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Case Officer Replied but im very sad


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HI Friends,

I applied 190 visa in December 2013 and Case Officer allocated in February 2014. After one month( today) I received email from CO that


Each year visa planning levels are set by the government for the programme year which forms the Migration Programme. The Migration Programme determines the maximum number of visas that can be granted in each visa category each year.

The Direction specifies that Migration Programme planning levels take precedence over priority processing arrangements which can affect the order in which applications are considered during the programme year.

As of February 2014, the Skilled Regional Sponsored GSM category has a limited number of visa places remaining.

The remaining places will be allocated in line with the priority processing arrangements as follows:

· decisions on state and territory nominated subclass 190 and 489 applications; then

· family sponsored subclass 489 applications ; and

· any other Skilled Regional Sponsored GSM applications currently in the final stages of processing. This includes subsequent entrant subclass 489 applications which are exempt from the priority processing arrangements.

This will mean processing times may be longer and that once the remaining places are used, the department cannot grant any application until the following program year, unless more visa places become available. Until that time, I cannot guarantee that your client’s application will be decided in the immediate term, nor can I give an indication as to the likely timeframe. You can be assured, however, that the department will contact you when we are ready to finalise this visa application.


Till yesterday i was very happy but now im very disappointed and thinking how long does it take to grant visa. please suggest me what to do because I already resigned my job and my last day will be April mid week. My concern is that if I didnt received by April what to do??????

Pleeeeeeeease tell me can I get the visa by April 2014?????????????

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well the visa year restarts on the 1st July, so if all the invites for the year are gone, you'll be waiting till then i'm afraid. When i started with my agent in January there were only 60 invites remaining for my category so chances of me getting the assessments done and any invites being left were nil. Which state were you applying for?

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As others have said, it doesn't look like much of that email is relevant to your 190 application so doesn't apply to you.


No one can predict if or when your visa will be granted. You've taken a big risk by already resigning from your position. You can now only ensure you quickly respond to any requests for information your CO may send, and hope your visa is processed soon.

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I lodged eVisa app for 190 subclass in May 2013 and I have been still waiting.

I received invitation in 2012/2013 period, therefore, mine has reached limit twice.

I have already lost my hope. DIAC reached deadline for my 190 visa and is not going to grant me one.


This looks like one countries' citizens are humans and others are subhumans.


I expect you are in security checking, that can take a year. Don't take it so personally.

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There is no guarantee of getting a visa. Visa grants for Australia undergoes cycles of delays, rejections and fast processing applications. That's a normal process for every immigration country, because they adjust the demand in several occupations from time to time. Now it seems to be again the time of delaying visa applications like it was many times before.


Hi Prahteeba, I've posted the same answer on pomsinadelaide.But just to share with others, regards Rabeah.


I remember a time, 2009/2010 I suppose, when my husband's job was removed from the sol without warning. Luckily, it came back on the sol in the new financial year 2010.

Also all applicants in the last category of pr applications (family sponsored ones) were cancelled after years of waiting and refunded their application fees. In 2010 all other applications were on hold without any announcement because they reached the ceiling.


Why on earth have you given notice to your job? Most people don't understand the complex (economic) backgrounds and the many variables of getting or not getting a visa. Intensive research and speaking to migrants who made the move before leaving a job would be appropriate.


And Viking I understand your impatience but you're wrong. Discrimination is not allowed here in Australia due to the Discrimination Act. I see your reaction as an emotional response. You're also wrong with high risk security processing checks which are only a guide. People from India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia often wait more than a year!

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Security checks cannot go so long. Others are checked within several months. It looks like CO deliberately slows down the process.


I worked for Gov service and three banks, they regularly checks me by requests to Federal Security Service and the police. I am such official like CO. I provided Police Clearance in a week afterwards visa app lodge.


It seems to me that this is discrimination according to nationality or citizenship or other signs. Citizens of India, Pakistan, Nigeria or other high risk countries in case of external agencies shecks are processed faster. Russian citizens are discriminated by Russian Authority and now by Aus.

You are sounding quite paranoid there. Many people from India mostly actually have had to wait for a year for their security checks to come back. Maybe Australia is not the country for you if you really believe they have these predjudices against you?

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Blossom, when countries are divided into hogh risk and low risk it already means discrimination.

It means that in low risk reside humans and in high risk reside subhumans.

Why ones country citizens undergo long checks but others do not?


I am not responsible for Gov polisy and I disagree with official viewpoint.

I do not understand either CO does not trust me or my country government.


I provided all required docs in time.

Police Clearanse and medicine were provided before CO allocation.

I provided two types of payslips for each period of employment.


Russian authority bodies must provide all docs within 30 days.

If Aus agencies are not able to get them from July 2013 this is not my fault.

I think that they are going to find anything that does not exist.


I've never read so much cr@p in all my life.

if you don't understand why there is low and high risk perhaps you need to go back to the drawing board. It's called history, that the reason why you may live in a country classified a high risk.

Just because you say you are ok to be processed they should wave you through? Don't think so.

your CO is following guidelines, and I would hazard a guess that they have seen a lot more visa applications Han you and actually understand the process a lot better than you.


dont get yourself so worked up about it, it won't do yo any good or get you your visa any quicker.

