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Hi, im a nurse, and have been working over in oz for nearly 6months. today I made a really stupid mistake and made a medication error, the patient was absolutely fine, and it was recognised and dealt with quickly. I had a chat with my manager about this incident, and she kept reminding me that I was still on my 6month probationary period, which is up next week. she didn't say it out loud but I could tell she was implying that there is a chance I could loose my job, as I am still on probation. apparently she is going to speak to her boss and HR and discuss what is going to happen (doesn't sound good). I can't believe I could potentially loose my job over a minor medication error. I'm only on a sponsorship visa (457) so if I loose my sponsor I loose my visa. help, I don't know what to do. If the worst does happen, how long do I get to find a new sponsor before I have to leave the country? I am also a children's nurse, therefore I can obviously only work in certain places. the current manager was not the one who offered me the job, but she took over before I started. I'm just so scared, I have given up my permanent job in UK and spent a lot of money to get over here. please help!

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Don't panic! (Easier said than done) we all make mistakes and it's how you deal and learn from them in my opinion that's important... Don't assume anything, ask for a chat with your manager and express your regret and concern if you want to, explain how you feel and ask if the error really is the end, deal with fact not conjecture as it will be easier and better for you to deal in reality not fear... Bear in mind you have 5 months, 3 weeks perfect service track record also, stay strong, be true to yourself and you'll be okay, good luck and I hope it's viewed as a learning opportunity by all involved.

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We all make mistakes, ok it's worse for you than me, I'm only shuffling papers.


im not being rude here, but are you new or experienced? If new could you put yourself up for extra training? Or where you under the pump so to speak, too much pressure put on you?


you really to to speak to someone that's for sure, but whatever reason this mistake was made, I'm sure you will learn from it.


I'm hoping that you've come on here for advise about the mistake, not about the visa

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Ive got a few years experience from back home. I was just under a lot of pressure, and was very busy and stressed @ the time, i 4got 2 read the information which caused me to make the mistake. I was honest and held my hands up and admitted the mistake, i did everything by the book after the incident. Yh im here for advise and support mainly coz of my stupid mistake, but it would be useful to know where i stand with my visa if i do loose my job. I did try to explain to my manager that i really wanted to be here and

i put lots of hard work, time, effort and money to getting here, she didnt appear that interested.

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Really feel for you, I truely do. I know what it's like when you under pressure, mistakes happen easily.


im sure it won't come to it, not if its your first mistake, but if they did want to let you go its now 90dqys to find a new sponsor.


in the meantime , if you want to stay in Oz for longer anyway, why not speak to a migration agent and look at PR


Please don't beat yourself up...we all make mistakes, looks like there was a good system in place to catch it.


Dont forget that sometimes those in power, but without real power are the worst. I'm sure your good work so far will see you thu.

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Ok i feel a bit better now knowing if the worst comes to the worst ive got 90days to find a new sposnor. I do love it here, but im not sure im quite ready to comit to the PR visa. Even if i was ready for a PR visa, its not likely to get granted within 90days, so i would end up having to leave. I guess if this manager really wanted to let me go i could always see about internal transfers to other wards, im pretty sure my visa is valid for the whole hospital. Thanks so much for your help. Im hoping it all works out, dnt reckon ill get much sleep though 2nite x

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If you did apply for PR would a bridging visa come into effect if your 457 did expire?

Please note that was a question not a statement of fact, I'm sure someone more knowledgeable could shed some light though?


Hopefully it won't come to that, it might be that your manager thinks that scaring you may teach you a lesson, which I'm sure you learned as soon as you realised your mistake.

It sounds like you went through all the right channels, I hope it all works out for you xxx

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everyone makes mistakes ... those who say they dont either dont realise it (which is more dangerous) or dont own up to it . you have dealt with it the correct way , and no harm has come to your patient. learn from it, and stay positive. Any decent nurse manager will understand and as long as you show insight and how you will try to prevent it in the future , i hope things work out for you. is there an oz nursing union rep you can speak to ? just a thought.

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Can you speak to the Nursing Director if the nurse manager is not being helpful? Also speak to nursing Admin if you have one there. Offer to do a refresher course on meds. I would take advice from the union as well. Medication errors are unfortunately, more common than people realise, but as you realised what had happened and brought to the attention of others quickly, and the patient suffered no harm, try not to worry to much.

