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Moving to Oz - Is it expensive to import wine?


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Hi Everyone! Planning to move to Oz in January and would love to include some wine in our shipping container. Can anyone give me a rough idea (or access to a simple guide) regarding how much tax or duty we'd have to pay? As an example, we might like to bring 50 bottles - total value no more than 600 pounds. Thank you!

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Hi Everyone! Planning to move to Oz in January and would love to include some wine in our shipping container. Can anyone give me a rough idea (or access to a simple guide) regarding how much tax or duty we'd have to pay? As an example, we might like to bring 50 bottles - total value no more than 600 pounds. Thank you!


My experience is that the containers are on deck and dependent on their position can get very hot going thro the tropics, our last move some of our stuff had obviously been very hot as linen was stained and some joints on furniture had opened up, so expensive wine might not take kindly to that kind of treatment.

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Hi Mark, we also have some high value wine but only 12 bottles.

it is not worth the cost of importing wine. I will try and find the link which details the costs but I am sure it will not be worth your while. We intend to take ours over using our duty free allowance in our suit cases. 3 bottles each the first trip and the remaining bottles when we next come back to the UK for a visit.



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We brought a small number of very good bottles, few hundred quid each. I really wouldn't bother bringing ten quid bottles though. Between now and January a few dinner partie, gifts and general consumption should get through the stash.

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Thanks Everyone! I had a feeling this would be the advice! It is hard to justify, particularly as there is so much good wine out there in Oz. We lived there for three years a few years back and really got into some of the great producers, big and small. Paul1Perth, interesting response given that we've never met and you know nothing about me. I have no interest at all in 'telling my mates how many expensive bottles of wine I have'. I just really like wines from different parts of the world and have some that I love and that aren't available in Oz. But judge away, if it makes you feel better.

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Thanks Everyone! I had a feeling this would be the advice! It is hard to justify, particularly as there is so much good wine out there in Oz. We lived there for three years a few years back and really got into some of the great producers, big and small. Paul1Perth, interesting response given that we've never met and you know nothing about me. I have no interest at all in 'telling my mates how many expensive bottles of wine I have'. I just really like wines from different parts of the world and have some that I love and that aren't available in Oz. But judge away, if it makes you feel better.


Well do tell us what value/benefit/enjoyment do you get from having a bottle of very expensive wine, keeping it for years and not drinking it. Some people have very expensive cars and like to drive around in it. They may be showing off but at least they are using it. My mum collected Swarovski. i hated it but she liked to look at it.


There are a lot of wine snobs around and some poster may have made an assumption about yourself. Some people buy wine as an investment or saving a nice bottle for a special occasion which I can understand, but to keep it for years and do nothing seems very odd. Wine is a perishable good after all. One of my work colleagues has just come back from a wine tour, spending hundreds of dollars on very expensive wine but at least she drinks it.

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Again, you've made the assumption that it's very expensive wine and that I want to keep it for years. In my case, neither of these is true. I get that some people choose to keep wine for a long time, but that's not something I'm interested in. Honestly, all I asked for was some advice on how much it costs to bring wine in...

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Hi Everyone! Planning to move to Oz in January and would love to include some wine in our shipping container. Can anyone give me a rough idea (or access to a simple guide) regarding how much tax or duty we'd have to pay? As an example, we might like to bring 50 bottles - total value no more than 600 pounds. Thank you!

It is a bit like taking ice on a skiing trip.

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Again, you've made the assumption that it's very expensive wine and that I want to keep it for years. In my case, neither of these is true. I get that some people choose to keep wine for a long time, but that's not something I'm interested in. Honestly, all I asked for was some advice on how much it costs to bring wine in...


Some people either can't read or can't do maths. I managed to deduce you were taking about ten quid bottles of wine from the first post. I assume your dilemma is simply that it is a lot to get through and you don't want to waste them? Well you will be taxed quite a lot and I will stick to my earlier conclusion that better to work your way through it!

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Bringing alcohol into Australia is a pain. You have to list each bottle separately, pay the going rate for duty on the alcohol and also pay GST on the purchase price. Unless you have special or sentimental bottles, it is probably marginal as to whether it is worth it. I would be tempted to drink what you can and give the rest to friends. Whisky, on the other hand, would be worth bringing over. I brought and declared six very good bottles that cost about 60 pounds each in the UK but would have cost about $400 each in Australia. I paid a total of about $300 I think.


As for good wine and Australia - off topic, I know. Australia produces much excellent wine and it is much cheaper than some of the most expensive French wine, it is not cheap. Nice wine tends to start at about $20 a bottle and you need to get up to the high 20s before you'd really expect to be guaranteed good wine. Obviously you can spend more if you want. Some wine, especially grapes like Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon, should be left to mature in the bottle. The good ones should be laid down for 5-10 years or more before drinking. That's not about bragging about having expensive wine, that's just getting the most enjoyment out of the wine you have. I agree that a wine that is never destined to be opened is a sad thing.

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WTF is "good" wine???????? A wine that suits your palate? A wine that some overpaid buffoon has told us is "good"? A wine with a "good" bouquet' that would smell to some like a Sumo wrestlers jock strap?


