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What's your Top 5 things.............

Major Tom

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What's the other 4?

In no particular order:

a. Get my finances in order. Australia taxes residents on worldwide income. I was lazy and this was a bit of shocker.

b. Dust up my resume. This wasn't important to me at the time as I got lucky with my job. Just go through seek listings and create 2 or 3 versions of your resume that highlights various aspects of your experience. This way, you can catch up on some travel while applying for Jobs online.

c. If you don't have any friends/family over here to help you out in the first few weeks then sorting out your accommodation is a big thing. I know quite a few people that were tired of going to house inspections, applying and not getting in. Arrange for a reasonably priced temporary accommodation and have a few appointments lined up with real estate agents.

d. If you don't already have people here then try and meet up with fellow migrants. Either through PIO gatherings or groups in meetup.com

e. If you have kids then there is probably a giant list that I have no knowledge of.


Other than that, just hurry up and get here. The summer is almost over.

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Guest AltyMatt

1. Book short-term accommodation in advance. I arrived in Sydney with nowhere to stay & assumed I could just book a hotel in the city. Unfortunately a couple were fully booked and it was no fun traipsing around with my suitcase til I found a room.

2. Thoroughly research the suburbs to live in medium/long term. I made a half-hearted attempt to check out places to live before leaving & probably would have skipped my initial choice had I researched more.

3. Consider a houseshare for first rental if single. As a single guy I opted to rent a 1 bed place that worked out quite expensive (although did receive Living Away From Home Allowance) & tied me to a contract for 6 months. A houseshare would have allowed a bit more freedom to trial a few locations before settling down.

4. Make use of resources on Poms In Oz. There is a wealth of info here that would have been very handy if I had checked when I moved.

5. Sort out finances before leaving.


I was sat next to an Italian girl on the flight who was coming over for a recce. She was considering transferring to Aus with her employer & had a work colleague pick her up from the airport, a place to stay & an itinerary. While chatting to her it dawned on me how crap my preparation was :$

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Number 1 took the first offer on on house which was the highest and gone into rental

number 2 saved more money during the planning stage

number 3 squeezed more into our container

number 4 sold items we weren't bringing instead of giving them away

number 5 left more money in our UK bank account

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  • 3 months later...

I have not visited Scotland ever, good or bad, I'm not sure? :wink:


Seriously, we can try and do anything we may have missed whenever we visit however since moving to Brisbane there is so much more to do and our to do list has now extended to pages upon pages.



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We are at the same stage. Moving in the New Year and just trying to tick a few things off the list. My husband hasn't been to the Lake District (it's an hour away from us !! ) I want ed to go to Rome.

However most important thing for me now is the prep! I have a little girl to get into a school, a baby to settle and hubby to find work!

I have my Aussie bank acc, we have our house up to rent (staying at parents ATM) & I am looking daily for decent short term accommodation in/around Melbourne and just save save saving every little bit I can.

All said and done, I am for more excited to get there and experience all I can. I have seen the cities in the Uk they are nice enough but our new adventure will be so much more fun !

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1. Actually did the move when we first thought about it circa 2004

2. Not bothered bring half of what we did ( and we only brought 10 boxes two push bikes toolbox and telly )

3. Not listened to the idiots that told us to stock up on bedding as it was so expensive here. One suitcase stuffed with bedding we could have easily bought at KMart Big W or online!

4. Brought my warm jackets and winter boots

5. Not paid off all our debts and kept the money for here instead, well it's what others have got away with............damn :laugh: :wink:

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Agree with the above as we too shipped very little and found it easy enough and cheap enough to go out and buy what we wanted as and when we needed it. In hindsight ,not much of UK furniture would have fit the house we got anyway so pretty happy we didn't pay thousands for shipping it.

The only two items i 'probably' would bring if i did it all over again where my fridge freezer and tumble dryer.


Cal x

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1) I wish we had sold our apartment when we moved in 2009 and lost £20k on it, rather than the £50k we stand to lose now.

2) I wish we had seen more of Europe before kids arrived.

3) I wish i had purchased a house here in 2006 rather than the apartment in the uk in 2006 and rented over there before our immigration.

4) I wish i had purchased a good second hand car a year before immigrating and shipped it with us.

5) I wish the NHS didn't have as many chiefs looking down on and pressuring the indians to do more with less. By the sounds of it, this hasn't changed much.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Also, what's your thought everyone on what to bring i.e all contents of your house, or carefully selected items?

I would probably bring everything if I came again although I was happy with our 5 suitcases.

It really is hard to say what is the best way.

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1. Explored the Scottish Highlands.

2. Run the London Marathon.

3. Re-visited the Cornwall and Devon that I used to go on holiday to as a child.

4. Taken the Euro-Star to Paris.

5. Had a day at the Wimbledon tennis.

6. Seen a show on the West End.

7. Visited the parts of Europe that we missed out on due to parenting responsibilities.

8. Walked the North Yorkshire Moors.

9. Sailed my mate's boat around the Isle of Sheppey.

10. But most of all, spent more time with family and friends. All the other stuff I've listed comes a long way behind that.

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5. Not paid off all our debts and kept the money for here instead, well it's what others have got away with............damn :laugh: :wink:


Funny you say that, I have heard of this happening also, but there is Dept Collection Agencies that will chase you to Oz also!!

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Agree with the above as we too shipped very little and found it easy enough and cheap enough to go out and buy what we wanted as and when we needed it. In hindsight ,not much of UK furniture would have fit the house we got anyway so pretty happy we didn't pay thousands for shipping it.

The only two items i 'probably' would bring if i did it all over again where my fridge freezer and tumble dryer.


Cal x



Its a a fine line, I've read on some posts where people say take everything, but there some pieces of furniture I have that I think, do I want to float this half the way around the world, but I don't want to spend $$$$ buying more stuff!

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Its a a fine line, I've read on some posts where people say take everything, but there some pieces of furniture I have that I think, do I want to float this half the way around the world, but I don't want to spend $$$$ buying more stuff!


We brought almost all ours (except for things which were past their best before date like tv and fridge) we even bought a second lounge suite and got it delivered to the shippers yard, it got to the point when trying to sort out what to bring or leave that it became more cost effective to get a container and bring it all, and what was not needed we could throw away in OZ, But I have to say when we unpacked it was like Christmas again with the added bonus that we had a complete home straight away. There are, even to this day, some odd things we miss which were left behind especially my man shed stuff.

Personally, I cannot see a cost saving in buying new stuff in OZ it is really surprising how much even the little things in life add up, like coat hangers, cutlery, but then we had a 4 bed house and two teenage kids, I suppose coming from a 1 bed flat with no children would be different.

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