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Why do people leave Oz


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Left because of many things, which when put together made living in the UK better.

I left because I had to so I didn't totally lose my sanity... Developed anxiety/panic attacks,

wages were worse with no immediate scope to get a better paid job

job was ****, poor management all the way to the top, and I love my work so that was a biggie,

lack of support network, living in a city people already have their friends, and I'm very social so this had an impact,

especially when partner works unsociable hours so I spent a lot of time by myself,

high cost of living..**** wages..means no spending money

and on it goes.

as stated above, I didn't laugh with Aussies like I do with UK folk, different sense of humour.

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Yes, definitely miss the British sense of humour! Always managed to have a bit of a laugh with my workmates in England but the Aussie ones I work with just don't seem to get my jokes :biglaugh:

Ha ha. Yeah I think some of my aussie work mates thought I was genuinely a bit mad (which I prob am to be fair), but yeah it's not quite the same when you have to "unpick' the joke...

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Yes, definitely miss the British sense of humour! Always managed to have a bit of a laugh with my workmates in England but the Aussie ones I work with just don't seem to get my jokes :biglaugh:

aussie sense of humor is quite strange, I never found it funny to be honest.

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aussie sense of humor is quite strange, I never found it funny to be honest.

Yeah me too. However a couple of my aussis work mates did love the british sense of humour but they appeared to be the ones who had UK connections, family etc. When some of my british work colleagues used to have a good old natter and a laugh my old boss used to say we sounded like the characters from that Creature Comforts show:biglaugh: I really think that our humour is really very quite unique.It certainly helps having one on here sometimes anyway....:twitcy:

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It's a bit like some of the American sitcoms, I just don't find them funny. Give me Monty Python any day...

Got to have it out with you here :cute: I love the American sitcoms like Friends, Two and a Half men ( with Aston Kucher ), The Middle, Modern Family just to mention a few, far better imo than anything we have come up with in recent years

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Moving to Singapore would mean an instant move from top tax rate in Australia to nil tax

0% in Singapore

46.5% in Australia



0% in Singapore?

I can assure you that for the 5 years we lived there my OH was definitely NOT taxed at that rate - I wish!

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Got to have it out with you here :cute: I love the American sitcoms like Friends, Two and a Half men ( with Aston Kucher ), The Middle, Modern Family just to mention a few, far better imo than anything we have come up with in recent years

Maybe I'll stand corrected as I do quite like Friends actually. I don't know about the others, so I'll have a little look...

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I lent an Aussie workmate a DVD of the sitcom Miranda telling her I found it hilarious .... she didn't get the humour - didn't know what she was missing as far as I was concerned!

I'm British and I can't stick her show. Don't think that's just an Aussie thing. I do like her as an Actress though.

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I'm British and I can't stick her show. Don't think that's just an Aussie thing. I do like her as an Actress though.


I suppose this is a case of where Brits have different sense of humour too! I like the slapstick style - has me in fits. Used to show my kids when they were younger repeats of Dads Army and The Goodies - we'd all be rolling on the floor laughing our heads off :biglaugh:


I used to to quite like Kath and Kim but not sure if that was because it was genuinely funny or because they were taking the mickey out of Aussies!

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Surely wouldn't it be the people that come here for a more active lifestyle for themselves and kids be the ones more likely to adapt to the lifestyle here. Coming here for vibrant 24 hour city living wouldn't make for a very successful move. Someone like me , I couldn't stand living the cbd lifestyle, hence Australia ticks most boxs for me.The poms I know here that adore the country are ones that get out and enjoy , camping, 4wding, fishing, surfing, bbqs caravaning and all the water sports. Its a lifestyle that the uk just can't compete with. All the things I missed being in the uk. My wife is the reason I'm back here and she loves the lifestyle here, never knew nothing like it before. She watches them shows about Australia and England and can relate to them where as because a lot don't talk advantage of whT they are saying they think them shows are just crap. Life's what ya make it and all that. It's still a first world country, has some messed up issues, but lifestyle can be great for those wanting a outdoor lifestyle. Those that prefer the concrete jungle lifestyle could be disappointed . The uk is a easy country to love and I see why some prefer it , but having a choice between oz and uk is great and I will spend my future in both countries, living different lifestyles in each. Pointless post but I'm bored at home today.

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Great weather, resort lifestyle and one of the highest average wages in the world.


So it is surprising why so many people go back. If you have returned are you happy to be back in uk or wish you hadn't left ?


Not that many people go back. Most migrants stay. You don't see them on these forums because they're enjoying life in Australia and don't feel the need to seek out other Poms, so that gives a distorted view.


I know the "great weather" and "resort lifestyle" look great when you're in the UK, but constant sunshine doesn't suit everyone. The Australian summer for me is something to be endured - I'm just a sweaty puddle most of the time. I'm not a strong swimmer so I'm nervous of the surf and don't like sunbaking, so a 'resort lifestyle' holds no attraction for me. Besides, not everyone has access to the beach - a lot of people have to live where the work is, and that may be a long way from anything remotely resembling a resort! Even in coastal cities, affordable housing can be a long way from the coast.


Having said that, I have loved living in Sydney for the last 30+ years. I've done better in my career than I would ever have done in the UK, and I love the more open-minded, positive attitudes of Sydneysiders. I am now likely to return to the UK for various reasons and I know I'll miss many things about Australia, but the "great weather" and the "resort lifestyle" will NOT be among them.

