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UK May General Election 2015


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That's fair enough :) I do understand what you mean and I can get why people think that. I think they do care about the NHS across the UK etc but at the end of the day their main aim is independence so I get why some are suspicious. I guess for me it's just hard to understand how people can want scotland to be part of the Union but then say no we don't want your mp's. It's all just a bit weird for me but then I'm new to all this stuff. Maybe they won't do as well as predicted anyway. They don't seem to be taking the polls for granted but I think they are probably predicting more than they'll get

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Genuine reply to a genuine question.


I struggle with SNP holding the balance of power because it seems pretty clear that the party are self serving and that power will be used to blackmail. I believe that they only have the interests of Scotland at heart and to hell with the rest of us in England, Wales or NI.


On the other hand, if I take the three main parties we are most familiar with, regardless of whether I agree with their policies or not, I do believe that they all have the interests of the whole nation in their minds.


2nd that

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Well from what I read in the media because we are subsidy junkies and a bunch of other things. The rest of the UK doesn't seem to want who we vote for and are acting outraged at the thought of it. So do they want us but only if we stay quiet and vote for labour or the tories like usual? That's the bit I don't get. It's like some people want us to stay but then moan about us. It's kinda weird to me

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Well from what I read in the media because we are subsidy junkies and a bunch of other things. The rest of the UK doesn't seem to want who we vote for and are acting outraged at the thought of it. So do they want us but only if we stay quiet and vote for labour or the tories like usual? That's the bit I don't get. It's like some people want us to stay but then moan about us. It's kinda weird to me


You can vote whoever you want to vote for. But having the snap hold the balance of power isn't the right way forward. That would be no different to NSW having their own political party that would claim to represent everyone in the state and then holding the balance of power in the federal parliament. The SNP don't care about anyone else, why would they? They are there for Scotland. They like to think they represent all of Scotland but they won't be able to have policies for each side. They are like some refer to UKIP, once they achieve what they want ie. Independence for Scotland, then what?


eta, btw what media is that? Media aligned with the SNP? A Scottish national paper?

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Are you asking me if the scottish media says bad things about scotland? No it's papers like the english version of the sun, daily mail, online articles on telegraph website, twitter etc. I get that politics gets personal so I try not to get bothered by it but as I already mentioned - it's just weird to me reading one minute that scotland should be part of a union then next minute it's just comments like I mentioned.


Well they have been in government in scotland before the referendum and people who voted no still vote for them so why wouldn't that continue if they had achieved what they want? I don't think that's the same as UKIP but I do understand what you mean about not representing the rest of the UK and I guess that's the biggest problem for them. All I'm trying to say is that some people's reactions especially the media are probably doing the snp' work for them


Btw we only have one paper that's remotely in support for the SNP. The rest are Union ones.

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Genuine reply to a genuine question.


I struggle with SNP holding the balance of power because it seems pretty clear that the party are self serving and that power will be used to blackmail. I believe that they only have the interests of Scotland at heart and to hell with the rest of us in England, Wales or NI.


On the other hand, if I take the three main parties we are most familiar with, regardless of whether I agree with their policies or not, I do believe that they all have the interests of the whole nation in their minds.


If the SNP were concerned about anything else other than Scotland I would be surprised. I think their title kind of gives it away.:wink:

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Scotland voted to stay within the UK and votes SNP to represent them. If David Cameron wants to keep the union then I guess he has to accept it as democracy because the more he moans about it and the media start calling them "insurgents" and out to destroy everyone it has the opposite effect. They are stirring up hate between english and scottish voters. It has the opposite effect because then people start to think well what's the point of this Union if our choice isn't accepted. Just my opinion anyway, I know most of you wont agree

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I think this is a great article on the sea change that seems to be occurring in politics and why the established powers don't like it or want to accept it...




"The British establishment is in a state of panic. Each passing day, each new opinion poll and each unsuccessful policy briefing has brought the unthinkable closer: a government of the unelectable propped up by the unspeakable. Short of some major shifts between now and the 7th of May, Miliband will be Prime Minister with the support of the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon. What's shaping up is not just a Tory defeat, but something much bigger: the end of the Tories as the dominant party of government, an unprecedented phase of constitutional crises in the UK. Things are about to get very messy"

Interesting read, and I particularly liked this bit:


Just to recap: both the Mail and the Conservatives worked very hard to retain the undemocratic first-past-the-post electoral system that is now causing these big mismatches between votes won and seats won. It's just that this time they're getting butt-hurt because the system is working against them.

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Well from what I read in the media because we are subsidy junkies and a bunch of other things. The rest of the UK doesn't seem to want who we vote for and are acting outraged at the thought of it. So do they want us but only if we stay quiet and vote for labour or the tories like usual? That's the bit I don't get. It's like some people want us to stay but then moan about us. It's kinda weird to me


The rest of the UK is never going to want a "Scottish only party" representing us and making decisions for us. The same way we wouldn't want an Irish or a Welsh party to do so.


Would you like it if we got to vote an English centric government into the Scottish Parliament?


Central government decisions should made by un-biased individuals with no overly strong allegiance to one member country or another.


