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In Perth - 4 weeks in.


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Well, I've not been on the forum for a while as I've moved to Perth and been keeping busy (ish) with job hunting, finding my way around and organising somewhere to live. I thought that now would be a good time to put down my thoughts about Perth and Western Australia. Get a drink and get comfortable; I have a feeling this might be a long one!!!


The Flight


We flew with Etihad from Manchester to Perth and had a stop-over in Abu Dhabi for about 2 hours. I found the flight very good, and didn't have any problems whatsoever, but that might have been due to the fact that I spent most of the time asleep, due to sheer boredom :laugh:. We left home at 5am and it was -2 and on arrival at Manchester Airport, joined the queues for the lift. Why oh why we did we bring so many cases? Without the 7 cases, 4 carry ons, 4 handbags, and 3 blankets, we could have just taken the stairs and cut out 20 minutes of waiting for the queues to go down until we were first in line. Oh well. Check in was easy, we were 30 kgs under the allowance and we went through security with no problems. The food on the flight was nice and the entertainment was good - I now know the first and last five minutes of about 73 movies!! The kids seemed to enjoy it and the recline on the seats wasn't too bad either. We landed in the middle of the afternoon and whilst OH and kids joined the queue for immigration, I went through the fast track, which I recommend, but a word of caution. The fast track is available for those over 18 with passports from certain countries but you will not get a stamp in your passport, which you may need as part of your 100 point identification. Due to the queue at immigration, I had collected the luggage from the carousel and made friends with a lovely girl that worked at the airport, who gave me her phone number in case I needed anything. The queues for customs had diminished by the time the OH and kids got down to me. We went through customs with no problem, despite declaring medication and found Uncle venturing in from the smoking area. It was 26 degrees with a lovely breeze and no clouds in sight.


The Weather


There's been no rain since we arrived and I've noticed clouds maybe once a week. The weather does fluctuate a lot and it can be 25 degrees one day and then shoot up to 37 degrees the next, but this gives a nice respite from the heat. The first week we were here, I had to wear a cardigan in the evenings as it did feel cold to me and I still wear my furry slippers even now.


The City


The City is fairly easy to navigate around as it is set out in blocks. There's a good range of shops and everyone is very friendly. There's a lovely beach in the city near the Cultural Centre with a big screen TV and also water fountains were children can play. I haven't found any prices here to be shocking other than the cost of buying cars and houses and in some cases, prices are cheaper than the UK, such as pop tarts and boxed chocolates. My son took a whole load of both back to the UK when he came out. Cigarettes are slightly cheaper than the brand I smoke back home and keep the dockets from Coles as they have special offers on Liquorland if you want to drink. It's very clean and there's no litter or graffiti. Well, not in the areas that I've been too.




We were very lucky in that we found a rental very quickly and got the first one we applied for. We move in on Thursday and it's just around the corner from a very good public school and in the catchment area for an excellent SHS. Rental prices vary hugely from suburb to suburb but generally speaking, expect to pay at least $400 per week for a 3 bed/1 bath unit.




We are NOR (North of the River), not far from the CBD and there aren't many migrants in this area but we chose it as it's close to where Uncle lives and it was the first area that we got to know. It's very clean, there's no dog mess anywhere, everyone is friendly and it's a short walk to the River. We've been to other suburbs such as Mount Lawley, Claremont, Peppermint Grove, Cottesloe and Scarborough to visit people and find that they are also very clean. Uncle took us to Morley where there's a big shopping centre and market and even that was clean, although seems a lot more built up than where we are.




This is probably going to make me unpopular with the Aussie naysayers but I haven't found it that expensive compared to the UK. In fact, the cost of electricity in Perth is 24 cents per KWH and we were paying 25p per KWH in the UK and certainly not earning the mad wages that people can earn here so it doesn't take Einstein to work out that there's a saving immediately. Uncle is making us do without air-con and although there have been some nights where it's felt uncomfortable as the heat has built up so much, I think this will stand us in good stead for when we move in to our rental and help keep our bills down. Gas is also cheaper than the UK. Bread, for a decent loaf, is about the same and milk is as well. Meat and chicken is cheaper as are potatoes but I suppose it depends on where you shop. I've been to Coles and the local Indian grocers for spices. I go to the market at Morley for fruit and veg. I think that people who moved from the UK sometime ago, don't realise how expensive the UK has become over the past few years. As I said already, the cigarettes that I have started smoking are cheaper then the ones I smoked in the UK which aren't available here. For less than $3000 I've managed to buy all that I need to furnish and equip our rental (including white goods) to last us till our goods arrive on the container and the only furniture I've shipped is my bed, my bedroom furniture and the dining room set. The rest of the room is taken up by my books, but that's another story!!

