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UK May General Election 2015


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To be fair for some of the categories i agreed with all or almost all of the options so I must have clicked tories and ukip at one point. It just made me remember though that politicians say all this stuff and then don't do half of it. I include all parties in that one so it isn't a dig at any one

I agree with you. I just looked at one sentence and agreed. Never have time to go through it all just like what bullshit the pollies say.

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Had a quick glance and then realised I don't care that much seeing as I am heading off in 3 months. Also voting in Surrey is an exercise in total futility. Strap a blue rosette to a lamp-post here and it would get in. Actually I think that our MP may be a lamp-post now I come to think of it.

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Yeah. I reckon people who live in 'marginal' constituencies must get a totally different perspective on elections. In this area you only find out who is standing when you get to the polling booth. Lucky to even see a leaflet through the door and if you do it is a Tory one. The others don't bother as it's a waste of time. If you live in a safe seat (as I have all my life) it is like living in a banana republic as far as democracy is concerned.

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Where I live is labour but I've only had one labour leaflet and the dog ripped it up before I could get it. Had 3 or 4 SNP ones. I don't see the point of putting it through the same door several times but never mind. I actually can't wait till it's over, I'm glad I'm more interested in politics and that I finally voted and will this year too but I'm a bit sick of it all at the moment especially the party broadcasts

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Ours is just snp and labour. I don't think I've ever heard lib dem, conservative or UKIP mentioned. I can understand UKIP and conservative because there aren't many people that would vote so I guess they wouldn't be bothered about leaflets but I don't know why lib dems never really been a thing where I live. Unless I've just not noticed them

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Only Labour could come up with such guff, (from their manifesto.)



“The common life we share is who we are as a country.” (page 11)

“We will create a whole-person approach.” (page 34)

Labour recognises the vital importance of the power of people’s relationships to build the capacity for love, care and resilience.”(page 44)

“We need a change in how we design our public services by pushing power down.” (page 32)

“We will support this model of knowledge clusters.” (page 21)

“We guarantee a universal entitlement to a creative education so that every young person has access to cultural activity.” (page 55)

Labour has always believed that everyone should have access to nature, whoever they are.” (page 56)

“One of our first acts in government will be to conduct a wide-ranging review of Britain’s place in the world.” (page 74)

“We applaud those faith communities who have pioneered an inter-faith dialogue for the common good.” (page 54)

“In a globalised world, our local environment provides us with a sense of place and belonging.” (page 56)

“For our country to stay strong, with the confidence to look outwards rather than inwards, people need to feel secure in the strength of our borders, our communities, and in the workplace.” (page 49)

Labour believes that art and culture gives form to our hopes and aspirations and defines our heritage as a nation.” (page 54)

“This will be underpinned by a new National Primary Childcare Service, a not-for-profit organisation to promote the voluntary and charitable delivery of quality extracurricular activities.” (page 44)

“Sport brings us together in an expression of our local and national pride.” (page 55)

“We will take a whole-family approach to policy-making.” (page 45)



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Only Labour could come up with such guff, (from their manifesto.)


What seems to be the problem? Are you opposed to children being exposed to creativity? The great outdoors? Sports?

Do you not believe that adults need relationships to flourish and thrive?

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Amazing you get that conclusion from the post srg. The only times there was a surplus was when Gordon Brown was in charge and a small bit when John Major was in charge. What is blindingly obvious is the GFC timing and what that did to the UK. Wouldn't have been much different whatever government had been in.


!! Wow, I guess it demonstrates how people see things very differently. My opinion is that the surplus would have come anyway give the recovery plan put in place by the Conservatives. Gorden spend too much Brown and Hollywood Blair ended up breaking the country by endebting it for years to come. Yes the GFC hit but because of its weak position UK suffered more than most other countries, remember UK was initially worse off than Greece!


Regarding the survey, interesting and ended up with a 100% result, pure blue!


For the first time ever, I'm not voting as missed the postal so I will not shout about the result as I strongly believe you can only complain if you took part.



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Brown initially stuck with the Tory spending plan he inherited and with growth in the economy he built up some years of surplus. They also copied the Tory 'trick' of funding capital expenditure off the books using PFI deals.


In the second term policies like Tax Credits were introduced which was well meaning but essentially subsidises employers who pay only the minimum wage. It has added billions to the growing welfare budget and even falling unemployment is not helping because so many employees get benefits in the form of WTC.


