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Are we kidding ourselves ?


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UK is really good if you appreciate cheap slop. Australia doesn't have anything like Toby carvery I will grant you.

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Depends on size of school too but my husband earned as a deputy in UK primary what he STARTED on as a newly qualified teacher in Aus. So do expect a likely pay cut!



Seriously? Deputy heads can pull £100,000. A head can pull £150,000. Where was he teaching? The silly isles?

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UK is really good if you appreciate cheap slop. Australia doesn't have anything like Toby carvery I will grant you.



Well it tasted great meat was tender and so was the potatoes haven't had a carvery like it in oz let's put it like that I've been a Toby carvery aswell and I can do a mixture of dining as I've eaten out everyday more or less for six weeks I think u have to try everything and it was delicious although my eyes were bigger than my belly ! So I never finished it ! My hubby will let me go anywhere I want to go by the way ! i have just eaten chocolate pudding and custard and a bag of galaxy minstrels blarting my eyes out cuddling the dog listening to foot prints in the sand ! Feeling depressed u see there is more thing in life to me than just a beach oz has been a shocker ! The grass is never greener !

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I love what Oz has given me and I love Oz and Aussies, but as I've gotten (notice that Americanism there :-) older, I yearn for the earlier familiarity of the UK............IOW, you can't deny your roots and how those roots influence you, albeit at different stages of your life. Money only enters into it, not because one or the other offer more financially but basically, because I couldn't survive, as a pensioner, on the UK state pension alone, if I returned to the UK. It's not about seeking better financial circumstance (for me) but more about financially surviving.........a huge difference with regards to your words "priority" and "superior"


Agree and this is really the main point! We didn't move to Australia for the money, we left for the adventure. 12 years later, 2 kids who will be high school age, my husband who will be 50 and our priorities are slightly different now. We need to make sure our family will be ok financially. We are fortunate to be able to get our ducks in a row before we decide where and when to go.

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You don't work in education do you?!

Sounds like you dont either.


[h=1]State Schools Heads Paid More Than £150,000[/h]






head1.jpgThe latest TES pay survey shows that senior figures in the education system are earning record salaries and bonuses.

According to the Times Educational Supplement, the standard starting pay for academy heads is £110,000. However, some state school headteachers earn even more, although salaries often include bonuses for other work.

John Dunford, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said top salaries were still restricted to a small number of heads. “There’s no question at all, these are difficult jobs with massive responsibilities and accountabilities,” he said.

The gap between the richest and the poorest working in the schools sector is wider than ever, with some education leaders now on salaries of more than £200,000 - 20 times the average pay of a teaching assistant.

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Well to get the rail to work costs a fortune. Eating out can be cheaper in UK if you like the cheaper quality stuff but for a good quality meal I think Oz is cheaper. The standard of pub grub in Oz is much better than UK on average. You may like the 2 for 10 quid type places but I prefer fresh food which oz is better value in my opinion.



I I don't think pub grub is better in oz no way do I ! Rail travel yes dearer ! I like fresh food aswell like home made which most I've gone have been home made !

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Sounds like you dont either.


State Schools Heads Paid More Than £150,000







head1.jpgThe latest TES pay survey shows that senior figures in the education system are earning record salaries and bonuses.

According to the Times Educational Supplement, the standard starting pay for academy heads is £110,000. However, some state school headteachers earn even more, although salaries often include bonuses for other work.

John Dunford, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said top salaries were still restricted to a small number of heads. “There’s no question at all, these are difficult jobs with massive responsibilities and accountabilities,” he said.

The gap between the richest and the poorest working in the schools sector is wider than ever, with some education leaders now on salaries of more than £200,000 - 20 times the average pay of a teaching assistant.



My my sisters husbands a head master I shall ask him ! When my sister phones

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Did you even read your own quoted article pb? Top salaries restricted to a SMALL number of headteachers! Just because a few earn megabucks doesn't make that the norm! The head in his school was on £60k . Not awful but certainly not headline worthy! Again Google not making you an expert!

