbrook made by a kid was better...


It also seems really hard to get a great coffee out at the suburban shopping mega malls. The chains just can't seem to do it.


And although I concur to a point.............It can only be to your point. Just like anything else, whether it's the best car to drive, feather or flock pillows, Tetleys or PG Tips, Bourbon or Irish..............it's all subjective. A "good" anything nowadays seems to be quantified by it's price/media hype.


That said, I do enjoy certain coffe more than others but I would never have the temerity to quantify what I enjoy as "good"................I mean?..............who the feck am I to say what is good?............or anyone for that matter?

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We rarely get to Fonzie Abbott and is a treat when we do go. I always dreamt about sitting out on Saturday or Sunday morning reading the papers and watching the world go by for and hour or two. I get to do this at our local Cafe 63 again on Racecourse Road so is where most of my cafe bought coffee is consumed. A good 7/10. We otherwise have a coffee machine at home which is used each morning. If in a rush then instant will do.


Certainly not a snob, just enjoy a nice and relaxing coffee. Tea is the devils work and never passes my lips after being forced as a kid to drink over sweetened tea by my gran who I loved dearly.



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Coffee...Ever smelled the wonderful perfume of the coffee flower??


A neighbour has a coffee bush and the pong when the flowers open is delicious. There is a plantation on the Bruce Hwy at Proserpine (north side).


Aah, coffee.


Cheers, Bobj.

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No idea why snobbery around such a simple pursuit as drinking coffee. Earlier times no doubt expressed a degree of sophistication knowing your beans. Just uttering the word Late would have been almost akin to be bilingual not so long back.


Most coffee in Perth I find pretty ordinary. Not bad.Just more or less ordinary. Hardly anything to fuss about. I have never as I recall savoured the odour of fresh coffee in the morning as I recall it in Amsterdam and some European cities. It may have been so in Melbourne . Mark up incredible considering what it is. What is more important is the ambiance and in my case necessary to have all the day's newspapers.

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After being back home the last few weeks it is good to appreciate the Australian coffee. $3.50 from my local cafe for something far superior for the 2.50 pound equivalent in the UK chains which are everywhere. Hope this doesn't cause any offence to any of the thin skinned :wink:

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After being back home the last few weeks it is good to appreciate the Australian coffee. $3.50 from my local cafe for something far superior for the 2.50 pound equivalent in the UK chains which are everywhere. Hope this doesn't cause any offence to any of the thin skinned :wink:


I expect you missed not having your favourite barista on speed dial.

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I expect you missed not having your favourite barista on speed dial.


Why would I call them? I don't expect the red carpet when I arrive.

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So just how do you define (good) coffee? Like I say, 7/11 does it for me and I've even gone apeshlt 'cause Jake has spent mega bucks on Maccona when Aldi hits the spot for me. Like everything else, coffee is subjective and perhaps well illustrated by the fact that not so long ago,(in my lifespan) it was fairly cheap and most folk had their eyes glued to the tv, advertising the merits of the "tetley men" or the "PG tips chimps"


I hate to place a "personal" slant on this thread, (despite my first response seeming to miss the mark) but aren't you all victims of marketing, otr heaven forbid, some kind of snobbery?


When the time has come that a drink of coffee can cost as much as a brekky (Howard take notice) then sureely that is indicative, not so much of a good "drink" but of marketing strategy and the consumers willingless to be sucked into yet another "fad"? Coffee is already on it's way out and tea is making inroads. I seee more shops selling tea producst than I see selling cofffee products, it just needs an entrepreneur to market tea on the same level/platform as coffee and he/she will have suckered yet another generation of "cool people" :rolleyes:



A good coffee delivers a harmonious balance of aroma, acidity and body and tastes and smells devine. I think a good barista is the same as a good wine maker. Both ensure the elements of the coffee/wine are balanced and that no element predominates at the expense of the others.

Marketing has nothing to do with it for me. You could market tea with the best campaign the world has ever seen and I still wouldn't enjoy it.

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