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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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Yeah, because the Guardian doesn't have a massive left wing bias. At all.


Guardian and Mail, the opposite sides of the same coin.


For every Mail "immigrant scrounger", there is a Guardian "bankers bonus".


The Guardian doesn't have a massive left wing bias at all. The Mail, should in turn make every self respecting right winger blush with embarrassment. Apart from the barely literate foot soldiers of the Ribald Right, head kicking brigade of course.

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Go on admit it you work in some minor role for the Murdoch press.


It seems to me this poster might be in a low paid job where unskilled immigrants would be competing with him, so it's a selfish viewpoint but entirely understandable when a threat is perceived. It's not the confident successful Australians who are worried about immigration or asylum seekers.

It doesn't matter whether you're left or right wing; immigration, especially uneducated migrants from 3rd world countries is needed. This is where Australia is behind the curve, and it always has been last on the progressive merry go round.

Business owners who prefer to pay less tax and vote for a liberal government also want immigration, because they can pay new immigrants less and make bigger profits. Asylum seekers who would not qualify for skilled migration are perfect.


It's no secret why the USA wants plenty of Afghans and no more Brits. As the top end of the social class earn more and need higher wages to maintain their lifestyles, they don't want to do manual dirty jobs and cannot survice on low wages. The USA cannot survive on a VISA system of only taking high earners with plenty of qualifications.

Somebody has to come in at the very bottom, or you don't get your cars manufactured, your burgers fried, your offices vacuumed, your toilets cleaned, or your plates cleared away at restaurants.

There are an estimated 15 million illegal Mexicans in the US. Many are on the tax system and contributing with the full knowledge of the Government. It's not that they can't get rid of them, they cannot 'afford' to get rid of them or local economies in some southern states would collapse. They need cheap immigration because it allows other, older, established residents to move further along on the cycle to make more money and create room at the bottom.


The Australia problem is just miniscule in comparison, many of the arguments are based on pure ignorance by people feeling personally threatened. Sod the politics, it's about fear. Pretty weird for a country full of immigrants.

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It seems to me this poster might be in a low paid job where unskilled immigrants would be competing with him, so it's a selfish viewpoint but entirely understandable when a threat is perceived. It's not the confident successful Australians who are worried about immigration or asylum seekers.

It doesn't matter whether you're left or right wing; immigration, especially uneducated migrants from 3rd world countries is needed. This is where Australia is behind the curve, and it always has been last on the progressive merry go round.

Business owners who prefer to pay less tax and vote for a liberal government also want immigration, because they can pay new immigrants less and make bigger profits. Asylum seekers who would not qualify for skilled migration are perfect.


It's no secret why the USA wants plenty of Afghans and no more Brits. As the top end of the social class earn more and need higher wages to maintain their lifestyles, they don't want to do manual dirty jobs and cannot survice on low wages. The USA cannot survive on a VISA system of only taking high earners with plenty of qualifications.

Somebody has to come in at the very bottom, or you don't get your cars manufactured, your burgers fried, your offices vacuumed, your toilets cleaned, or your plates cleared away at restaurants.

There are an estimated 15 million illegal Mexicans in the US. Many are on the tax system and contributing with the full knowledge of the Government. It's not that they can't get rid of them, they cannot 'afford' to get rid of them or local economies in some southern states would collapse. They need cheap immigration because it allows other, older, established residents to move further along on the cycle to make more money and create room at the bottom.


The Australia problem is just miniscule in comparison, many of the arguments are based on pure ignorance by people feeling personally threatened. Sod the politics, it's about fear. Pretty weird for a country full of immigrants.


Fear was good enough for Menzies (Reds Under the Beds) so why shouldn't it be for Howard/Abbott and co?

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It seems to me this poster might be in a low paid job where unskilled immigrants would be competing with him, so it's a selfish viewpoint but entirely understandable when a threat is perceived. It's not the confident successful Australians who are worried about immigration or asylum seekers.

It doesn't matter whether you're left or right wing; immigration, especially uneducated migrants from 3rd world countries is needed. This is where Australia is behind the curve, and it always has been last on the progressive merry go round.

Business owners who prefer to pay less tax and vote for a liberal government also want immigration, because they can pay new immigrants less and make bigger profits. Asylum seekers who would not qualify for skilled migration are perfect.


It's no secret why the USA wants plenty of Afghans and no more Brits. As the top end of the social class earn more and need higher wages to maintain their lifestyles, they don't want to do manual dirty jobs and cannot survice on low wages. The USA cannot survive on a VISA system of only taking high earners with plenty of qualifications.

Somebody has to come in at the very bottom, or you don't get your cars manufactured, your burgers fried, your offices vacuumed, your toilets cleaned, or your plates cleared away at restaurants.

There are an estimated 15 million illegal Mexicans in the US. Many are on the tax system and contributing with the full knowledge of the Government. It's not that they can't get rid of them, they cannot 'afford' to get rid of them or local economies in some southern states would collapse. They need cheap immigration because it allows other, older, established residents to move further along on the cycle to make more money and create room at the bottom.


