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Unemployment in Perth?


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First off..you do need work...that's a given.


ive been out of work for three months here and it wasnt nice, nobody getting back to you, but I wasnt bored, not for one minute, but that's because I enjoy doing what Perth offers.


People are right when they say there is a downturn....but tbh, it was all a little bit Mickey Mouse back in the boom, when the talk turns to a recession in Perth....I think they mean that things are becoming more normal. Its nothing like how the UK got.


you need to weigh up every pro n con for coming here, but don't let certain members sway your decision

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First off..you do need work...that's a given.


ive been out of work for three months here and it wasnt nice, nobody getting back to you, but I wasnt bored, not for one minute, but that's because I enjoy doing what Perth offers.


People are right when they say there is a downturn....but tbh, it was all a little bit Mickey Mouse back in the boom, when the talk turns to a recession in Perth....I think they mean that things are becoming more normal. Its nothing like how the UK got.


you need to weigh up every pro n con for coming here, but don't let certain members sway your decision

And your not LOL
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I get what your saying and yes I did ask about the unemployment and I appreciate all the info I get from this forum, but I didn't ask for negative comments about my reason for moving and how that doesn't work for others and I should reconsider why I am moving, a lot of things don't work out for others that have worked out for other people Like I said everyone is different, we are in a terrible position at home and we live in an area no one in their right mind would want to bring up their children, NI is not a nice place to live. We have a lot of personal reasons for moving aswell. We have had our minds set on moving for the past 4 years and even if it is a gamble, it would take an awful lot for us to be worse off than we are now. All I wanted to know was if we would be better in Perth where my husband wouldnt have the best job, but still a job, or Brisbane where we might have more of a chance of finding a good job and family to help us on our feet

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I live here and I can deffo say your wrong....place is swarming with happy poms :cool:
And so is my brother inlaw he went 10 years ago £300.000 in his pocket now he owns 5 properties in oz living the dream but if he was going to do it now not a chance.
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Guest Guest66881

We love it and yes it as slowed down a bit, but still rather be here than in the uk even with blighty on the up it seems.

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I get what your saying and yes I did ask about the unemployment and I appreciate all the info I get from this forum, but I didn't ask for negative comments about my reason for moving and how that doesn't work for others and I should reconsider why I am moving, a lot of things don't work out for others that have worked out for other people Like I said everyone is different, we are in a terrible position at home and we live in an area no one in their right mind would want to bring up their children, NI is not a nice place to live. We have a lot of personal reasons for moving aswell. We have had our minds set on moving for the past 4 years and even if it is a gamble, it would take an awful lot for us to be worse off than we are now. All I wanted to know was if we would be better in Perth where my husband wouldnt have the best job, but still a job, or Brisbane where we might have more of a chance of finding a good job and family to help us on our feet


I'd say research both options Rebecca and go where there's a job offer (be that something in Brisbane or working initially for your hubby's mate), getting up every morning and feeling usueful does a lot for keeping our self esteem going. We were very lucky that we both had jobs to come too (we're still employed by the same company/health service 8 years on. With our move, some things just fell into place and others needed to be worked out - you seem sensible enough to know that the journey is going to have it's ups and downs and i'm sure whatever you decide will be the right choice for you and your family.

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I am saying to the OP that work first should be given a priority...


but also saying that Australia does still seem to give people a fair go..


We are proof of that and we only came 3 years ago on a 457...


and even now, what with negative gearing, if we wanted, we too like your BIL could easily get a investment property or maybe more..


And we aren't big wage earners, far from it.....we qualified for a Keystart mortgage (low income government assisted mortgage).


Whats not to love though, coming home from a day at work, jumping in your pool, or heading to the beach, or a meal with a view.


Yes we have to work....but downtime makes it worth it..

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Do you think it will be any better in Bris though VS?


I honestly don't know. But, I would be cautious. QLD has a big reliance on mining as well and has suffered a lot of redundancies.


Personally, I would move off moving to oz full stop for a couple of years unless you are independently wealthy and able to use that to advantage in declining property prices - I already suspect a lot of areas are in negative equity and if you are wealthy and act as a vulture picking up bank repossessions now might be a good time. But, for most. I would be very cautious.