In any case they would only ever get there as a minority party in a coalition so I don't think we have a great deal to worry about.

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Sorry but your acting like everything is devolved to the scottish government. It's not. You guys can't stand 40 - 50 snp seats. Well imagine how we feel having westminster controlling most of scotlands things and then being told we should be pleased with the pitiful smith commission powers that from what I hear are already being threatened to not come into place. You've just said they will only be a minority in a coalition so maybe people should calm down if there's nothing to worry about. Also I laughed at the unbiased and no strong allegiance. My opinion is the conservatives are only out for london/South East. I don't think they particularly care much else but again that's only my opinion. Especially not Scotland since they don't do that well. I also think labour have taken voters for granted and thought they would always vote for them but now it seems a lot of people are going to other parties. Are people not jumping from labour in Wales to plaid Cymru? I could be wrong on that one though

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Until Scottish devolution, the SNP was a one policy protest party. With devolution, they were forced to adopt a set of policies for domestic government. As it goes, they seemed to adopt rather a good set of policies based on sound economic theory rather than ideology, and liberal social policies. When they had a term of minority government, they were so successful that they won an absolute majority in a parliament that had been designed specifically to make it almost impossible to do so.


The SNP has no interest in governing in England; their sole interest is in governing Scotland and seeking independence. But the English could do well to look at the SNP and see how it has been possible to be a popular and successful government even in difficult times.

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Here you guys.. Just incase. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/general-election-2015/11558732/Where-should-you-flee-in-the-event-of-a-Labour-SNP-pact.html


Australia was one of the suggestions. Belgium sounds nice too


Labour want to create more jobs within the NHS by introducing uni fees to those who are studying nursing as opposed to keeping it free. :eek:


Obviously I would still do nursing if this was the case, but it sounds rather ridiculous.

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It looks like my prediction of chaos after the election, with no real power vested in any one party, and hence a plummeting pound, (and a cheap holiday in Blighty for me,) is looking more and more likely.

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It looks like my prediction of chaos after the election, with no real power vested in any one party, and hence a plummeting pound, (and a cheap holiday in Blighty for me,) is looking more and more likely.

The chaos will last for a week or two whilst parties negotiate a coalition and then everything will stabilise and there will be a regular government. The pound may dip for a bit during any period of uncertainty, but it will be temporary. Other countries have coped with coalition politics on a long term basis and not had undue difficulty managing the situation. Germany comes to mind.

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It looks like my prediction of chaos after the election, with no real power vested in any one party, and hence a plummeting pound, (and a cheap holiday in Blighty for me,) is looking more and more likely.


Amazing that you alone predicted that the most likely outcome of the election would be no overall majority.


It would be well worth the chaos (if such happens) so that you could save a few dollars on your holiday thats for sure.

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Amazing that you alone predicted that the most likely outcome of the election would be no overall majority.


It would be well worth the chaos (if such happens) so that you could save a few dollars on your holiday thats for sure.


Yes, no one else has seen that coming lol

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It looks like my prediction of chaos after the election, with no real power vested in any one party, and hence a plummeting pound, (and a cheap holiday in Blighty for me,) is looking more and more likely.


Well if the other institutions get the heebie jeebies like HSBC have due to the Tories and their sop to the anti EU wing, you may be right.

Did you notice that the bank that the Telegraph have repeatedly used to provide 'evidence' of how bad a non Tory govt would be for business in the UK, Deutsche Bank, got fined $2.5 billion dollars this week for manipulating exchange rates. And affecting the strength of the pound.

What a wonderfully circular little story that is hey!?

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Amazing that you alone predicted that the most likely outcome of the election would be no overall majority.


It would be well worth the chaos (if such happens) so that you could save a few dollars on your holiday thats for sure.


No need to thank me, your UK pound dropping to about $1.00 = 60p will be sufficient

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Well if the other institutions get the heebie jeebies like HSBC have due to the Tories and their sop to the anti EU wing, you may be right.

Did you notice that the bank that the Telegraph have repeatedly used to provide 'evidence' of how bad a non Tory govt would be for business in the UK, Deutsche Bank, got fined $2.5 billion dollars this week for manipulating exchange rates. And affecting the strength of the pound.

What a wonderfully circular little story that is hey!?


Well that's your take on it, but lets go and ask people who actually know what they are talking about shall we?


. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0f97c854-ec00-11e4-b428-00144feab7de.html#ixzz3YSn4Rv9p


Europe may, of course, play some part in HSBC’s thinking. But it is not why investors have been urging the board to put the domicile question back on the table. Their beef has little to do with access to the single market or indeed the climate of “banker bashing” that senior executives claim to find so prevalent in Britain.


It has much more to do with the so-called bank levy, a tax on bank balance sheets that was introduced in 2010 to oblige the UK’s largest financial institutions to contribute towards the risks they had so visibly generated during the financial crisis.

A rate of 0.21 per cent on balance sheet liabilities may not sound like an undue burden. But it bites deep into bank finances — especially at a time of low returns.





BTW what the hell does the Telegraph have to do with anything here?

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