The Australia problem is just miniscule in comparison, many of the arguments are based on pure ignorance by people feeling personally threatened. Sod the politics, it's about fear. Pretty weird for a country full of immigrants.


Pretty weird indeed. Actually many of the Iranians that became the source of asylum seekers tended to be far better educated than a lot of the Brits that rolled up here. Very fit indeed. I would imagine most of them would be inclined to re educate in order to get into their chosen professions in no time. But let's face it many highly educated folk from the Sub Continent are working in positions well beneath their educational levels, as are and I expect an ever increasing number of Australians will find themselves doing.

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Headline in SMH, 20th February, 2014, 'THERE WAS BLOOD EVERYWHERE.' (statement by Anita Bokan an interpreter at Manus Island detention centre, on the riots there.) This has been front page news in Fairfax Media and the ABC, who both hate Tony Abbott and his policies.


Go down to the sixth paragraph and you read 'Ms Bokan said she did not witness the violence, but was taken to the area where the injured were taken.'


It's a re-run of the ridiculous claims that RAN sailors deliberately burnt asylum seekers, which were again not witnessed by anybody credible, but the ABC accepted as fact.


If it wasn't for Murdoch newspapers and media, we'd never hear the truth!


And thinking about the rioters. Would you really want people who commit violent acts to be allowed into Australia? I certainly would not!

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Why did you leave the UK??...Was one reason to escape mass uncontrolled immigration?...England started off like Australia and progressed into plagues of migrants from overseas entering the country..Most of whom do not fit in with British culture or its people..I for one dont want to see Australia become a multicultural hell hole, as it doesnt work and never will..It will only oneday lead to unrest and civil wars, like what is happening now the world over..Unemployment is increasing in Australia, so is the answer to allow more immigrants in, which will increase it further..Uncontrolled immigration leads to lower wages and unemployment, so who in the right frame of mind would want it??

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Why did you leave the UK??...Was one reason to escape mass uncontrolled immigration?...England started off like Australia and progressed into plagues of migrants from overseas entering the country..Most of whom do not fit in with British culture or its people..I for one dont want to see Australia become a multicultural hell hole, as it doesnt work and never will..It will only oneday lead to unrest and civil wars, like what is happening now the world over..Unemployment is increasing in Australia, so is the answer to allow more immigrants in, which will increase it further..Uncontrolled immigration leads to lower wages and unemployment, so who in the right frame of mind would want it??


I'm not sure which part of Australia you are in, but I think it already is one of the the most muilticultural countries in the western world! Not such a bad thing as far as I can see. Are those people trying to get to Australia by boats to flee persecution and torture really that much worse than those of us who moved from Britain and the rest of Europe to live somewhere with a bit more sun and a bit more space? There is a book called Walk in My Shoes by Alwyn Evans which is an interesting read - it's fiction but it does open your eyes to a few issues that are not at the forefront of a lot of people's minds regarding asylum seekers.

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Headline in SMH, 20th February, 2014, 'THERE WAS BLOOD EVERYWHERE.' (statement by Anita Bokan an interpreter at Manus Island detention centre, on the riots there.) This has been front page news in Fairfax Media and the ABC, who both hate Tony Abbott and his policies.


Go down to the sixth paragraph and you read 'Ms Bokan said she did not witness the violence, but was taken to the area where the injured were taken.'


It's a re-run of the ridiculous claims that RAN sailors deliberately burnt asylum seekers, which were again not witnessed by anybody credible, but the ABC accepted as fact.


If it wasn't for Murdoch newspapers and media, we'd never hear the truth!


And thinking about the rioters. Would you really want people who commit violent acts to be allowed into Australia? I certainly would not!


Here is the full audio interview with Azita Bokan, rather than taking the bits a paper chooses to print, listen to the interview and make your own decisions. She sounds quite convincing I have to say and it sounds like she did see violence firsthand: http://www.abc.net.au/local/audio/2014/02/21/3949893.htm

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Why did you leave the UK??...Was one reason to escape mass uncontrolled immigration?...England started off like Australia and progressed into plagues of migrants from overseas entering the country..Most of whom do not fit in with British culture or its people..I for one dont want to see Australia become a multicultural hell hole, as it doesnt work and never will..It will only oneday lead to unrest and civil wars, like what is happening now the world over..Unemployment is increasing in Australia, so is the answer to allow more immigrants in, which will increase it further..Uncontrolled immigration leads to lower wages and unemployment, so who in the right frame of mind would want it??


England never started off like Australia. Australia has always been a settler country. So where exactly in your evident worldly experience has become a hell hole due to multiculturalism. It brought some colour at least to that drub landscape.

Been the making of Australia definitely. Unrest and civil wars? Really? How long must be wait.


Now if you are able to rid yourself of the racial tirade , I agree immigration is far too high and should be reduced to a more manageable intake. That does not infer a preference for any one race, just a reduction and a considerable one at that.