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I know there's been a lot of negativity but I've not really seen any changes in Perth yet. It's not as doom and gloom as you might imagine, a lot of building, renovation and new projects are happening in Perth and surrounding areas, has to be, still a lot of people coming and I heard on the news last night Baldivis is the fastest growing area in Aus at the moment.


Not everyone works in mining. Even if they do a lot of the trades people are still sought after. My son is a sparkie and FIFO, changed his job a couple of months ago, had me and the wife telling him it might not be a good time to change but he's been fine and is now changing again. He sent his resume and got an e-mail back telling him to go for a medical without even having an interview.


Next thing the lady from HR at his current company rang him to say they'd heard a rumour he was leaving and asking why, as they didn't want to lose him. So it all depends on what you do (and sometimes who you know, but that's the same as your friend giving your hubby a job).


Don't write off Perth, I don't think Bris is any better and maybe a bit worse. They have a big mining contingent there too and a lot of them were FIFO'ing to WA for jobs. We've never felt isolated in 23 years.


You never know, your hubby might start working for your friend, enjoy the work and find he's on better pay than you thought. There's a lot of money to be made in aircon so if your hubby knows his stuff you might be surprised at what could come up.:cool:


Perth is being impacted by the slowdown, a process still in early days. There is a lot of pain to come in WA regardless of the tradies making a killing for the moment. I admit anything around housing is going well and have had personal experience of tradies self inflated importance and ability for the moment to charge as a wounded bull, so will be more than a little satisfied when that group is brought back to earth.


In general work is far from good. 20% of where partner works is to be laid off by end of January. And your right nothing to do with mining.Wages are at best stagnant.

Better the OP is aware of the real situation and comes prepared anything positive will surely be a bonus then.

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I am saying to the OP that work first should be given a priority...


but also saying that Australia does still seem to give people a fair go..


We are proof of that and we only came 3 years ago on a 457...


and even now, what with negative gearing, if we wanted, we too like your BIL could easily get a investment property or maybe more..


And we aren't big wage earners, far from it.....we qualified for a Keystart mortgage (low income government assisted mortgage).


Whats not to love though, coming home from a day at work, jumping in your pool, or heading to the beach, or a meal with a view.


Yes we have to work....but downtime makes it worth it..


I'm a little confused with the financial aspect of things, something I usually refrain from commenting on, but a previous post stated five times UK income which is incredible if true, where as here you state low income and Key start?


Some may want a little more than a pool for contentment I'd imagine. But all to their own just confused with the conflicting info.

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I'd say the vast majority of members from Perth on this forum would not wish to return to the UK if the offer was there....that speaks volumes....but there will always be alternate opinions and circumstances may dictate other options are preferred.

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A lot of different opinions :S its tough we always thought that we wanted Perth no matter what but moving with our little one and the intention of growing our family once were settled were now thinking closer to family of some sort might be better. We've always dreamt of moving , since we got married everything has been about saving for Oz and now we actually have the savings to do it we want to be sure we do it right. Were 100% on going , we have nothing to leave behind here most of my family are scattered all round the world so I definitely think Oz is the right move for us. We've never been the sort to expect a lot out of life all we ask for is a nice outdoor lifestyle where my husband won't be working 7am-12pm just to get us by. Speaking to people in Perth they think its great for families , but if you ask people in Brisbane they think Brisbane is better for families lol there is a lot to think about, but from just doing a quick job search on seek there seems to be a lot more available in Brisbane than in Perth


Perth pretty much resonates with young families. When the kids are older, at least in our circle I'd say half have flown the coup to other places. Melbourne most popular, but others gone to London, Switzerland, USA. One did return with a husband but even they are moving to Sydney for better career prospects.


If your sold by Perth just come and see how it goes. You need your own experience of it as the subject is very much a question of which side you choose to resonate with. Often people only want own feelings confirmed.

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I'd say the vast majority of members from Perth on this forum would not wish to return to the UK if the offer was there....that speaks volumes....but there will always be alternate opinions and circumstances may dictate other options are preferred.


It will be interesting to see if the crop of migrants over recent couple of years feel such loyalty. I am unsure. The cost is really outrageous compared to previous times, and even then around a third returned (some of course to ping pong) but that was when Oz was rather on the cheap side. I know lots that returned not all Brit's, but never found it odd in many cases. Own family did in fact.