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Hi there , don't post very often but do follow , I have been in Australia around 19 months , I think it's been the hardest thing I have done in my life , some people settle in straight away some take months or years , for me I think it's going to be years if I'm totally honest , i love the weather but that's all I'm loving , I'm missing family and friends , birthday, christenings wedding s everything you took for granted in uk I am missing , has for coming here it was me that was the driver my husband was not fussed , I was the driver purely for weather , because wages are no different here than uk for my oh , in the 19 months I've been here I've moved to another state the first state we went to work dried up a little , so we moved for work , now I'm stuck wether to just call it a day here or give it longer my oh thinks 19 months isn't long enough he thinks it will all be fine and we will be glad we stayed I'm not so sure , people say your wages are higher here for some I can totally understand why they think that , but throw in cost of living unless you came here a few years ago say 6/7 8 yrs ago think people coming now have missed the boat a little , now we can afford to live here don't get me wrong but I feel like I'm going backwards to what I had in uk , i don't explain my self very well but all I can say since being here I have no confidence to what I had , I think I've had the life sucked right out of me , I have been shot down by folk because they think you are being negative , I think Australia is a beautiful place to look at and I really wish I could say I'm living this so called dream but I am not although to be fair we have moved on a lot since the last state we were in and I do find the state I'm in now people to be very friendly and warm , to me and I honestly do think this now , it is no different apart from weather than living back home if you had good jobs and a nice home and a couple of hols abroad every year I would seriously think hard before coming , and my oh is a high end earner , if you had it rough in uk I totally get why people want to move here , anyway I do waffle on sorry for the long post but there is more I feel but won't bore you with it , I am trying to love it but at the moment it's not happening , my oh thinks give it longer he's sold on it now he's found the right job , but even though he's sold on it here now he will do what I decide but I would like hang on for citizenship just incase I get back and think what have I done , I think I'm in a phase where I just don't know which side of the world to sit.

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Resort lifestyle in Australia? It may have appeared that way a decade and certainly further back but hardly now days. Cost of living see's to that. As does working conditions which are bound to worsen in the future.


That style of living is being increasingly found by Aussies moving north to Bali or Penang or Thailand, in taking early retirement and going for places where some bang for the buck can be found. A couple can live rather well on about a quarter of the cost of living with far more social interaction and things to do generally.

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Not that many people go back. Most migrants stay. You don't see them on these forums because they're enjoying life in Australia and don't feel the need to seek out other Poms, so that gives a distorted view.


I know the "great weather" and "resort lifestyle" look great when you're in the UK, but constant sunshine doesn't suit everyone. The Australian summer for me is something to be endured - I'm just a sweaty puddle most of the time. I'm not a strong swimmer so I'm nervous of the surf and don't like sunbaking, so a 'resort lifestyle' holds no attraction for me. Besides, not everyone has access to the beach - a lot of people have to live where the work is, and that may be a long way from anything remotely resembling a resort! Even in coastal cities, affordable housing can be a long way from the coast.


Having said that, I have loved living in Sydney for the last 30+ years. I've done better in my career than I would ever have done in the UK, and I love the more open-minded, positive attitudes of Sydneysiders. I am now likely to return to the UK for various reasons and I know I'll miss many things about Australia, but the "great weather" and the "resort lifestyle" will NOT be among them.


Well a quarter return or move on from UK. I've known lots but from other countries as well. In fact the migrants we knew from 90's hardly any of the non British remain in Perth and at a guess around the 25% figure, considered the norm for Brit's have moved on, even if only to East Coast.


Hardly more open minded in Perth, at least, rather the contrary and if not a tradie who are doing well in recent times since the boom, hardly anything special in salaries that would compensate the tremendous price increases. Most imo were better of back in the 90's.

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I look at it as what makes people want to stay here..?? So far in my journey Sunshine aside I think there's sweet FA here


A lot of what made the place more attractive in the past has been removed or diluted. In my opinion one would need to search a lot to find valid reasons to move out here these days beyond the well voiced sunshine. Great for a year or two WHV, they do tend to get out and about and see most the country.


But to come for a better life today would be more of a challenge on so many fronts.

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I have read this with interest as clearly most that post here have more experience of oz than me. Not having a family I won't need to worry about missing them being over here. My life in UK for various reasons wasn't great but that's not me knocking UK some things I was already improving. I'm not worried about the sun as I burn too easily so I like the heat without the direct sunshine more than I love the sun itself. I'm coming here to be with my Aussie OH who went to uni in Leeds so really gets UK humour which is a help. My OH was financially stable before meeting me so any wage I earn is an addition and improvement but if I cannot get a job we will still be fine.


I can totally get the reasons for not staying given here but I seem to be a lucky minority that is improving my life by being here and has managed to fit right in. If you are young and looking for something different and an experience that you know will not last forever I still think coming out here is worth while but it would be wise to take all the reasons for moving back to UK into account before planning anything long term out here. Nowhere in the world is perfect and many places can seem wondeful from afar so I guess it is about what suits each individual

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I lent an Aussie workmate a DVD of the sitcom Miranda telling her I found it hilarious .... she didn't get the humour - didn't know what she was missing as far as I was concerned!


Oh I totally agree. Funny to see this as I watched the first season again this morning! Just love her. She's almost too funny!

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