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School rankings.

Celt Down Under

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There seems to be a lot of concern about how poor the schooling is in Australia compared to the UK.

Have a read of this, and put your thoughts down on it.




I wouldn't have put the u.k that high to be honest .....the good schools here are very good ,but there are some shite ....the other mitigating factor is the massive population rise in the Last 20 years ....how some of the inner city schools are coping os beyond me .....i drove across inner city brum yesterday ...not good

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A lot of kids these days are so distracted with social media and how soon they can get home to get on facebook they aren't concentrating when they are at school. They have smartphones too so don't even get a break when at school. They sit around in break times staring at their phone, not palying sport and having a break like we used to. No-one seems to worry whether kids can write, spell and punctuate. The teachers themselves have come from a generation when the spell checker sorted everything out for you so don't see the importance either.

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A lot of kids these days are so distracted with social media and how soon they can get home to get on facebook they aren't concentrating when they are at school. They have smartphones too so don't even get a break when at school. They sit around in break times staring at their phone, not palying sport and having a break like we used to. No-one seems to worry whether kids can write, spell and punctuate. The teachers themselves have come from a generation when the spell checker sorted everything out for you so don't see the importance either.


I agree Paul, but wouldn't you think that it would be the same here in Australia? Why does the UK rate so low compared to the 19 countries ranked ahead of it. What are people on who here say that the education in Australia is rubbish seeing compared to the UK which they say is so much better.

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I agree Paul, but wouldn't you think that it would be the same here in Australia? Why does the UK rate so low compared to the 19 countries ranked ahead of it. What are people on who here say that the education in Australia is rubbish seeing compared to the UK which they say is so much better.


I don't think it is any better in the UK Celt. Maybe a bit different but I still think it depends on the kid, whether they've made their mind up what they want to do and apply themselves or, like most kids at school haven't a clue what they want to do and try and enjoy school. If it hadn't have been for sport when I was at school I would have been trying to get away with not going. "Wagging it" we used to call it. A lot of the "naughty" kids did that.


My 2 quite enjoyed school. Eldest one was a bit like me and loved the sports side of things. They got to do diving, surfing, snorkelling here though and had a trip to the Abrollhos. He loved footy and swimming too. The one with autism just enjoyed the company I think.:laugh:


School is just a small step and if you play the game, get decent results you really start learning relevant things when you start work. Same for either country.


Couldn't believe how much was on the radio and TV a couple of weeks back when the kids were taking NAPLAN. Talking about it on the radio in the morning, on TV at night, saying good luck to all the kids, telling the parents how to cope. Must be stressing the kids out to the max.

When we were at school and we had a test or something no-one used to mention it, including parents. Only time it was mentioned was when the report card came out once a year. Always "could do better":laugh:

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The issue with ranking tables is it depends on the criteria you use to rank. It also depends if that criteria actually works.


A classic example was my uni. The geology department is regarded as very good and it is a Russel Group uni. But, the dept has never broken the top spot. The reason is employability. Every year, the Guardian would send out surveys to grads to find out if they were working. Every year, they would recieve no replies from Leicester grads, so assumed unemployment at a particular rate. But, the reason they got no response was that all were working in well paid roles internationally.


The he year I completed my masters, the Guardian published we had a post course unemployment rate of 25%. But, there were only 12 of us and all had took up international roles on graduation.

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The UK education system suffers from inconsistency. The brightest do very well, getting small classes in the 6th form and specialising relatively early. But many drop out at 16, sometimes wth no recognised qualifications. Nobody seems to lose sleep over this. In Australia, almost everyone stays in education until the age of 18, and if you do that, you end up with a recognised qualification even if it is in a very low percentile.

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The UK education system suffers from inconsistency. The brightest do very well, getting small classes in the 6th form and specialising relatively early. But many drop out at 16, sometimes wth no recognised qualifications. Nobody seems to lose sleep over this. In Australia, almost everyone stays in education until the age of 18, and if you do that, you end up with a recognised qualification even if it is in a very low percentile.


That is not true, here in England our education system denies 16 year olds the opprtunity to "drop out".......all kids have to either stay on in education be it 6th form or college.....if not then they must do an apprentiship of some description.....they cannot just leave at 16 and sign on.

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I agree Paul, but wouldn't you think that it would be the same here in Australia? Why does the UK rate so low compared to the 19 countries ranked ahead of it. What are people on who here say that the education in Australia is rubbish seeing compared to the UK which they say is so much better.


You can only speak from experience.....I have never said the Oz education system was rubbish.....however this was one of the reasons we decided to return to the UK.....the schools available to our boys in the UK were just far superior to the schools available where we lived in Oz.....we felt that a UK type qualification and education (GCSE's & A Levels) would be better for them.

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You can only speak from experience.....I have never said the Oz education system was rubbish.....however this was one of the reasons we decided to return to the UK.....the schools available to our boys in the UK were just far superior to the schools available where we lived in Oz.....we felt that a UK type qualification and education (GCSE's & A Levels) would be better for them.


They might be better for them as long as you stay in the UK.

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The issue with ranking tables is it depends on the criteria you use to rank. It also depends if that criteria actually works.


A classic example was my uni. The geology department is regarded as very good and it is a Russel Group uni. But, the dept has never broken the top spot. The reason is employability. Every year, the Guardian would send out surveys to grads to find out if they were working. Every year, they would recieve no replies from Leicester grads, so assumed unemployment at a particular rate. But, the reason they got no response was that all were working in well paid roles internationally.


The he year I completed my masters, the Guardian published we had a post course unemployment rate of 25%. But, there were only 12 of us and all had took up international roles on graduation.


It is a pointless task rating schools like this. There is a statistic I often hear quoted that says the IQ of white people is greater than that of black people. (Marginally) but this tells you nothing about individuals, and very little about groups. One had to be higher than the other. Schools are such a diverse thing. Possibly this could be a gauge to education authority to help them see how they are performing. But it won't help you pick a country, let alone a school.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure how you compare schooling here with the uk because it is very different. The uni courses are a bit more alike but still significantly different. Intrigued how high Vietnam was because I thought many kids didn't even go to school there. Perhaps I am wrong but that is the impression I had when we went there a couple of years back. It is a very poor country compared with Australia and the UK.

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This is my take on why some poms say the education is worse - I quite often see comments like that but it is not because they have researched the statistics but they have sent little Johnny to the local school in Oz and it is not as good as the one back home. Many people coming to Perth want to be near the beach and have a nice new house as seen on Wanted Down Under and a pool but in order to fund that they can't live in the expensive areas and have to live in the very outer suburbs where the housing is much cheaper. Cheaper housing means more lower income families and usually lower standards at school. So Johnny goes off to the local school, which they haven't researched but hey, the pool and beach is more important and they think the standards are lower. And you look at the Naplan results and see they are significantly below the Australian Nation standard, and they come on here and moan that the whole of the Australian Education is poor because it is at their school and they know a pommy teacher who told them too. Then they seem surprised that Oz thrash the UK on the level of attainments in English Maths and Science in a well respected, world wide study.

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As has been said these surveys a pretty pointless and extremely hard to qualify accurately. Our kids are thriving in their new school here, they would probably have thrived in Australia as well. I am VERY surprised that the the 2 countries are separated by 6 places but what does that actually mean ? Does it mean the Australian schools are 1% better or 37% better ? Too many variables, kids could go to a low achieving school in Australia or a high achieving school in the UK or vice versa.

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