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Did you even read your own quoted article pb? Top salaries restricted to a SMALL number of headteachers! Just because a few earn megabucks doesn't make that the norm! The head in his school was on £60k . Not awful but certainly not headline worthy! Again Google not making you an expert!



I assume you migrated when the exchange rate was 3:1, and I assume that advantage is not as good as it used to be, and you can look forward to it getting worse with the added bonus of extra inflation. You have to be careful basing a move decision on exchange rates.

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We have Been Back in Australia 7 months,after being over to the Uk for 1 year.I think it depends on what part of the Uk you live in.And what part of Australia you live.We were in the North East .It was so cheap there,4 bedroomed detached 140,000 pounds council tax 85 a month,car insurance 218 pounds, car Tax 30 pound.on a Citroen 4,Cost 550 pounds MOT 1 year. house in a nice rural Village with jaw dropping countryside,And rivers you could get down to. We shopped at Aldi Couldn't believe the Bill Trolly over flowing with everything there's so much choice there than here,78 pounds.Going out for a Meal and a drink is Fantastic. The last time we went out just before we came back.There were 6 adults.All had our Choice of Meal and drinks.I paid and it was 72 ponds.We live in Queensland on the Sunshine Coast.It is so expensive.It's sickening Rates are $1600 half yearly including water.Car insurance $700,Car Rego $700 and is going up next month.Food bill at Aldi we travel 70 klms as it;s so expensive at Woolworths local Store. $640 for two weeks main shop.then we buy extra's local like milk $4 3lt Bread a decent loaf of bread is $5.Half a cabbage $5 Broccoli $10 We have a pool and our electric not bad around $400 3 months.Car repairs $150 hr.A tradesman to do work in the house.Is Abnormally expensive.OH All medication in the UK for over 60's is FREE. I would say Cost over Living in Australia is DOUBLE compared to the UK. Australia has lost it's appeal.It's so expensive,And things will soon get really worse.They say Recession is on it's way.Australia's wealth has been wasted,the mining boom is well and truly over,Australia is now living beyond it's means.The Liberals refused to diversify, They went to selling live animals overseas,the closed all the abattoirs down putting thousands out of work.Now even mines are closing. The country is broke.Borrowing $100 million a day,and they have just bought a load of helicopters,Costing Billion's and want to build 12 more Submarines.Costing Billion's For What?

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As you said Zack, it definitely depends on which part of the country you live. I buy my fruit and veggies at the local greengrocers and today I paid $1 for a big cauliflower and 80 cents for a cabbage. I NEVER buy fruit and veg at Colesworth. We live in a nice house for the equivalent of just over 150,000 quid. BUT I live in Tasmania - been here for 16 months now and wouldn't live anywhere else. Not much good for work though. We are now retired.

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We have Been Back in Australia 7 months,after being over to the Uk for 1 year.I think it depends on what part of the Uk you live in.And what part of Australia you live.We were in the North East .It was so cheap there,4 bedroomed detached 140,000 pounds council tax 85 a month,car insurance 218 pounds, car Tax 30 pound.on a Citroen 4,Cost 550 pounds MOT 1 year. house in a nice rural Village with jaw dropping countryside,And rivers you could get down to. We shopped at Aldi Couldn't believe the Bill Trolly over flowing with everything there's so much choice there than here,78 pounds.Going out for a Meal and a drink is Fantastic. The last time we went out just before we came back.There were 6 adults.All had our Choice of Meal and drinks.I paid and it was 72 ponds.We live in Queensland on the Sunshine Coast.It is so expensive.It's sickening Rates are $1600 half yearly including water.Car insurance $700,Car Rego $700 and is going up next month.Food bill at Aldi we travel 70 klms as it;s so expensive at Woolworths local Store. $640 for two weeks main shop.then we buy extra's local like milk $4 3lt Bread a decent loaf of bread is $5.Half a cabbage $5 Broccoli $10 We have a pool and our electric not bad around $400 3 months.Car repairs $150 hr.A tradesman to do work in the house.Is Abnormally expensive.OH All medication in the UK for over 60's is FREE. I would say Cost over Living in Australia is DOUBLE compared to the UK. Australia has lost it's appeal.It's so expensive,And things will soon get really worse.They say Recession is on it's way.Australia's wealth has been wasted,the mining boom is well and truly over,Australia is now living beyond it's means.The Liberals refused to diversify, They went to selling live animals overseas,the closed all the abattoirs down putting thousands out of work.Now even mines are closing. The country is broke.Borrowing $100 million a day,and they have just bought a load of helicopters,Costing Billion's and want to build 12 more Submarines.Costing Billion's For What?