GP's, Medicare and Prescriptions


I've been to the GP twice, once for blood tests and once for results and prescriptions. For one lot of prescriptions, he prescribed me 500 and since I only take one a day, this will last me for a year and half and unbelievably the shelf life is even longer. That cost me $28 for those tablets. The other ones I take are only available on 4 weekly prescriptions, so that's going to be $17 each month which isn't too bad. My GP bulk bills kids and blood tests and Medicare put the money in to the bank account the same day as the appointment. There's none of this waiting 3 weeks for an appointment, when I went in to register, I was asked if I wanted to come back that afternoon to see the GP. The GP himself is not like any doctor I've ever met before lol. When I went to see him and showed him all my mozzie bites, he said that I was having a reaction to them, not to use Papaw ointment because it's sh!t (yes, he said sh!t lol) and not to travel outside of metro areas yet in case I get Ross Rivers disease as apparently there's an increased chance until you build up your immunity to the mozzies. I never got bitten in the UK but oh well, c'est la vie.


The Wildlife


So far, I've seen cockroaches, parrots, puffins (I think), red back spiders and lizards. That's before I leave the house lol. Uncle gets angry because I won't kill the cockroaches but as I said to him, if I killed everything I thought was ugly and I didn't like, half the population of the world would be dead. There's been some shark attacks since I've been here and the worst news was when I read that permission had been given to authorities to hunt and kill a great white that had apparently been coming in too close to shore. I don't understand that, as the ocean is a shark's natural habitat and therefore surely it's unwarranted to kill them just for doing what comes naturally - swimming. People choose to go in the ocean, what's the shark supposed to do, sprout legs and come on the beach?


The Beaches


I've been to a few beaches now and they are very clean. Also, water fountains abound everywhere and the beaches have showers for use when you've finished. The sand is fantastic and not too hot to walk on, even in the middle of the day. Even the dog beaches are fantastic and impeccably clean. So far, the midgets have managed not to get eaten by sharks, so all good :smile:


The Boring Bits


Medicare cards are applied for in person, but there are medicare offices all over the place so accessing one isn't a hardship. For new migrants, TFN's (Tax File Numbers required for jobs) can be applied for online so that is easy and they come within a couple of weeks. Most things are done online here and you can open an account at My Gov which centralises everything for you. School applications to public school are made in person and you must ensure that you take all your documentation with you. Private schools are done slightly differently and each school varies. Schools work on catchment areas and you need to live in the catchment area and then you are guaranteed a place in that school, it's not like the UK where you can choose the school you want and fingers crossed.


The People


I've met some great people since I've been here and they are all so friendly. I got invited for Christmas Day by a couple that I'd only met once and they also took us to the beach on New Year's Day as OH has gone back to the UK to coordinate the removals of our worldly goods and selling the house.


Public Transport


I have found the transport system quite easy to navigate (if you count going 6 kms in the wrong direction as easy lol) and the buses and trains are very clean. The only negative that I can think of is that some of these bus drivers seemed to got their licences out of Pakistani cereal boxes!! Both the buses and trains run very frequently and again, everyone is friendly and will offer to help you to find places if you are stuck. A word of warning though. I got on the 99 bus to go somewhere and on returning, it turned out I needed the 98 not the 99 - weird or what?


Want to also say thank you to @@Que Sera, Sera soon :hug:


Emotionally, I've been on a bit of a roller coaster, especially now that OH is back in England and whilst I haven't felt "homesick" and don't feel any deep yearning and desire to return to the UK, there are times that I've felt daunted by the fact that I'm in a completely strange city with 2 children and Uncle is off on his holidays and I'm here, with no car and the midgets for company. Saying that, today I feel more positive as I'm moving soon in to my unit and once I move, I will start looking around for a car and I will hopefully have more freedom and independence, without worrying that a shark will eat one of us, someone will attack us, we'll get bitten by spiders and die or some other doom and gloom scenario that Uncle has managed to think up in his head, bless him.

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Thanks for posting MTT, nice to hear how new arrivals are finding it.


I agree so many things cheaper here. We neither have to heat or cool our house v often.


but...this is the coolest summer we've had since I moved here, but it was a v mild winter too.