Australia does not have uncontrolled immigration as such. Just excess and abuse of the system. Thankfully Australia is not the place of old where disgruntled pommies could seek out havens from non white immigrants.

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Why did you leave the UK??...Was one reason to escape mass uncontrolled immigration?...England started off like Australia and progressed into plagues of migrants from overseas entering the country..Most of whom do not fit in with British culture or its people..I for one dont want to see Australia become a multicultural hell hole, as it doesnt work and never will..It will only oneday lead to unrest and civil wars, like what is happening now the world over..Unemployment is increasing in Australia, so is the answer to allow more immigrants in, which will increase it further..Uncontrolled immigration leads to lower wages and unemployment, so who in the right frame of mind would want it??



Could it be the desire of the Australian govt to allow thousands of unskilled workers into Oz , to drive down wages and conditions, which are some of the best in the western world ? ....just a thought , its not a loaded question , and you are right mass immigration doesn't work .....but the door has been pushed open now ......

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I'm not sure which part of Australia you are in, but I think it already is one of the the most muilticultural countries in the western world! Not such a bad thing as far as I can see. Are those people trying to get to Australia by boats to flee persecution and torture really that much worse than those of us who moved from Britain and the rest of Europe to live somewhere with a bit more sun and a bit more space? There is a book called Walk in My Shoes by Alwyn Evans which is an interesting read - it's fiction but it does open your eyes to a few issues that are not at the forefront of a lot of people's minds regarding asylum seekers.


Totally agree with you Diane , it all sounds very rosy .....but I live in a decent area in the Uk ,on the edge of the great immigration project , 50 years ahead of Australia in terms of mass immigration .....with certain ethnic groups its been a success , with others not so .

Certain groups have willingly integrated , others are doing their best not to

Certain groups have embraced our values , whilst keeping their own traditions ...which is good

Other groups want to convert this country to their ways


Talking to people in certain parts of Oz about mass immigration , is the same as talking to someone from rural Northumberland .....their experiences are totally different to mine ,iam here in the thick of it .they aint

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Could it be the desire of the Australian govt to allow thousands of unskilled workers into Oz , to drive down wages and conditions, which are some of the best in the western world ? ....just a thought , its not a loaded question , and you are right mass immigration doesn't work .....but the door has been pushed open now ......


No as unskilled workers as a rule do not qualify for immigration. An abundance of those with skills, with certain areas overprescribed more the point. I am not a supporter of rapid growth for the sake of growth in order to stimulate the economy.

That will require a high price for all to pay.

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Why did you leave the UK??...Was one reason to escape mass uncontrolled immigration?...England started off like Australia and progressed into plagues of migrants from overseas entering the country..Most of whom do not fit in with British culture or its people..I for one dont want to see Australia become a multicultural hell hole, as it doesnt work and never will..It will only oneday lead to unrest and civil wars, like what is happening now the world over..Unemployment is increasing in Australia, so is the answer to allow more immigrants in, which will increase it further..Uncontrolled immigration leads to lower wages and unemployment, so who in the right frame of mind would want it??


I see the Hammers won today Alf !

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Here is the full audio interview with Azita Bokan, rather than taking the bits a paper chooses to print, listen to the interview and make your own decisions. She sounds quite convincing I have to say and it sounds like she did see violence firsthand: http://www.abc.net.au/local/audio/2014/02/21/3949893.htm


You are forgetting that the newspaper article was in the Sydney Morning Herald, not a Murdoch paper, but Fairfax, and therefore as anti-Liberal as the ABC!

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Attended the candle lit vigil for the Kurdish Iranian, who was murdered while in Australian custody, on Manus Island, in Supreme Court Gardens here in Perth at 8 pm tonight. A very touching ceremony with a good turn out of close on a thousand people. Held all over Australia.


Thankfully Morrison is on the back foot now and side stepping. A little bit worried his portfolio as Immigration Minister, may ruin future prospects as a distant leader.


PNG proven a disaster Cambodia, is being bribed now to do Australia's dirty work. Hopefully they decline.

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I think the point that is being missed is that by towing back the boats, and forcing them back to Indonesia, the message is getting through.

You cannot get to Australia.


The message is now sinking in, and the boats are stopping altogether as they realise its futile to even try.

im struggling to see why you are so against giving another person the shot of living a life where they are not threatened by persecution. Heartless?

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I would maybe concentrate on other, more pressing issues...for example...the safety of your children...I was shocked at the amount of people with child related crimes working with children...if you are a volunteer ( except those giving personal care) you do not have to have a working with children check. How many of u know if your child care provider has a working with children check?? Have u seen it? Asked to see it? Up until recently in nsw it was up to the employer to decide if a person who was assessed as a significant risk was employed...slightly shocking hey...let's concentrate on real issues!

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But surely everyone will understand that with the boats being stopped, there will be no more drownings, no so called mistreatment in detention centres.

Really all those problems disappear if there are no more people arriving illegally by boat


Who killed that poor man anyway ? I presume it was an Australian guard was it based on the mock outrage.

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