Whereabouts on the S Coast are you? If the nearest Aldi is 70k's away?

We have 4 Aldis near us, Caloundra, Brightwater, Maroochydore, Noosa.

not sure it's altogether fair to compare the NE of England to the S Coast?

Luckily we don't need much medication, so $30 a month is ok, but agree it would be free for us in UK, it can be very expensive. Not sure but there used to be a cap? My daughter keeps all her receipts? Medicare safety net?

Yes Woolworths is expensive, will be interesting to compare your prices to our local S Coast Woolworths., but we do shop at farmer's markets, as there are plenty on the coast, much fresher even if not cheaper


If you are over 65? Then there is home assist on the S Coast, helps with a few things.

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We have Been Back in Australia 7 months,after being over to the Uk for 1 year.I think it depends on what part of the Uk you live in.And what part of Australia you live.We were in the North East .It was so cheap there,4 bedroomed detached 140,000 pounds council tax 85 a month,car insurance 218 pounds, car Tax 30 pound.on a Citroen 4,Cost 550 pounds MOT 1 year. house in a nice rural Village with jaw dropping countryside,And rivers you could get down to. We shopped at Aldi Couldn't believe the Bill Trolly over flowing with everything there's so much choice there than here,78 pounds.Going out for a Meal and a drink is Fantastic. The last time we went out just before we came back.There were 6 adults.All had our Choice of Meal and drinks.I paid and it was 72 ponds.We live in Queensland on the Sunshine Coast.It is so expensive.It's sickening Rates are $1600 half yearly including water.Car insurance $700,Car Rego $700 and is going up next month.Food bill at Aldi we travel 70 klms as it;s so expensive at Woolworths local Store. $640 for two weeks main shop.then we buy extra's local like milk $4 3lt Bread a decent loaf of bread is $5.Half a cabbage $5 Broccoli $10 We have a pool and our electric not bad around $400 3 months.Car repairs $150 hr.A tradesman to do work in the house.Is Abnormally expensive.OH All medication in the UK for over 60's is FREE. I would say Cost over Living in Australia is DOUBLE compared to the UK. Australia has lost it's appeal.It's so expensive,And things will soon get really worse.They say Recession is on it's way.Australia's wealth has been wasted,the mining boom is well and truly over,Australia is now living beyond it's means.The Liberals refused to diversify, They went to selling live animals overseas,the closed all the abattoirs down putting thousands out of work.Now even mines are closing. The country is broke.Borrowing $100 million a day,and they have just bought a load of helicopters,Costing Billion's and want to build 12 more Submarines.Costing Billion's For What?


Why did you come back after 12 months? It sounds like you had it made it in the north east of England.

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I assume you migrated when the exchange rate was 3:1, and I assume that advantage is not as good as it used to be, and you can look forward to it getting worse with the added bonus of extra inflation. You have to be careful basing a move decision on exchange rates.


You do indeed. Inflationary pressures together with a falling dollar and negative and in cases declining wage growth will see us In Australia becoming poorer.

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As far as i can work out, teacher in AU $ 69,500 ( 34,000 pound) from web site uk wage 24,000 to 29,000 pound.

Electrician town work AU $78,000 ( 38,750 pound ) from web site uk wage 26,000 to 32,000 pound.