These changes were essentially unfunded and Brown was relying on ever larger growth forecasts to try to manage the deficit. The GFC hit and the UK was badly placed to ride the storm.


Whichever government had been in power the past few years would have had a rough ride but Labour has consistently argued that the country should have borrowed more rather than less. Whilst global economics is something of a mystery to me the concept of borrowing more when you are about to go bust seems high risk.

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PPI costs increased with very poorly structured deals under Brown.

Pension funds were allowed financial holidays, that worked well with UK public now propping up £Billions of debt ie Post Office etc cheers Brown

Benefits increased hugely allowing low pay to become normal, thanks Brown

Benefits removed the appetite of many people to work, stay at home instead, wish Brown had!


He was one of the worst chancellors the UK have had, spend spend spend simply to be popular. I can not stand Osbourne however he is doing the right thing and a good job, yes there is some pain but there will be a lot of gain. I will always keep my British passport as I do feel that the future is bright for UK hence why so many people want to live there. Arguably the real land of opportunity.



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The conservatives had a stall out today.. just two guys but I thought I was seeing things. I haven't ever noticed one before unless I've just missed them over the years. We used to get cars driving around with people shouting out about their policies, was annoying because half the time you couldn't understand them!

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I think that the saddest thing about this General Election would be if it is not decided by the voters, but by the politicians after the result is known.

I think that the LibDems will lose some, but not many of their seats. They are desperate to shrug off the Tories as coalition partners, it has really hurt them across the country in local elections. I think historically that they have benefited massively from tactical voting, principally in seats where Labour are weak, Labour voters have backed them to beat the Conservatives. I think a lot fewer Labour voters will do this this time, and simply vote Labour for two principal reasons. Mainly they do not want to endorse the coalition, and secondly they will see their votes as legitimising a Labour government, who could be elected on a minority of the votes cast due to the unfair inequality of voters in each parliamentary seat.

I don't think UKIP will win a single seat. I think many people will leave their homes on polling day fully intending to vote UKIP but when they get into the polling booth they will vote Tory. Also, UKIP are a bit of a rag tag and bobtail party. There is potential for at least one of their candidates to really stuff up, and frighten the voters.

So my prediction is Cameron to win with a majority of 20 seats, make that 30 if it rains on polling day.

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PPI costs increased with very poorly structured deals under Brown.

Pension funds were allowed financial holidays, that worked well with UK public now propping up £Billions of debt ie Post Office etc cheers Brown

Benefits increased hugely allowing low pay to become normal, thanks Brown

Benefits removed the appetite of many people to work, stay at home instead, wish Brown had!


He was one of the worst chancellors the UK have had, spend spend spend simply to be popular. I can not stand Osbourne however he is doing the right thing and a good job, yes there is some pain but there will be a lot of gain. I will always keep my British passport as I do feel that the future is bright for UK hence why so many people want to live there. Arguably the real land of opportunity.




The massive pension fund holidays were mainly taken in the late 80's/ early 90's in the days of high Tory interest rates, when the thinking was that interest would make up any shortfall.

Employees were not given the choice to suspend their contributions and didn't know that their employers had stopped paying in their own share. Can hardly blame Brown for that, they didn't get into power years after that.


He did sell off the gold though, that was bloody stupid.

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Whichever government had been in power the past few years would have had a rough ride but Labour has consistently argued that the country should have borrowed more rather than less. Whilst global economics is something of a mystery to me the concept of borrowing more when you are about to go bust seems high risk.


Borrowing to produce growth to increase revenue was their plan. It would probably have worked better, compared to what's actually happened.


What's happened is that the austerity measures were designed to prune fat and public sector services to make us lean, with the assumption that private industry would fill the gaps and produce tax revenue from invention and job creation. That didn't seem realistic at the time and it hasn't worked at all, with pretty much every target missed.

We are still having to borrow huge amounts because our income targets have been missed, partly because there hasn't been private lending available to support the expected small business sector that was supposed to sprout up and save the nation !

The bottom line is tax revenue, and income tax. It doesn't matter how many non-jobs or part-time work is now re-classified as a "job" to make unemployment figures look better...it's income tax revenue that counts. Many of the "new" jobs are minimum wage which pays no income tax, part-time, or zero hours that doesn't pay regular income tax. The amount of workers earning below the tax-free threshold has risen from 20% to 35% in this parliament.

