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And the UK election result is.......


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In pure democracy terms it is. Much akin to a government being returned/voted in on a smaller percentage of national vote. (first ;past the post)Or the compulsory wearing of cycle helmets for that matter.


I think you both might be confusing democracy with freedom. Democracy is where we are ruled by our representatives elected by everyone, in simple terms. It does not mean you have to have the freedom not to vote or not to wear a helmet. Nobody lives in a really free society, even when it is deomcratic.

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Guest Guest66881

Labour lost fair and square the uk voted it as such, get over yourselves would ya:laugh:

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Guest Guest66881

Labours worst results since Kinnock, remember that pointy faced creation:laugh:

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Firstly so sad to see so many decent men and women fall on their sword...ed milliband paid the price for the previous incumbent

..ed is a decent bloke


Nick Clegg paid the price of trying to do the right thing ,for the greater good....after the mess that was left in 2010


Nige will be back ....love him or hate him ukip scored more votes than the snp ....and got one seat




And the good news ...NO GEORGE GALLOWAY ...NO ED BALLS .....and Scotland is a step closer to independence.....bring it on .....


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I think that everyone that puts themselves up for election has good and honest intentions. There are much easier and more profitable ways of earning a living if that were not the case.


I feel sorry for Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems. They held the balance of power in 2010 and made the right and proper choice in going for the party with the most seats. This is the party that have always said they want PR and a say in government in proportion to their vote, they got it and look what happens. Seems like some didn't want that at all.


I feel sorry for Ed Miliband personally, because I have no doubt that he has the best interests of the UK at heart. But I don't think he suffered because of previous Labour incumbents, he was not elected because the majority do not believe in his Marxist tax and spend ideology and doubted his ability to manage the economy in a responsible fashion.

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The 'whole' nation obviously doesn't agree with you.



I have to spit the words out, but I do think the Tories are right for now. Labour would have been a disaster. It does mean public servants will suffer more. Private health insurance is trending. Any poms in oz thinking of coming back should get a move on, as the pound will rise. But I worry about ten years time , where will we be.

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I am so revelling in this result, thanks snp and Russell brand you did the uk a favour.and even better labour has lost a ball Labour is confined to history.no more ill legal wars,no more dole dossers ,no more mass imigration no more of unelected Brussels beurocrats telling the uk how to run its own country.happy days I will sleep well today.( work nights):wink:

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Yes as I said above it was a bad choice of words but I'm sure everyone knew what I was getting at. I'm not saying anything about being anti democracy, what I was isn't compulsory voting anti democratic ?


You could spoil your ballot paper once in there. I know plenty of people who list each candidate.

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I am so revelling in this result, thanks snp and Russell brand you did the uk a favour.and even better labour has lost a ball Labour is confined to history.no more ill legal wars,no more dole dossers ,no more mass imigration no more of unelected Brussels beurocrats telling the uk how to run its own country.happy days I will sleep well today.( work nights):wink:


They did stop Cameroon from joining Isis though.

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