I guess a lot will depend on how bad things do get as easy for those that preach ever love when the dollars are rolling in.

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Guest Guest66881

Foc you keep banging on about the doom and gloom (you call it reality) why live here mate why not jump ship now seeing the place is all shot up full of druggies and a police force thats as bent as the bad guys (your thoughts)?

Just makes no sense unless you are financially set and just here to rub people up, what is your agenda here?

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Perth pretty much resonates with young families. When the kids are older, at least in our circle I'd say half have flown the coup to other places. Melbourne most popular, but others gone to London, Switzerland, USA. One did return with a husband but even they are moving to Sydney for better career prospects.


If your sold by Perth just come and see how it goes. You need your own experience of it as the subject is very much a question of which side you choose to resonate with. Often people only want own feelings confirmed.


We have enough savings and support whether we go to Brisbane or Perth really, only Perth would mean a job for my husband. However, it will be next year by the time we actually get up and go so Perth could improve or possibly be worse by then. It is a risk but a risk we are willing to take , we just need to make sure we keep an eye on how things are going before we get up and go

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It will be interesting to see if the crop of migrants over recent couple of years feel such loyalty. I am unsure. The cost is really outrageous compared to previous times, and even then around a third returned (some of course to ping pong) but that was when Oz was rather on the cheap side. I know lots that returned not all Brit's, but never found it odd in many cases. Own family did in fact.

I guess a lot will depend on how bad things do get as easy for those that preach ever love when the dollars are rolling in.



I'll let you know in 20 years if you keep in touch ;)

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i live in Baldivis the fastest growing suburb (will become a city) work is slowing down,house prices will fall it will get worse but i look at things a little different I'm a floor layer and i know there are floor layers are quiet now but not me there is work here just not enough for everyone,i think british trades can do well here because of our work ethic and customer service side of things are much better if your a decent worker you will get on i think i read you husband works in air conditioning if i were you i would just get out here he will find work and as soon has he gets his own contacts he will do well if there is only work for 90% of the work force just make sure you in the majority I'm not saying it will be easy but things worth having never are its a great learning curve to emigrate and I'm afraid Perth is what you make it work as a team and embrace the different culture and you will be fine and if you don't like it you can change things but you will never look back and wonder what if.

good luck in your adventure

ps its no where near as bad as you've been threw in uk over the last 7 years

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When I think back to when we first came out to Australia, and we were obviously a lot younger, we didn't know what a recession was and we just got on with life. Come to think of it there wasn't a website that could either encourage or discourage our move either. Personally l would come out and give it a try especially as a job is on offer.

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We have enough savings and support whether we go to Brisbane or Perth really, only Perth would mean a job for my husband. However, it will be next year by the time we actually get up and go so Perth could improve or possibly be worse by then. It is a risk but a risk we are willing to take , we just need to make sure we keep an eye on how things are going before we get up and go


The upside is the pound is stronger, so you get more for your money. House prices should be dropping, rents getting cheaper, (opposite in Sydney). Migration is slowing, so unemployment isn't as bad as it could be. The full impact will be 2016, but after that there may be upside. You also need to consider the UK could slow. There are headwinds.

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Something to try..... Register with seek.com and recruit.net job advertising sites with the trade your hubby is in. I did and they send you notifications every day of job vacancies all over Oz. I am certainly starting to see that the most relevant job vacancies seem to be in QLD especially around Brisbane. Hardly any matches come up in Adelaide, same with Perth, a few more for Melbourne and even more in Sydney. However the most seem to be around Brisbane.

Have a go, monitor it and see where the most opportunities are.

Good luck x x x

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We have enough savings and support whether we go to Brisbane or Perth really, only Perth would mean a job for my husband. However, it will be next year by the time we actually get up and go so Perth could improve or possibly be worse by then. It is a risk but a risk we are willing to take , we just need to make sure we keep an eye on how things are going before we get up and go


The down turn is in the early stages still. But if one of you has a job at least, it could offer as a haven for a time until you get your footing. From there see what falls into place and check out Brisbane as well. Good luck.

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