Hi, im a nurse, and have been working over in oz for nearly 6months. today I made a really stupid mistake and made a medication error, the patient was absolutely fine, and it was recognised and dealt with quickly. I had a chat with my manager about this incident, and she kept reminding me that I was still on my 6month probationary period, which is up next week. she didn't say it out loud but I could tell she was implying that there is a chance I could loose my job, as I am still on probation. apparently she is going to speak to her boss and HR and discuss what is going to happen (doesn't sound good). I can't believe I could potentially loose my job over a minor medication error. I'm only on a sponsorship visa (457) so if I loose my sponsor I loose my visa. help, I don't know what to do. If the worst does happen, how long do I get to find a new sponsor before I have to leave the country? I am also a children's nurse, therefore I can obviously only work in certain places. the current manager was not the one who offered me the job, but she took over before I started. I'm just so scared, I have given up my permanent job in UK and spent a lot of money to get over here. please help!
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My thoughts are, that if it was a serious mistake, that it would have warranted an immediate suspension and investigation incase you make the same mistake again. So, if that did not happen, it was either no big deal, or your boss not doing his/her job properly.

All the best with it. Hopefully it goes no further that the talk you have already had.

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thanks for all your help guys. I called and left a message for my manager to call me back, still waiting. im hoping the worst doesn't happen, as someone said if it was that serious I would have been suspended, and I'm pretty sure that was not the case. I am worried though, if I do loose my job, I have 90 days to find another sponsor, or apply for another visa. the only other visas I could apply for would be PR visa, this is currently taking @ least 12months to be processed, I would need anmac assessment, this is taking at least 16weeks to process. I don't have a clue about PR visas, where do I start? I was about to apply to anmac then suddenly read some information that this needs to be requested by immigration before I can do this, is that right? I would more than likely have to take ilets test as I wouldn't make enough points on the PR visa without this. So do I take the test first before I lodge an application for visa, or do I lodge visa application first and then take ilets? I'm being prepared, I am really hoping it doesn't come to this, but it has definitely given me a bit of a scare not having that security, and I have made up my mind to go ahead with the PR visa anyway even if I don't lose my job. somebody mentioned bridging visas, that seems pretty useful from what I was reading, but bit unsure if that would apply to be though, is it just if your current visa has ended, or does it also apply if your sponsor cancels your sponsorship? sorry for the essay guys, just desperate to know my options. thnx jess xx

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I'm not a nurse but I had a scary experience like that. It was the most stressful period of my working life! I used to do community care and after travelling went back to the same care company before. Never ever made a mistake with medication and I actually got 100% on my medication test. The only reason being I was so stressed out and my mind was not on the ball at the time. Didn't realise what I had done until they rang and called me into the office. Felt so guilty! Luckily the person was fine, it was a case of missing one VERY important tablet that could have had serious consequences. Basically I had to give a statement, I was still on probation, I had a meeting with the manager and regional manager, was in tears the whole time, it was so embarrassing, but they knew I was feeling bad and obviously upset at possibly losing my job. You just need to show a lot of remorse and that you've learned from your mistake and it will NOT happen again, even if it takes you 10 times longer to do your job. If i hadn't worked with them previously i would have got the sack....but they gave me a written warning. So i don't know how this will go for you... i just wanted to share my experience, i've never felt confident giving medication since (and i want to be a nurse too!). Hope they give you another chance to prove it was a one off...

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Guest The Pom Queen
Ive got a few years experience from back home. I was just under a lot of pressure, and was very busy and stressed @ the time, i 4got 2 read the information which caused me to make the mistake. I was honest and held my hands up and admitted the mistake, i did everything by the book after the incident. Yh im here for advise and support mainly coz of my stupid mistake, but it would be useful to know where i stand with my visa if i do loose my job. I did try to explain to my manager that i really wanted to be here and

i put lots of hard work, time, effort and money to getting here, she didnt appear that interested.

Please don't worry, it would be a bit low if they fired you based on this but I'm not a nurse so don't know how it all works. What I do know is after spending 14 weeks in hospital the nurses messed my meds up on numerous occasions. There was an incident where I had been given my meds before handover and when the next nurse came on because it wasn't wrote in the book she wouldn't believe me I had already had them and insisted I took them again. I ended up pretending to take them and spitting them out. Then I had nurses who forgot meds. I don't blame the nurses they are under an enormous mount of pressure.

