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Im home !

Guest Bora

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Dear All - this maybe the last post I ever write on the site, I got involved while I was having a tough time in Australia, and now that I am home back where I belong, I feel I am able to move forward and close this AU/UK moving thing from my mind for ever.


I have now been back around 3 weeks and during this time I have managed to see my Son back into his class at School where we pulled him from, get my Daughter into a wonderful little Nursery, get a great job, and all that is left to do is plan for our home. Right now, we have a little time while our possessions journey across the oceans.


All in all we have landed amazingly on our feet and everything is falling into place. When I took my Son to School on day 1 to see 10 plus mates surrounding him ruffling his hair, feeling him in disbelief was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I will never forget the look of bewilderment on his face, that he was over the moon to be back where he knows its best and where people love and care for him unconditionally.


As for us parents, we knew we would feel like we had been re-born, just as we knew we would. Looking back in hindsight when I compare what we had here in the UK, what we had and felt in OZ, and what we have managed to reclaim, frankly it is distressing to think we actually made a conscious decision to move to OZ in the first place. The difference in each and every one of us, and the ripple effect washing over our friends, family, aqauintances is amazing. It is the most amazing feeling to return.


How's this, which sums it up really. I was walking in the rain through the houses to the high St and I bumped into our old Postman. We EMBRACED, like bear hug style. He said he was WORRIED about ME as he said he had not seen us for a while. My neighbours did not even want to make an effort to get to know me in my 9 months in AU (Electric Garage Door Syndrome)..., let alone the postman......I stood chatting to him for 20 mins, absolutely soaked to the bone, and I did not even realise I was wet such was the feeling of elation.


God its good to be back. I will never go their again - for so many reasons the UK is streets ahead in so many ways I cannot even articulate it, you realise it in little instances like the postman story.


I don't regret going as I would never have known. AU is a great place to holiday, but not a great a great place to live IMO. The UK is coming on leaps and bounds and is nowhere near as bad as people make out.


Thanks for reading my posts, I was often taken aback as to how many 'likes' I received in my limited amount of posts.


I followed my GUT INSTINCT to come back to the UK. I resigned from my job in Australia (a company I have been with for nearly a decade and a half) and knew I would be coming back to NOTHING. With a Wife and 2 Kids....I am proud of my own bravery, as I knew the longer we stayed in AU unhappy the less time we had been happy in the UK. ANYONE in this position, don't delibertate and wait and wait - make a decision, stick to it, and see it out. Don't be scared of the danger, be excited by the opportunity.


Pharrell Williams does not know the meaning of the word Happy !


Ciao all. till the next time...

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Dear All - this maybe the last post I ever write on the site, I got involved while I was having a tough time in Australia, and now that I am home back where I belong, I feel I am able to move forward and close this AU/UK moving thing from my mind for ever.


I have now been back around 3 weeks and during this time I have managed to see my Son back into his class at School where we pulled him from, get my Daughter into a wonderful little Nursery, get a great job, and all that is left to do is plan for our home. Right now, we have a little time while our possessions journey across the oceans.


All in all we have landed amazingly on our feet and everything is falling into place. When I took my Son to School on day 1 to see 10 plus mates surrounding him ruffling his hair, feeling him in disbelief was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I will never forget the look of bewilderment on his face, that he was over the moon to be back where he knows its best and where people love and care for him unconditionally.


As for us parents, we knew we would feel like we had been re-born, just as we knew we would. Looking back in hindsight when I compare what we had here in the UK, what we had and felt in OZ, and what we have managed to reclaim, frankly it is distressing to think we actually made a conscious decision to move to OZ in the first place. The difference in each and every one of us, and the ripple effect washing over our friends, family, aqauintances is amazing. It is the most amazing feeling to return.


How's this, which sums it up really. I was walking in the rain through the houses to the high St and I bumped into our old Postman. We EMBRACED, like bear hug style. He said he was WORRIED about ME as he said he had not seen us for a while. My neighbours did not even want to make an effort to get to know me in my 9 months in AU (Electric Garage Door Syndrome)..., let alone the postman......I stood chatting to him for 20 mins, absolutely soaked to the bone, and I did not even realise I was wet such was the feeling of elation.


God its good to be back. I will never go their again - for so many reasons the UK is streets ahead in so many ways I cannot even articulate it, you realise it in little instances like the postman story.


I don't regret going as I would never have known. AU is a great place to holiday, but not a great a great place to live IMO. The UK is coming on leaps and bounds and is nowhere near as bad as people make out.


Thanks for reading my posts, I was often taken aback as to how many 'likes' I received in my limited amount of posts.


I followed my GUT INSTINCT to come back to the UK. I resigned from my job in Australia (a company I have been with for nearly a decade and a half) and knew I would be coming back to NOTHING. With a Wife and 2 Kids....I am proud of my own bravery, as I knew the longer we stayed in AU unhappy the less time we had been happy in the UK. ANYONE in this position, don't delibertate and wait and wait - make a decision, stick to it, and see it out. Don't be scared of the danger, be excited by the opportunity.


Pharrell Williams does not know the meaning of the word Happy !


Ciao all. till the next time...



Welcome home Bora ....I have said many times , its the people here that make it worthwhile ....they couldn't care how big your house is , or what car you drive ,,,most haven't got a pot to piss in ...but you can have an interesting 10 minute conversation with almost anyone ....a friendly one at that

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Thanks Bunbury61, and your breezy welcome. Couldn't agree more, it makes you feel a million dollars and puts a spring back in your step, and a warm glow in your heart. I some how had a funny feeling you'd be the first to reply, weird !

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I know your joy at being back where you belong, we've been back 6 months now and everything just fell into place in a way that it never did in 5 years in Perth.