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I think it is to do with their history with Australia. Some countries have far more fraudulent applications than others. This is why some countries are trusted by Australia more than others. Of course not everyone from any country is one way or the other, but it gives them more of a guide.

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Please describe. I think that your hostory knowledge are distorted.


The Great Britain performed genocide in its colonies. They massacred native Americans, native Australians, Indians and Africans. Afterwards the GB is low risk country. Germany committed nazism and it is low risk country.

The USSR only victimized its own citizens and won a victory over nazi Germany. Therefore, the former USSR countries are high risk ones.


Those who spilt more blood in the past are low risk. That history do you mean?


I think you are going a bit far back in history.with what GB did.

i don't think it's just to do with wars and killing people either, it's also got to do with things like fraudulent qualifications and documents as well.

i understand why the australian government classify countries the way they do, and I agree with it.

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I provided federal official doc which is absolute evidence throughout Russia that my employment was paid and my employer paid taxes from my income. My officer was dissatisfied with official document and required me to provide others that are inofficial and even illegal in my country. Therefore, she forced me to break the law and provide evidence of paid work which does not have legal effect. This is not criminal offence, this is only meaningless paper which cannot be proof of paid work.


That is all. CO is dissatisfied because did not read document carefully, but I am untrustworthy.


Again, I think you CO would be following guidelines. What documents did your CO ask for that were illegal? Did you make them aware that they were asking for something that is illegal? You say she forced you to break the law then in your next sentence you say it's not a criminal offence. Which one is it?

Maybe your country has a history of falsifying documents on visa applications. Is sure I could find certificates on the Internet that look like the real thing.

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My CO did not trust our police checks and asked us to provide extra more in depth ones this despite us never ever doing anything wrong not even a parking ticket. There are people who have a crimal history who don't get asked for the second lot. Its just the way it is, each CO is different. They are just doing their job to make Australia the place it is. Just keep patient provide what they ask and you'll get there eventually.

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it's also got to do with things like fraudulent qualifications and documents as well.

i understand why the australian government classify countries the way they do, and I agree with it.


I think this hits the nail on the head. If only the UK government had the balls/political control over it's own borders then a lot more UK citizens wouldn't want to leave...

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I explained that other payslips are illegal. She ignored my explanation.


Breaking the law is not allways criminal offence. Requiring custom papers I demanded my former employers to break administrative regulation. They can be sentensed to fine for this docs.


Help me understand here, in what way are 'other payslips' illegal?

breaking the law is not always a criminal offence? That's a new one to me, might go someway to explain why you don't necessarily understand or agree with he way your CO is handling your application.

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Viking perhaps you need to calm down a bit as your blood pressure must be going through the roof with your anger at the level it is.


What you have to understand is that Australia is a country that very many people want to migrate to, and because of this the Immigration Dept have to be very rigid in applying their very stringent checks. Also there are quotas every year on the number of visas that are granted under every category.


If you fit all the criteria of your chosen visa pathway, can provide all the supporting documentation required and requested by your CO, you are judged to be a person that Australia needs, then taking the quota into account, you may be granted a visa. Australia is not into judging people on where they come from and I find some of your comments very ill formed and offensive.


What you also do not appear to have grasped is that just because you apply for a visa, it does not mean that you will be granted one.


You are very new to this forum and need to be aware that the people who are replying to your comments are very well respected and longtime members and know what they are talking about. I suggest you calm down and listen to their advice and adjust your attitude if you are looking for support from this community.

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You must live in Russia to understand it.


When you travel by bus or train without ticket it is breaking the administrative law, but you will not be put into prison, you will only be fined.


Further explanations are meaningless.

So how is 'other payslips' breaking the law? Wha did your CO ask for that caused you to break the law?

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I explained that other payslips are illegal. She ignored my explanation.


Breaking the law is not allways criminal offence. Requiring custom papers I demanded my former employers to break administrative regulation. They can be sentensed to fine for this docs.


Breaking the law is always a criminal offence, but there just are different punishments ranging from a slap on the wrist and no record, to a jail sentence with criminal record.

Laws and rules are different everywhere, wether we like them or not we are supposed to abide by them.

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In Russia there are criminal and administrative offences.

Thirst are sentenced to imprisonment and the seconds to fines.


If officer does not trust official documents why she requires inofficial? In any case she was going to check them.


Maybe she is looking for any inconsistencies. If you are legit there will be none and you will be fine. I think maybe your CO is requesting extra documents as they may be required to or maybe she has had previous experience dealing with the type of documents you have provided.

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You must live in Russia to understand it.


When you travel by bus or train without ticket it is breaking the administrative law, but you will not be put into prison, you will only be fined.


Further explanations are meaningless.


If you respond to your CO with this attitude, you're heading quickly for a refusal.

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Hi Pratheepa,


I didn't see any delay for applicants from India as a nationality as some of my Indian friends got their visa pretty fast. But you have to remember that individual case vary. The security check mail is a bit different as far as I know.

You will get yours pretty fast.


The Australian government doesn't discriminate as Indians are the number 1 migrants for the past few years.


Also, frauds are committed by all Nationalities, and its not unique to any country.

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