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Outlook for economy not good


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You seem to make a lot of comments about the UK, couldn't that be considered hypocrisy?


I only have the UK to compare anything with and the rest of mine and my wife's families are over there and keep us informed about how things are for them. Kirk and Co didn't make a comment or an observation based on any facts, just put some laugh emoticons up. Don't mind comments if someone writes up why they think the way they do. They may know a lot more about economics than I do.


I live here though and see what the state of the economy is daily. For someone to just whack up a laugh not backed up by anything is a bit light on.:cool:

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Someone in another thread was saying how great it was that their house was worth $1.2m, is it any wonder first home buyers just can't get on the ladder ? It amazes me that the crazy house prices are being used as a reason the economy is doing well.


Me too bristolman. Don't think it's a very good guide. To be fair though you would get some kind of flash place for $1.2mill, at least in Perth you would. We live in a detached 4 x 2, on a big corner block, in a lovely beachside suburb. About 30Km out of Perth and 6 Km from Joondalup. It's worth about $750,000. It's plenty big enough for us and if we forked out $1.2mill we would be in a real flash double story, probably stick to the same suburb as we love it.


It is tough for first time buyers but tell me when isn't. I remember getting our first end terrace in the UK and being worried about the mortgage. Then I worked in London for a while and the guys down there wouldn't believe what we'd paid for the house. You couldn't buy a dog kennel in London for the same price.:laugh: That was back in the mid 80's. It's continued to thrive though somehow.

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WA has gone into recession


I had a quick check on-line and it all depends on which website you look at. There are very well laid down rules for the definition of a recession and it should be easy to work out.


As long as we hang onto our jobs (or better still I get redundancy) we'll be OK eh Paul.

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I had a quick check on-line and it all depends on which website you look at. There are very well laid down rules for the definition of a recession and it should be easy to work out.


As long as we hang onto our jobs (or better still I get redundancy) we'll be OK eh Paul.


The definition of a technical recession is two quarters of negative growth. WA did this this week.


Data ta earlier in the week was clear that even if we had escaped the recession, the economy was feeling recessionary to the population due to stagnated wages.


The worry for my perspective is just how severe it will be. After each of the last 5 booms in WA mining history, WA has had a significant recession. The depth of that recession has been a factor of the preceding boom. We have just gone through the biggest boom in its history.....!


couple that with appalling economic management by the state government and I can not be anything but pessimistic. Instead of squiriling away money during the good times, they blew it. The state debt is now to big to give much wriggle room for them to do much. But, hey we are about to get Elizabeth Quay. A set of office blocks and hotels as Perth already has record amounts of empty offices - up to 20% and hotels are reporting record under occupancy rates.


The over optimistic believed the housing construction sector would carry us through. And yes, construction is doing well - now! Approvals are falling off the cliff so, while plenty of work for trades now, in 6 months when they catch up to the approvals being granted now, it is known that things will get as nasty in construction as it is mining. At the moment, the governments only idea seems to be tourism and hospitality. So, shifting its economy to a sector that is primarily a minimum wage sector. Nice!

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Me too bristolman. Don't think it's a very good guide. To be fair though you would get some kind of flash place for $1.2mill, at least in Perth you would. We live in a detached 4 x 2, on a big corner block, in a lovely beachside suburb. About 30Km out of Perth and 6 Km from Joondalup. It's worth about $750,000. It's plenty big enough for us and if we forked out $1.2mill we would be in a real flash double story, probably stick to the same suburb as we love it.


It is tough for first time buyers but tell me when isn't. I remember getting our first end terrace in the UK and being worried about the mortgage. Then I worked in London for a while and the guys down there wouldn't believe what we'd paid for the house. You couldn't buy a dog kennel in London for the same price.:laugh: That was back in the mid 80's. It's continued to thrive though somehow.


You certainly could get some reasonable deals late 90's in London when the market crashed. Very hard now though.As for Perth 1.2 million is fairly common in my suburb, though still just under a million more so. As in all cities the further out the cheaper it tends to be. Sounds expensive your area considering distance from Perth.

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The definition of a technical recession is two quarters of negative growth. WA did this this week.


Data ta earlier in the week was clear that even if we had escaped the recession, the economy was feeling recessionary to the population due to stagnated wages.


The worry for my perspective is just how severe it will be. After each of the last 5 booms in WA mining history, WA has had a significant recession. The depth of that recession has been a factor of the preceding boom. We have just gone through the biggest boom in its history.....!


couple that with appalling economic management by the state government and I can not be anything but pessimistic. Instead of squiriling away money during the good times, they blew it. The state debt is now to big to give much wriggle room for them to do much. But, hey we are about to get Elizabeth Quay. A set of office blocks and hotels as Perth already has record amounts of empty offices - up to 20% and hotels are reporting record under occupancy rates.


The over optimistic believed the housing construction sector would carry us through. And yes, construction is doing well - now! Approvals are falling off the cliff so, while plenty of work for trades now, in 6 months when they catch up to the approvals being granted now, it is known that things will get as nasty in construction as it is mining. At the moment, the governments only idea seems to be tourism and hospitality. So, shifting its economy to a sector that is primarily a minimum wage sector. Nice!


Pretty much how it is. Having lived through a recession or part of back in the 80's it was hard with little work for close on a year. But as now no mortgage or debts to worry about. So as such it was bearable and besides the price of things were cheapish compared to London from where I had just arrived. Different world now of course (as many impacted in todays globalised economy)with no ready escape route to turn to.

