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I can't get a bank account


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I need a bank account

I have been here 3 months and offered sponsorship, but..I have no photo ID. No utility bill or phone bill...

I have a passport

bridging visa in process

and tenancy agreement

how with out a drivers licence and tax number can I apply.

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I haven't even moved to Australia and I've opened an account [not with NAB]. I need to visit a branch when I arrive, show them my passport and they give me my debit card - and presumably a sales pitch about their other products.


I'm pretty sure if you go into any branch or any bank, they will be happy to help.

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I need a bank account

I have been here 3 months and offered sponsorship, but..I have no photo ID. No utility bill or phone bill...

I have a passport

bridging visa in process

and tenancy agreement

how with out a drivers licence and tax number can I apply.


During your first 6 months in Australia your passport (which is photo ID) counts for the 100 points needed to open a bank account. And you can get a bank account even on a tourist visa.

As discussed in your other thread your mention of waiting for a bridging visa makes no sense - and is irrelevant here anyway!

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No, I am awaiting a 457 sponsorship visa.

A passport isn't enough evidence after 6 weeks.

My house rent includes utility bills.

I have a pay as you go phone.

All the banks need.

Photo ID. ( not passport after 6 weeks)

Utility bill

Tax number

Phone bill


I have only a passport at the moment.

Is there anywhere I can get photo ID in sydney?

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No, I am awaiting a 457 sponsorship visa.

A passport isn't enough evidence after 6 weeks.


Have you tried a few different banks?


As an Australian, I could go into a bank tomorrow and use my passport (British or Australian) as a photo ID. It's on the standard list of photo ID documents which are acceptable for 70 points.


Here's an example from ANZ of the different ways you can make up the 100 points:




As you can see, if you'd opened the account in the first six weeks, your passport would have counted for the whole 100 points. Now it's only 70 points but it still counts. You only need to find another thirty - a credit card or passbook from your UK bank, a UK driver's licence, your birth certificate, and a few other options.

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A passport isn't enough evidence after 6 weeks. My house rent includes utility bills.


Are you sure, because everything I have ever had to apply for you have been able to show a current passport as part of the 100 point check (irrespective of time lapse).


You can get your landlord to write you a letter with your current address confirming your tenancy agreement at the address.


ETA: Looking at ANZ 100 point check, you can use your passport, but if you have been here longer than 6 weeks it gives you 70 points - you will need to get the additional 30 points - which you could do by providing your birth certificate. http://www.anz.com.au/Documents/AU/Commercial/100point_check.pdf

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Yes, this is the problem, I have no document to cover the other 30points.

Tenancy agreement not enough.

I will try and find my birth certificate.

I have no drivers licence.

And phone or utility bills I have no proof as pay as you go and rent includes bills.


That was what I was asking..

So it appears. A birth certificate with a passport should get me 100 points??

Thank you.

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Yes, this is the problem, I have no document to cover the other 30points.


So it appears. A birth certificate with a passport should get me 100 points??

Thank you.


Please look at the link I gave you! Yes birth certificate + passport would give you 140 points, more than enough.


If you can't find your birth certificate, then a lease/rental agreement comes under the category of "other" and IS acceptable provided it shows your name and address. It's only worth 25 points though, so you'll still need one more document.


A credit card, EFTPOS card or passbook from your UK bank would do, or your UK driver's licence.

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It might take a week or so from submitting an application but obtaining a Medicare card will get you an easy 25 points.


Showing the current lease/rental agreement will get you another easy 25 points.


Within the week, take those documents along with your passport to the bank because you'll have met the 100 point requirement.

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I've been to quite a few different banks...and yes I was told, but wanted other suggestions....I new my passport only made up so many point, however I don't have any other proof of identity to make up points to a 100.

They want drivers licence, utility bill, phone bill or Medicare.

I have non of these. I do have private medical insurance but it does not count

My tenancy agreement isn't enough.

But finding out my birth certificate counts is greatnews.

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Looking at the Westpac site as an example looks like you might need to apply for immigrant banking as you are not a PR.


this may be causing the problem as you are not newly arrived or applying before travelling to Australia. I would ask to speak to someone specifically about new migrant accounts.


I think some confusion is being caused by this as you are not a standard case. They should be able to help you sort this though. You will need your birth certificate to apply for the visa in any case so worth getting this sorted anyway.

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Yeah, I have my birth certificate, and my 457 is almost approved, I have a contract and awaiting my Medicare number, but until I have a visa I'm stuck...I'm on a bridging visa. West pack suggested I get a tax number...and the letter from the tax number office sent to my home will count as a utility. It's just nothing can be done until I have a visa. I've spoken to all.. I'm getting there. Ha.

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Yeah, I have my birth certificate, and my 457 is almost approved, I have a contract and awaiting my Medicare number, but until I have a visa I'm stuck...I'm on a bridging visa. West pack suggested I get a tax number...and the letter from the tax number office sent to my home will count as a utility. It's just nothing can be done until I have a visa. I've spoken to all.. I'm getting there. Ha.


Have you applied for a Tax File Number? They usually only take a couple of weeks to arrive and you will need one when working or you will ahve to pay tax at a high rate after your first 28 days of working. As a new arrival, you can apply online and very little ID is required.

https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Permanent-migrants-or-temporary-visitors---online-TFN-application/ Online TFN

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I did have to show my birth certificate when submitting all my information and I have an agent. ??


And I didn't. Therefore it's not a requirement for 457 visa application.


But don't let my pedantry confuse you further. Good luck with your bank account.


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Hi Dawnlouise


You can go to the RTA, (Road Traffic Authority) and pay for a PhotoID Card only. You will need your passport but check before attending as they will be able to tell you exactly what you need.


Please let us know how you get on.


Regards, BEGal

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