Some folk like smoked salmon and some, like me, don't. Does that make smoked salmon "good" to those that like it? Is the tinned salmon that I like considered to be cr@p by those very same people? WTF is a truffle and do I really care? I love mushrooms but don't pay ridiculous prices for them and tell everyone just how "good" they are.


We all have different tastes and after all, it's merely alcohol meant for drinking not for elevating social status.............. not for attempting to illustrate what a refined, cultured person you are...........which so often misses the mark with plssheads such as I and goes only to show the pretentiousness surrounding wine and those who purport to be able to distinguish the "good" from the bad, especially when that appraisal is based on the (vulgar) price


Edited to add that this post isn't aimed at the Op or anyone in particular but is merely an expression of my distaste for the opinions of wine and food buffs.............and indeed.............any personal opinion/taste that for some strange reason has so many sheeple attaching credibilty to others' likes and dislikes

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If you are interested in wine only for its alcoholic content, that's fine by me. But why get so angry just because some people look for something else?


Who's angry? I just find it strange that folk label something as "good" based purely on how they feel about it or because some so called expert has said it is.................wine's no different than Aussie snags are far as I'm concerned...............just because it suits one doesn't mean it suits another so why label it as "good"? it may well be crap as far as someone else is concerned................just like bunnings sausages.............I love the taste but the contents are actually crap............I say I like 'em but I certainly don't say they're "good" based purely on my taste buds or what a galloping gourmet may say about 'em..........the galloping may well be because he got the trotss from eating 'em, or because the opinion of folk like him give me the trots

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Who's angry? I just find it strange that folk label something as "good" based purely on how they feel about it or because some so called expert has said it is.................wine's no different than Aussie snags are far as I'm concerned...............just because it suits one doesn't mean it suits another so why label it as "good"? it may well be crap as far as someone else is concerned................just like bunnings sausages.............I love the taste but the contents are actually crap............I say I like 'em but I certainly don't say they're "good" based purely on my taste buds or what a galloping gourmet may say about 'em..........the galloping may well be because he got the trotss from eating 'em, or because the opinion of folk like him give me the trots


Actually price is an excellent indicator of how good a wine is. And "good" refers to the quality in this case, you don't just follow a recipe for making wine, a lot of things need to go right. Liking wine, even good wine is not pretentious! There is no need to rant about it anyway, just reverse snobbery showing there.

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Who's angry?

Your use of expletives, derogatory and personal comments, bold text, multiple punctuation marks, and your expressed dislike of other people's opinions and values indicates strong emotion. All the more so since this was joining in a conversation you had not previously been involved in.


As it goes, I believe that quality can be more objective than merely personal opinion. In the case of wine, it is about whether or not the wine has flavours that are expected from the grape or region; the lack of acidity; the lack of alcoholic burn; the balance of flavours; how long the flavour lasts; how well it will continue to mature in the bottle; and a host of other factors. If you don't get these pleasures then that's fair enough, but I feel sorry that you are missing out.


As regards salmon (you raised it, not me), again, it is a matter of personal preference but most people will agree that fresh salmon has more flavour and a nicer texture than tinned salmon, which tends to resemble scrapings and bones, all treated with additives to make the bones turn to powder. Also with smoked salmon, there are ways of smoking the salmon that will give different flavours. Generally, smoking for longer and using real wood will give a deeper, more balanced flavour than coating the salmon with liquid smoke and putting it in an oven.


If you don't get your pleasure from food and drink, that's a pity for you, but presumably you get your pleasure from something else. I won't attack you for liking the things you like so long as they don't encroach on other people. Hopefully you will stop attacking me for liking the things I like because they are not doing you any harm.


On edit - I see from your signature bar that you like photography. Looking at your photos, you're not just holding up an iPhone and taking the first image that you see; your photos are arranged, constructed, focused, edited. So you can appreciate quality in photography; not all cameras and not all photos are the same. So why would you deny that wines can have different quality too?

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Your use of expletives, derogatory and personal comments, bold text, multiple punctuation marks, and your expressed dislike of other people's opinions and values indicates strong emotion.


Yes I agree, but not neccessarily anger. How about "passion"? How I use punctuation marks and bold text is no indicator of anger but my manner of emphasising



If you don't get your pleasure from food and drink, that's a pity for you, but presumably you get your pleasure from something else. I won't attack you for liking the things you like so long as they don't encroach on other people. Hopefully you will stop attacking me for liking the things I like because they are not doing you any harm.


It's a pity that you see it as a personal attack, particularly as you weren't even quoted. I was making the point that what may be considered good to one may be seen as crap by someone else


On edit - I see from your signature bar that you like photography. Looking at your photos, you're not just holding up an iPhone and taking the first image that you see; your photos are arranged, constructed, focused, edited. So you can appreciate quality in photography; not all cameras and not all photos are the same. So why would you deny that wines can have different quality too?


Not denying it at all. Having a different quality is no indicator of whether something is good or not, merely different IMHO. I've said enough with regards to my opionion but it appears that my manner of expressing that opinion is deemed as incorrect, for you to see it as a personal attack, so I'll just let the matter rest there.

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You're not coming out til January - for what it'll cost to ship it over, you may as well stop buying and start drinking :-) Then you can come out and start building it up again.


We ended up giving away alcohol to family and friends before we came as it was physically impossible to finish it all before we came over!!! I'm sure your mates will help you!

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