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thanks for sharing your experiences brit chick and pom queen. yh I felt terrible, I was crying my eyes out in front of my manager, and practically begging her not to take my job away from me. I just feel so stupid and guilty coz it wasn't even me who picked the mistake up, it was the patient's relative, who isn't a trained medical professional. the patient was absolutely fine and even got discharged later that day. which is why I think it would be really unfair if I lost my job, I don't know if I could claim unfair dismissal though since im still on probation. I totally agree brit chick, I think it will always take me 10times longer to do meds now as I will double and triple checking them. I just can't believe that after so much hassle to get over here, ive only been here 6months and I could possibly have to come back home because of one stupid mistake. I can just imagine saying to my family and prospective employers, yeh well I got fired coz I made a medication error and couldn't get another visa so had to come home. :-(

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thanks for sharing your experiences brit chick and pom queen. yh I felt terrible, I was crying my eyes out in front of my manager, and practically begging her not to take my job away from me. I just feel so stupid and guilty coz it wasn't even me who picked the mistake up, it was the patient's relative, who isn't a trained medical professional. the patient was absolutely fine and even got discharged later that day. which is why I think it would be really unfair if I lost my job, I don't know if I could claim unfair dismissal though since im still on probation. I totally agree brit chick, I think it will always take me 10times longer to do meds now as I will double and triple checking them. I just can't believe that after so much hassle to get over here, ive only been here 6months and I could possibly have to come back home because of one stupid mistake. I can just imagine saying to my family and prospective employers, yeh well I got fired coz I made a medication error and couldn't get another visa so had to come home. :-(

:hug: let me know how you get on. Fingers crossed.

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Oh my lovely. I can't offer any advice, but I know a little what it feels like, dealing with patients and even the thought of making a mistake is terrifying. Even as a student I find the idea of messing up really stressful. I'm sure if anything was going to come of it, you would know by now.


I'm sure you will probably be fine! Let us know how you get on. IF anything happens and you need help, speak to a registered migration agent the moment you know what is happening.


I am sure you will be fine though.


Let us know how you go.


Hugs! Thinking of you. :-) x

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thanks guys. I haven't heard anything yet, but im back in 2moro, im kind of dreading it to be honest. my thoughts were they would have called me and told me not to bother coming in 2moro if I was going to loose my job. so maybe that's a gud sign. but if they do decide to let me go and I don't get another sponsor, I wouldn't get a PR visa sorted in time, anmac is currently taking 16weeks to process applications, and I need this before I can even lodge e.o.i ill let u all know how I get on. thnx 4 ur support :-)

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I went back in2 work 2day, and everything was fine. then my manager calls me in2 the office and informs me that I have to attend a disciplinary hearing on Monday, which will decide if I am allowed to keep my job. once again I was in floods of tears. I asked her again if I was going to loose my job, and she was like I don't know. just when I thought everything might be ok, and I have to wait until Monday now to find out the decision. never been to a disciplinary hearing in my whole life, I'm so scared. I've told a few people here in oz, but haven't told anyone back home about wot is going on. wouldn't really know what to say tbh. my manager has told me I need to take annual leave @ the weekend when I was due to work. I was thinking about starting the process for my PR visa, but after 2day, I'm not even sure I want 2 stay here in oz. so confused, so upset and dnt no wot 2 do. :-(

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I went back in2 work 2day, and everything was fine. then my manager calls me in2 the office and informs me that I have to attend a disciplinary hearing on Monday, which will decide if I am allowed to keep my job. once again I was in floods of tears. I asked her again if I was going to loose my job, and she was like I don't know. just when I thought everything might be ok, and I have to wait until Monday now to find out the decision. never been to a disciplinary hearing in my whole life, I'm so scared. I've told a few people here in oz, but haven't told anyone back home about wot is going on. wouldn't really know what to say tbh. my manager has told me I need to take annual leave @ the weekend when I was due to work. I was thinking about starting the process for my PR visa, but after 2day, I'm not even sure I want 2 stay here in oz. so confused, so upset and dnt no wot 2 do. :-(


Oh no thats awful. I really hope you get given a "fair go" at the hearing......honestly good luck

& stay positive :yes:

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Thanks guys. Does anyone know how much notice they usually have 2 give u if ur still on probation? Is it about 2 weeks or is it effective immediately?


If it 'gross misconduct' - which I really cannot see they could classify this as - then you can be instantly dismissed. Otherwise it is usually one pay cycle - i.e. 2 weeks if you are paid fortnightly but it entirely depends on your contract.


Are you in a union? I would be asking for someone to attend the disciplinary meeting with you.


I do not think they can make you take annual leave but tbh in your shoes I won't rock the boat!


I feel for you I really do, what an awful situation. I hope it all works out though I would maybe start thinking of a transfer anyway that manager sounds awful :(

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