I sometimes think I should move on from the forum but I like to help others on their journey (in either direction!) and 'chew the fat'

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What a fascinating and lovely read. Thanks for sharing.

Dear All - this maybe the last post I ever write on the site, I got involved while I was having a tough time in Australia, and now that I am home back where I belong, I feel I am able to move forward and close this AU/UK moving thing from my mind for ever.


I have now been back around 3 weeks and during this time I have managed to see my Son back into his class at School where we pulled him from, get my Daughter into a wonderful little Nursery, get a great job, and all that is left to do is plan for our home. Right now, we have a little time while our possessions journey across the oceans.


All in all we have landed amazingly on our feet and everything is falling into place. When I took my Son to School on day 1 to see 10 plus mates surrounding him ruffling his hair, feeling him in disbelief was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I will never forget the look of bewilderment on his face, that he was over the moon to be back where he knows its best and where people love and care for him unconditionally.


As for us parents, we knew we would feel like we had been re-born, just as we knew we would. Looking back in hindsight when I compare what we had here in the UK, what we had and felt in OZ, and what we have managed to reclaim, frankly it is distressing to think we actually made a conscious decision to move to OZ in the first place. The difference in each and every one of us, and the ripple effect washing over our friends, family, aqauintances is amazing. It is the most amazing feeling to return.


How's this, which sums it up really. I was walking in the rain through the houses to the high St and I bumped into our old Postman. We EMBRACED, like bear hug style. He said he was WORRIED about ME as he said he had not seen us for a while. My neighbours did not even want to make an effort to get to know me in my 9 months in AU (Electric Garage Door Syndrome)..., let alone the postman......I stood chatting to him for 20 mins, absolutely soaked to the bone, and I did not even realise I was wet such was the feeling of elation.


God its good to be back. I will never go their again - for so many reasons the UK is streets ahead in so many ways I cannot even articulate it, you realise it in little instances like the postman story.


I don't regret going as I would never have known. AU is a great place to holiday, but not a great a great place to live IMO. The UK is coming on leaps and bounds and is nowhere near as bad as people make out.


Thanks for reading my posts, I was often taken aback as to how many 'likes' I received in my limited amount of posts.


I followed my GUT INSTINCT to come back to the UK. I resigned from my job in Australia (a company I have been with for nearly a decade and a half) and knew I would be coming back to NOTHING. With a Wife and 2 Kids....I am proud of my own bravery, as I knew the longer we stayed in AU unhappy the less time we had been happy in the UK. ANYONE in this position, don't delibertate and wait and wait - make a decision, stick to it, and see it out. Don't be scared of the danger, be excited by the opportunity.


Pharrell Williams does not know the meaning of the word Happy !


Ciao all. till the next time...

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Way to go, Bora! I'm so glad that it is all falling into place for you guys - you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone as the song says! I'm still awestruck by the community experience and I've been back 2 years now! Long may it work for you!

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I know your joy at being back where you belong, we've been back 6 months now and everything just fell into place in a way that it never did in 5 years in Perth.


I sometimes think I should move on from the forum but I like to help others on their journey (in either direction!) and 'chew the fat'


Don't move on from the forum. Your contributions are always articulate and thoughtful. This forum needs a good mix of those that have settled well in Oz and those that have returned and found happiness from that.

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Good on you for following your heart. I have been in Melbourne for a year now, right up until Christmas I was convinced I wanted to go home but that I'd stay for the summer. It was so frustrating seeing that it was warmer in London right up to the end of November. Now I have to admit the summertime here has been great, so I really am envious of how clear your mind is.

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This is quite interesting. Id be curious to know where in the UK and AUS you lived.

I had this conversation with my partner not long ago. He is British and was born in Yorkshire. He finds it very odd at how friendly we are. I live 35mins from Melbourne and I am good friends with my neighbors to my left, right and ones across the road. We have dinners together and will often be seen talking out the front of our houses if we have just got home. We also know the posty by name and even gave him some chocolates for Christmas. So I don't think this is a australian thing or British thing - it simply comes down to the town or city you live in, and I would obviously assume it was more likely to occur in a small town or village.


Wish you you all the best :)

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Same as some people think oz is streets ahead...I suppose you agree with that one....everyone is different.


You would assume wrong. I don't think either is ahead of the other, I would be quite happy in either.


Those who hate Australia on here all the time usually seem to have made no social circle or have trouble with getting a decent job, but then tend to blame the country for not being like a holiday in the Costa Del Sol.

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You would assume wrong. I don't think either is ahead of the other, I would be quite happy in either.


Those who hate Australia on here all the time usually seem to have made no social circle or have trouble with getting a decent job, but then tend to blame the country for not being like a holiday in the Costa Del Sol.


Yeah Oz isn't like a Holiday at all, as my wife says, same ****, shinier bucket. But you can get into holiday mode at the weekends without too much effort.

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I've actually been blown away with how friendly everyone has been since we moved into our house in Frenchs Forest in Sydney 10 days ago - I've had two neighbours come over to welcome us to the street, one came back with toys once when she learnt our boys toys were still in the shipping container. I have spoken to so many friendly mums at the school drop off and my older son (7) has already been over to a new friend's house on a play date and he only started school a week ago!

Different areas etc obviously are more friendly, but I have to say I have never felt so welcomed into a new community as I have done here (and we've moved about a fair bit).

I am so pleased the OP is glad to be home and is feeling so content with their decision. It's nice to scratch an itch and then know where you belong. As for us - we're ping pongers (I am from UK, hubby Aus) so we move back and forth and I am not sure I will ever really know where home is, but for now, very happy to call Australia home. :-)

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