Big difference in wages and AU also pay 9% super on top, not sure if uk has a compulsory superanuation.

Want to head back home but don't want to be worse off financially if we can help it.


My husband is an Electrician and will be starting back on 34,800 GBP for 6 months then going to 40,000 GBP after that. It is a difference of 1.50 GBP ($3) less per hour compared to his Aus wage. A lot of the jobs advertised on sites are through agencies which pay much less - my husband was offered the same job through an agency at 22,000 GBP!.

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Yes you are! (in my humble opinion)


forget the peripheries, what are the biggest expenses in life?

1. House

2. Car

3. Fuel

4. Food


1. OZ 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 lounge, double garage, big garden, 200m2 living, walk to Indian Ocean , pool = £250,000 . UK 3 bed, 1 bath, single garage, small block, 1200m living at a push (and that's an older house which have much bigger spaces than new ones = £375,000

2. New Honda crv Oz £17,000, Uk £34,000

3. Petrol / diesel is half in oz

4. Food, not a great deal in it

eating out is too subjective to bring into it

gst 10% vat 20%

dont even get me started on the rip life uk pensions versus Australian superannuation.


Just add add to that I earned more than 3 times in $ what I do in £


i could go on all day, I have no problem with people preferring to live in the uk over oz, but tha fact is the standard of living here is

way lower than Australia. I would have to be a millionaire in Souter. England to have what we had in Perth.

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Yes you are! (in my humble opinion)


forget the peripheries, what are the biggest expenses in life?

1. House

2. Car

3. Fuel

4. Food


1. OZ 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 lounge, double garage, big garden, 200m2 living, walk to Indian Ocean , pool = £250,000 . UK 3 bed, 1 bath, single garage, small block, 1200m living at a push (and that's an older house which have much bigger spaces than new ones = £375,000

2. New Honda crv Oz £17,000, Uk £34,000

3. Petrol / diesel is half in oz

4. Food, not a great deal in it

eating out is too subjective to bring into it

gst 10% vat 20%

dont even get me started on the rip life uk pensions versus Australian superannuation.


Just add add to that I earned more than 3 times in $ what I do in £


i could go on all day, I have no problem with people preferring to live in the uk over oz, but tha fact is the standard of living here is

way lower than Australia. I would have to be a millionaire in Souter. England to have what we had in Perth.





Again depends on location - my Oz house as you describe above was approx. 350,000 GBP, whereas UK houses that we're looking at are max. 200,000 GBP.


Yes petrol is half price but you don't need to drive such long distances in the UK so a full tank lasts longer, we're filling up only once a week compared to every 3 days in Oz and believe me we are getting out and about.

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Yes you are! (in my humble opinion)


forget the peripheries, what are the biggest expenses in life?

1. House

2. Car

3. Fuel

4. Food


1. OZ 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 lounge, double garage, big garden, 200m2 living, walk to Indian Ocean , pool = £250,000 . UK 3 bed, 1 bath, single garage, small block, 1200m living at a push (and that's an older house which have much bigger spaces than new ones = £375,000

2. New Honda crv Oz £17,000, Uk £34,000

3. Petrol / diesel is half in oz

4. Food, not a great deal in it

eating out is too subjective to bring into it

gst 10% vat 20%

dont even get me started on the rip life uk pensions versus Australian superannuation.


Just add add to that I earned more than 3 times in $ what I do in £


i could go on all day, I have no problem with people preferring to live in the uk over oz, but tha fact is the standard of living here is

way lower than Australia. I would have to be a millionaire in Souter. England to have what we had in Perth.




you on about places like butler , secret harbour and all the places you need a helicopter to get back to civilisation

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Again depends on location - my Oz house as you describe above was approx. 350,000 GBP, whereas UK houses that we're looking at are max. 200,000 GBP.


Yes petrol is half price but you don't need to drive such long distances in the UK so a full tank lasts longer, we're filling up only once a week compared to every 3 days in Oz and believe me we are getting out and about.

he was probably 6575848476483939 kms out of a cbd

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