Anyway see you this weekend, got my plate:daydreaming:

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Love the update MTT it's bringing back so many memories. I'd agree with all of the above apart from the hot sand bit. Tomorrow it's going to be over 40 I believe so I wouldn't try the sand then. I've actually burnt between my toes once :laugh: Having just returned from the UK about two months ago I agree that it's not more expensive and like Fifi said we rarely use our aircon. I didn't use any form of heating at all this last year so no heating costs and the aircon was on only a handful of times. Added to that the cheap as chips petrol.$1.03 a litre at our local Coles last Wednesday we do OK. Have a great time on the weekend, OHs home this weekend so I shall be giving him my full attention :wink:but look forward to catching up when he gets back. Sounds like you really don't need it but best of luck with the rest of the settling in bit.

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Love the update MTT it's bringing back so many memories. I'd agree with all of the above apart from the hot sand bit. Tomorrow it's going to be over 40 I believe so I wouldn't try the sand then. I've actually burnt between my toes once :laugh: Having just returned from the UK about two months ago I agree that it's not more expensive and like Fifi said we rarely use our aircon. I didn't use any form of heating at all this last year so no heating costs and the aircon was on only a handful of times. Added to that the cheap as chips petrol.$1.03 a litre at our local Coles last Wednesday we do OK. Have a great time on the weekend, OHs home this weekend so I shall be giving him my full attention :wink:but look forward to catching up when he gets back. Sounds like you really don't need it but best of luck with the rest of the settling in bit.


$1.03 a litre?? What really? I can't believe how much petrol prices have dropped, I was surprised to see it at $1.20 today. I wish I didn't need heating or cooling in my house. I'm either a wuss or newer homes are better insulated!


We are really clocking up the numbers of members in Perth now!

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Well, I'm just back from the Park with the midgets, which is something I would never have dreamt of doing in the UK. Going to the Park at 17.30 I mean, too many dodgy types about. Surprisingly, there were quite a few people at the park, with the same idea and the M's had a good time there.


Even the recreation areas are so clean but apparently, I live in a posh part (which I don't think it is really but I don't know how this is quantified).

@Que Sera, Sera, I was at the Beach on New Year's Day and didn't burn anything on the sand then :wink: but I'm not planning beach tomorrow, I'm going to go and have a look around Belmont again. Make sure that you come up as soon as hubby goes back so we can get drunk and eat curry :wink:


@Nic f, I will certainly try Chemist Warehouse, but I think the nearest one is in Morley which is a way aways with no car.


@calNgary and @ali, I have tried to be fair and objective in what I have found so far. To be honest, I have only met nice people and I'm amazed at the amount of people who just want to talk to you and give you their phone number to meet up so the kids can play together etc. Even people on the train and bus. Although the first lot of people I met on the train turned out to be Jehovah's Witness so that might have accounted for their friendliness :laugh:


@Freckleface Thank you :hug:


@Johndoe It's fantastic here, I don't know why people lambaste it all the time as I have found loads to do so far and firemen. Well, what can I say.........phwoar.......:wink:

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Great post, quick question about medicare. Does it kick in on arrival or once you register. Did you have another medical insurance to cover travel to Australia and time before getting medicare?


I didn't get any travel insurance as there's a reciprocal agreement anyway so even if the kids or OH had needed to be seen, they could have been seen without medicare. There are so many offices around though, that getting registered isn't a problem. Just make sure that you go in the morning as after about 10.30, they get busy with people going in about their rebates. Also, make sure that you take everyone's ID and passports, and your bank details as it's easier if they can put your rebate straight in to your account.

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Congrats on your arrival MTT. Hope everything works out and dont feel shy to give me a holler if you need anything or company. I know where the best eats are this side of the river... Im not far from Morley. And dont worry that shark attack was 400km south of Perth in a small town called Albany. A spearfisherman carrying dead fish .. not far from walking with a bag of fresh steak in a lions den... No sharks near Perth beaches for a while. Maybe too many beachgoers for their liking ..

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Congrats on your arrival MTT. Hope everything works out and dont feel shy to give me a holler if you need anything or company. I know where the best eats are this side of the river... Im not far from Morley. And dont worry that shark attack was 400km south of Perth in a small town called Albany. A spearfisherman carrying dead fish .. not far from walking with a bag of fresh steak in a lions den... No sharks near Perth beaches for a while. Maybe too many beachgoers for their liking ..

@gee13 if only I had known you were so close sooner. Isn't Sunday night Bongo night? Darn, I missed that one!! I will PM you with my contact details.

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