It defies belief that the desire for a low wage economy could somehow produce the same amount of income tax, so maybe it was all a trick to widen the gap whilst looking after big business interests at the expense of the little man, many of whom thought they were voting for less red tape and the ability to run small businesses successfully, and just haven't been able to do that.





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Borrowing to produce growth to increase revenue was their plan. It would probably have worked better, compared to what's actually happened.


What's happened is that the austerity measures were designed to prune fat and public sector services to make us lean, with the assumption that private industry would fill the gaps and produce tax revenue from invention and job creation. That didn't seem realistic at the time and it hasn't worked at all, with pretty much every target missed.

We are still having to borrow huge amounts because our income targets have been missed, partly because there hasn't been private lending available to support the expected small business sector that was supposed to sprout up and save the nation !

The bottom line is tax revenue, and income tax. It doesn't matter how many non-jobs or part-time work is now re-classified as a "job" to make unemployment figures look better...it's income tax revenue that counts. Many of the "new" jobs are minimum wage which pays no income tax, part-time, or zero hours that doesn't pay regular income tax. The amount of workers earning below the tax-free threshold has risen from 20% to 35% in this parliament.

It defies belief that the desire for a low wage economy could somehow produce the same amount of income tax, so maybe it was all a trick to widen the gap whilst looking after big business interests at the expense of the little man, many of whom thought they were voting for less red tape and the ability to run small businesses successfully, and just haven't been able to do that.






Well I guess we will never know whether Labour's plan to borrow more would have paid dividends. The UK credit rating would have been adversely affected for sure so borrowing would have been more expensive.


The old borrowing to invest mantra is often played out but then they would have used the money to prop up public service jobs and reduce the cuts. Laudable I am sure but where is the investment in that policy?


I think that a 5 year period is simply not long enough to judge whether this has worked or not. With a debt issue that bad and a recession so deeply embedded globally it was always going to take more than 5 years to turn things around whoever tried it.

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The conservatives had a stall out today.. just two guys but I thought I was seeing things. I haven't ever noticed one before unless I've just missed them over the years. We used to get cars driving around with people shouting out about their policies, was annoying because half the time you couldn't understand them!


Were they speaking English Stacey.:wink:

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Cameron Is a Lying Bigoted Obnoxious Tory Toff.Totally out of touch with reality and the people. Hated by the majority,He treats people with Utter Contempt.Just my opinion Talking to people down the pub,while i was there last year.Apparently the Tories have printed so much money Britain's debt won't really be known unless the Tories fail to win office. The Official Debt is 1 .6 trillion well over double what Labour left after 13 years in office.The Post office has gone to Cameron's Tory friends that were not supposed to sell it .Within a certain time.But they sold it within weeks of buying it, for a huge profit.Now Cameron is set his sights on selling the NHS.After the Election,They say the The Tories have a lot of new taxes they will release,and billions worth of more cuts. Cameron has even Pledged that the public will be able to buy 4 billion worth of shares from Lloyds Bank.Strange that as the Tax payer bailed Lloyds out,during the GFC.

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What Osbourne has done to the country is a national disgrace.143 new taxes ,including VAT up to 20% caused chaos in it'self.To a country already in recession.Cutting off the money supply.Caused 1000 retail business per day to close up shop,causing more unemployment,and causeing untold manufacturing to close their doors. Made Thousands Redundant,Cut the Army down to 80,000. The Tories brag ,they have created 2 million jobs.All on ZERO hours 16 hrs a week,then the government make it up to the basic wage.costing billions.The Tories have Printed so many billions,no one knows just how much.How Could the Tories Rob the Pensioners to pay for the middle class to get family allowances,That were struggling on over 80,000 p/a.Increase Foreign Aid,Increase the Billion's they pay to the EU club.Give British government contracts away to overseas companies.Like Railway Carriages.Then to give land to a Japenese Fast train Manufacturer to build fast trains in the Uk creating 1000 jobs.The Site.Next to Nissan in the North East. Thats the end of the British Fast train Builders.The Eu wanting to do away with Our Counties,And Break Britain up into Sectors instead.Cameron has no problems with that. Have Eu Troops Based in Britain.No problem with that.can Anyone believe this Tory born liar.will give the British people a in/out vote on the EU in 2017 if he wins the next election?Unless the British people don't wake up,And Vote UKIP.Life as we all knew it in Britain Under the Tories./Liberals and Labour,will disappear FOREVER

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