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here we go again x

yorkshire rose

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HI i have not been on the forum for a while was getting a bit sole destroyed as things were not working out well for us. We are now im very pleased to say in a position where we have just put the house up for sale so at least things a now moving in the right direction. Where we will end up i do not know i will leave it up to fate and see where the nursing jobs are for me. I am now looking forward to reading all of your posts which have always been a massive help to decisions being made. My first being i have to get out of the UK and the NHS x

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Thank you for your replies, I appreciate how it looks - it does seem bizarre to sell house etc. but we would have sold anyway, if for any reason we are unable to come to oz we would move out of the area anyway, i am desperate to move and i have looked at threads before showing that they were having to put their moves to oz on hold because they were unable to sell their properties. We also have to wait approximately a year for our daughter to complete A levels and either come with us or settle into university so we decided to sell then rent until we decided once and for all what to do at least then we would have less things to worry about, also financially we were not in a position to finance the move or the visa without the equity from the house. Its a case of needs must and im getting to the age where my points are drastically reducing lol so its now or never. Very Stormy I honestly didnt know that thank you for that information i can pass it on to my colleagues thankfully for me while ive been off the forum sulking i topped my ADV Dip up to Degree (thank god). I would presume that that would be a huge problem to those nurses who have been qualified a number of years as the new courses are now all degree. I agree with you also on the fact that a visa is not a certainty seen as i literally just have enough points xxx thank you all for your comments

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We also sold the house before the visa grant. We didnt think we would get an offer as quick as we did ,but we were not refusing it. We have no regrets, it allowed us to declutter properly and we stayed with rellies until we actually left the UK .


Cal x

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We sold the house after we knew we'd got the visa. We were at the point of if we hadn't got accepted we would have been looking to move too. As it turned out the house sale paid for the move and we lived with the in-laws for a couple of months. Worked out really well.


Good luck with your plans.

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