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Malaysian Airways Jet feared crashed - 6 Australians on board


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I read one report from someone in the aviation industry that said only a catastrophic explosion would have explained such a rapid disappearance from contact with air traffic.


I was thinking that. Scary whether is was plane error or other involvement. :-/

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Both the 777 and Malaysian Airlines have had excellent safety records. Since entering service in 1995 there has only been one other hull loss involving a 777 with fatalities and that was pilot error not the aircraft. Sad knews indeed. RIP.

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It's going to take a while to find the wreckage, if it was indeed an explosion then that would send stuff flying everywhere, then factor in the 35,000 feet of height plus probably wind speed/direction and all that. It's going to be a huge operation.

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The Chinese certainly have the kit to find any wreckage, but sadly politics will no doubt come into play and they won't be allowed in to look. That area is also festooned with fishing boats so there is hope it will be found quickly.

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Guest guest30085

Very sad news, and horrifying for the missing passengers family and friends, I wish there was some hope, but it doesn't sound like there's a chance of that. RIP x

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its so sad it baught back memories of when i lived in singapore in 1997and silk air 185 went down just before xmas , a girl from our apartment block went down on it , an english girl called elizabeth , it went down in pelambang sumatra , it was thought it was suicide by the pilot , there was a lot of evidence pointing towards it , they never recovered any of the bodies , i think every one in singapore knew some one on that plane

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Guest micman

Very sad and tragic news. We have flown to and from Brisbane many times on Malaysian airlines and they have always been an excellent company to travel with. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this tragedy.

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I suspect the 'T' word, but what I don't understand is how, if the Austrian and Italian citizens reported their passports stolen (as presumably one would), how the airport security allowed two people to board with reportedly-stolen passports. Surely the police would have put out an alert incase somebody tried to use them to travel with...? Or maybe I'm jolly naive :err:


Whatever the cause, it is indeed an absolute tragedy and my heart goes out to the families of all those poor souls on board... Puts me off flying, if I'm honest (terrorism is something that's always concerned me - like everyone else, I guess - and when looking at flight prices I have to admit to asking myself "Would this particular airline be more or less at risk of terrorism than the other airline(s)?". Awful, I know, but I don't like flying at the best of times, and since 9/11 my fears have been somewhat exacerbated... :wideeyed:

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Guest Dave53

It's being reported that an oil slick has been discovered in the area that the aircraft was last reported . As someone from an aviation background , I would warn against making speculative comments regarding the cause or causes of this likely crash . The Boeing 777 is indeed a very fine aircraft and has a good safety record , however , aircraft do crash despite many redundancy systems built into to aircraft . When the aircraft is found , efforts will be to recover the FDR( black box ), and the CVR( cockpit voice recorder) and only then will the full picture start to be evident hopefully .

Dave C

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