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I wonder what you can't see the point in? Those living here discussing the falling economy or those that have been or are intending/thinking to/of moving out. Not a big stretch of the imagination to see why all especially stakeholders with regards to the Australian economy would very much of an interest in such bread and butter issues, surely?

Those I'm on about are the ones who are very happy living in the UK


Not going to be coming back to Australia


So won't affect them at all

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Those I'm on about are the ones who are very happy living in the UK


Not going to be coming back to Australia


So won't affect them at all


Perhaps not but they still give voice to the done that, been there, conquered or been conquered and returned. Surely a multi dimensional collection of voices add depth to what is obviously a many sided coin? No one can articulate the whole picture with any particular one sided view.

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Perhaps not but they still give voice to the done that, been there, conquered or been conquered and returned. Surely a multi dimensional collection of voices add depth to what is obviously a many sided coin? No one can articulate the whole picture with any particular one sided view.

I'll never agree on that


For me they have one reason to be on here


Reasons I shall keep to myself as I'm not wanting to start a bitch fight :cool:


For most they were not happy with Australia so why join a forum after leaving Australia just to :arghh:


Any hoo it's only a forum


A great tool to let off steam and chillax:cool:

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I'll never agree on that


For me they have one reason to be on here


Reasons I shall keep to myself as I'm not wanting to start a bitch fight :cool:


For most they were not happy with Australia so why join a forum after leaving Australia just to :arghh:


Any hoo it's only a forum


A great tool to let off steam and chillax:cool:


sorry disagree. I have many friends who have lived in oz and now don't. The majority were actually happy in oz and simply had to leave for a range of reasons.

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I'm not saying all that leave don't like Australia


But why join a forum just to bad mouth the country


Most dont. As a mod who sees all parts of the forum and a mod on other forums that are specifacally for being back in the UK they are actually some of the most positive. One of the leading posters on here for immi advice is a returner.

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I'll never agree on that


For me they have one reason to be on here


Reasons I shall keep to myself as I'm not wanting to start a bitch fight :cool:


For most they were not happy with Australia so why join a forum after leaving Australia just to :arghh:


Any hoo it's only a forum


A great tool to let off steam and chillax:cool:


No need for feathers flying. Just as it doesn't matter an iota what you or I think are the reasons certain folk comment. All contributions have a place and those that have ventured out and returned have another side to give, even if that is a good roasting to life in Australia. So what? Keeps it all real in an odd sort of way.

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I'm not saying all that leave don't like Australia


But why join a forum just to bad mouth the country


You keep saying its only a forum and yet ask such questions? I can think of numerous reasons and could argue with some degree of conviction both sides. We don't know the individuals personal experience, as certainly know both people who liked it and where I'd say indifferent rather than hating Australia, just felt they had covered all bases here and wanted to get back to a perceived more interesting life. Others just got bored while others went back for the normal reasons. All good in my view. What a dull forum it would be with only end of the rainbow fairy stories about finding a pot of gold in a land of dreams sort of scenario.

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I guess you don't get my point


I aint got a problem with those who go back at all


I loved the UK and still do


Most have admitted to living here for many many years so it must have been good for some part of it


It didn't work for them or they're happier in the UK (I was for well over 40 years)


Just can't understand why they now come on here to bad mouth Australia


I'm tired of trying now lol


I will move on and post elsewhere and let the UK lot tell us how the economy is doing in Australia


They obviously know it for sure

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I guess you don't get my point


I aint got a problem with those who go back at all


I loved the UK and still do


Most have admitted to living here for many many years so it must have been good for some part of it


It didn't work for them or they're happier in the UK (I was for well over 40 years)


Just can't understand why they now come on here to bad mouth Australia


I'm tired of trying now lol


I will move on and post elsewhere and let the UK lot tell us how the economy is doing in Australia


They obviously know it for sure


Don't worry eventually you'll experience a numbing.. And then it won't matter so much..




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sorry disagree. I have many friends who have lived in oz and now don't. The majority were actually happy in oz and simply had to leave for a range of reasons.


We were very happy in Australia and didn't leave because we had to or because we thought everything would be better back here. We left be a use it felt right and has worked out well. If we had to go back to Australia tomorrow it would be fine. Recently a member on here went off on a bit of a rant and started grilling me about why I had joined and why I hadn't joined when I was living in Australia, why do others care ? I haven't come onto the forum and launched into a tirade criticising anything and everything about the country. I have witnessed people on both 'sides' or in both camps if you like being critical and defensive about their old and new homes, it's normal to a degree.

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I live in Australia

90% of this forum is about that

The weather here is not always great you should know that (it aint perfect)

Talking about the economy for me we live it so we just have to get on with our lives and take the ups and downs but obviously any change do affect us




I live here why wouldn't I be interested


I agree with the sad bit


Are you thinking of coming back?


You sound so settled


I am very settled. That's the problem. I really like the UK, and I'm a bit bemused by all the ex English who put it down. But I also love Australia and all my immediate family live there. The trick is to return in a way that is financially advantageous that won't screw up the kids. Not an easy trick to achieve.

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I am very settled. That's the problem. I really like the UK, and I'm a bit bemused by all the ex English who put it down. But I also love Australia and all my immediate family live there. The trick is to return in a way that is financially advantageous that won't screw up the kids. Not an easy trick to achieve.


Who are these people; certainly cannot think of any regular posters in that category.


When you consider that this is a forum for people who have either at some time left the UK to live in Australia, or are planning to, there is relatively little negativity about the UK in the posts.

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