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Queens birthday .. Did you know or even care ?


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For 40 years I never knew when the queens birthday was until I came to Australia..nor took an interest in

the royal family . Through my own :huh:ignorance and unwillingness to be interested In the monarchy and be interested in history in school I have since realised it's importance within my children . My two boys in primary school have studied Australian settlement and sing weekly word for word the Australian anthem ' Australia Fayre ' at assembly. It's very touching to hear and very patriotic but quite upsetting to know that the British national anthem is only publicly known to be sang at football matches .. How many of us know the words to the British national Anthem or when the queens birthday is ???

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Queen, even in the UK has a few birthdays.


then you move to Oz and one half of the country has a public holiday for said birthday, but here in WA, we don't get a day off till later in the year.


so basically, its no bloody wonder nobody knows when her birthday is:eek:

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Couldnt really care less about a foreign monarch and it's pretty hypocritical of Australia to celebrate it. The sooner Australia cuts the cord and finally becomes a republic the better. I cant think of any other countries, except Commonwealth ones, that have a foreign head of state who does nothing for the country. As for the Royal family, the are the biggest bunch of freeloaders in history and do nothing for Australia except visit on tax payer funded jollies every few years and Aussie go mad for it because they are somebody famous from overseas.

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The Queen's birthday is actually the 21st April.

But the convention of having a public holiday in Australia goes back to the first British settlement in 1788 when the Governor gave the convicts a few days holiday for the birthday of George III.

That continued with each successive reigning monarch and their respective birthdays until George V, when it was decided to standardise the public holiday to a Monday close to his birthday, which was 3rd June.

For some reason WA decided to do it differently...but there's no accounting for those West Australians. :wink:

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Guest Dave53
Couldnt really care less about a foreign monarch and it's pretty hypocritical of Australia to celebrate it. The sooner Australia cuts the cord and finally becomes a republic the better. I cant think of any other countries, except Commonwealth ones, that have a foreign head of state who does nothing for the country. As for the Royal family, the are the biggest bunch of freeloaders in history and do nothing for Australia except visit on tax payer funded jollies every few years and Aussie go mad for it because they are somebody famous from overseas.


So I take it that if you are offered a day off from work tomorrow for the public holiday , you will refuse and work instead ? ..


Dave C

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Couldnt really care less about a foreign monarch and it's pretty hypocritical of Australia to celebrate it. The sooner Australia cuts the cord and finally becomes a republic the better. I cant think of any other countries, except Commonwealth ones, that have a foreign head of state who does nothing for the country. As for the Royal family, the are the biggest bunch of freeloaders in history and do nothing for Australia except visit on tax payer funded jollies every few years and Aussie go mad for it because they are somebody famous from overseas.


Do you really think 'a Head of State" will do anything for the country? Just another politician to pay.

I can assure you the Queen is not only cheaper she's also better for Australia because we as taxpayers only pay for her a little bit through the Commonwealth Funding which is only a few pennies in comparison to a 'Head of State' with a full salary.

People who always claim a republic is better actually don't know anything about it!!!

I come from a European republic and I can only share my negative view about this crap 'Head of State'. They are lazy like figureheads, don't do their job for the country like a King or Queen would do and the last we had in my home country before his dishonourable discharge has gone through political corruption and accepting advantages from 'friends'. As if this wasn't enough the taxpayer overseas have still to pay this pension at the age of 50! Of course a republic pays also for all the retired 'Head of State' as well and not forget the widows who claim the pension after the former 'Head of States' are deceased.

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Let's be clear. Public holidays are just days on the calender when a majority of people take Anual leave. It is not paid for by the government and certainly not be a bloody monarch. It is calculated as part of your salary so like all Al you are paying for it.

Frankly it's embarrassing that in this day and age people swoon over the inbred celebrity off spring and decendents of murderers and dictators who kept your ancestors subservient through fear of reprisal.

The sooner Australia casts off this archaic connection the better.

Queens birthday?

Get stuffed!

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I just don't get why people who are against it are so awful with it. Feels like if you hate it you have to try and ram it down other peoples throats.

I am very much a monarchist, I have served queen and country and believe in it a lot. But I wouldn't say its embarrassing or hypocritical for people to believe the opposite. Its similar to about 90% of people who claim to be atheists and HAVE to ridicule other peoples beliefs, rather that just let them get on with it.

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