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Wanted Down Under 2014 TV show

Gbye grey sky

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I was hoping that I could start a thread reviewing the series without it degenerating into a slanging match. I have seen past series and feel that the makers are trying to add some realism this time even though there is still IMO a bias towards moving Down Under. Personally I have almost universally found those taking part likeable, sincere and credible which is rare for shows of this type ime.


Examples of bias for Down Under are property and lifestyle sections IMO. Families almost always prefer the Australian properties without ever questioning that they are looking at homes valued mostly at many multiples their own and they often base their decision on the unaffordable option. They could find a 'dream' home nearer to where they live if they gave themselves a similar budget I always feel. There is an assumption that they land at the airport, take out the massive mortgage and move straight into the dream home.


It is perfectly possible to organise a lovely family day out almost anywhere in the UK. They are comparing the day to day drudge of home to a day on a family holiday so no contest there.


However it has come across that in Australia at least the jobs market is no longer buoyant and most are not in demand at all. The reality check does tend to assume that they will get that job and makes no mention at all of visa costs or shipping, flights etc. It is however illustrating to people that the cost of living is higher. The videos from family and friends are important though somewhat intrusive.


What are others thinking of the series?

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Have to be honest and say I personally don't like the show.Although in fairness,I did watch one show of the new series as they were in Adelaide,and figured this time around,the show was'nt as fluffy and more realistic.Its people comments on the show which annoy me the most.Such as "Our kids can play in the park here,they can't in the UK"Why can't they?I used to say to my kids in Sth Oz "We can't go to the park today because its too hot/too cold/too wet?So whats the diff?Do people really head for the beach most nights after work?Unless you live close proximity to one,I doubt it.I had a good life in Oz,but then I was living a simple alternative type lifestyle.

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We love the show and are avid watchers, mostly for the entertainment / amusement value it provides, and also to see what the areas we've been researching online actually look like in 'real life' (well, on the tv screen at least!). That said, it must be watched with one's tongue firmly in one's cheek. Anyone who is seriously considering a move to Australia will already be aware of the true cost of living and the vast list of pros / cons, so shouldn't be at risk of being 'brainwashed' by the show. Anyone who is in the first throes of emigrating and watches the show with rose-tinted spectacles would be well-advised to do their own thorough research before assuming the show is a true depiction of how their new life will / could be Down Under.


At the end of the day, it's interesting to see why other people want to move, what they do for a living (i.e. how are they able to get a visa? Are they going down the PR route or the 457 route?), what is their house worth in the UK (i.e. how much equity will they be taking over / what kind of house will they be able to afford?), what do the kids think of the move, etc. But certain parts of their experience should, quite rightly, be taken with a pinch of salt.


The one gripe I have is that they never show the families kicking off when they find out the house they've been shown is actually £100k over budget. They must edit these parts out, as I can't believe they don't get p!ssed off by it. It would be good to see more people renting as well, as most people do rent initially (before buying), and it would be interesting to see how much rental properties are in the areas they're shown.


I also wish they would - as Gbye Grey Sky pointed out - show the actual cost of making the move, i.e. visas, flights, temp. accommodation, etc.


That said, it is good fun to watch (though we skip the families / friends bit as it's boring - everyone knows it's upsetting and tears will be shed, and the bloke's mother is always the selfish one trying to make them feel guilty whilst the wife's mother is understanding and selfless).


I-F :-)

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I appreciate your adjusted avatar pand d:laugh:

@OP yes I love it and watch it avidly. I think it has been more realistic this time but it would b good to c visa costs and relocation included and it wld also b good to actually download their finance lists to c whats missing

Like most shows of this type, well geared towards the positive without the negative/realities in my opinion.
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Yes Itchyfeet,the house bit?Now why on earth do they even take these people to houses where they are way over the budget?Thats just cruel imho and disappointing for the people right?Do they ever show people houses in country towns???The few shows Ive seen are always in burbs.There are loads of country towns that are commutable to the cities,and I feel they should explore them more imho.

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Yes Itchyfeet,the house bit?Now why on earth do they even take these people to houses where they are way over the budget?Thats just cruel imho and disappointing for the people right?Do they ever show people houses in country towns???The few shows Ive seen are always in burbs.There are loads of country towns that are commutable to the cities,and I feel they should explore them more imho.



I think they have started doing that for the people watching rather than the people in the show, so they can demonstrate a range of housing in each city.


I did like this series, but did think they quality of the temp housing varied. One place looked like a real dump. How do they decide where to put them up, and what car they will drive?


I would like them to film it mid summer to get a better impression.


I have really enjoyed this series.

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I love it, I am normally jealous of how much they have to spend on a house :). This current series I have enjoyed as there have been some people who wont actually be earning over 100,000 dollars when they get here and they are coming from the north/wales with houses that are worth less than £100,000... much more like my situation. The oddest thing in this series is that guy who worked on the railway he was told there were no railway jobs but then he saw a recruitment consultant who said dont worry you can earn 130,000 - 180,000 in a tottally different industry... bit unrealistic

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But isn't going over budget part of the Aussie lifestyle for most?

I suppose so Paul.I never got into the "Better than the Jones's"BS tbh! What? Better debt than the Jones's?Nah not for me!I like to keep my life as simple and debt free as possible.Yes good point about the rentals the people stay in too.They don't put them up in any dumps and I have wondered about the rents of these temp stay places.Really though I think what it comes down to is this:You are the creator of your own reality.You are only limited by the thoughts that go through your head.So create a nice life for yourself where ever you live,and don't limit your life by "We can't do this in this country,we can't do that"thoughts,and that goes for Oz or the UK or where ever else you are.:cute:

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Guest Guest66881
I suppose so Paul.I never got into the "Better than the Jones's"BS tbh! What? Better debt than the Jones's?Nah not for me!I like to keep my life as simple and debt free as possible.Yes good point about the rentals the people stay in too.They don't put them up in any dumps and I have wondered about the rents of these temp stay places.Really though I think what it comes down to is this:You are the creator of your own reality.You are only limited by the thoughts that go through your head.So create a nice life for yourself where ever you live,and don't limit your life by "We can't do this in this country,we can't do that"thoughts,and that goes for Oz or the UK or where ever else you are.:cute:


To quote: Mr Tracey - FAB virgil.:notworthy:

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I don't have an issue with the programme showing the family their ideal home as for a few this was a genuine perception. Some have evidently done a lot of research beforehand, others clearly had not, so I think it is important to say 'if this what you thought you could move to, think again'.


Where I have any issue is that a few seem to base their decision on Oz v UK property on the house that they could not afford having hated the property or properties that were within their budget. Having said that the reality check numbers are normally based on the cost of the home that they liked.


Another improvement on past series is that there have been a few looking at renting rather than buying though the emphasis is probably overweighted towards buying. Probably says more about the UK obsession with house ownership though than reality and following the template of proportion porn shows like 'Escape to the Country' 'Relocation, Relocation' etc.

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Friends of ours were on this series and it was really strange to watch them. However I can confirm after speaking to them just how 'heavily edited' the show actually is.

I agree with the previous comments about the variations of the temporary houses, it does not even seem to be in keeping with their budgets…

After speaking with a few natives currently living in Britain, it was interesting to see their perspectives on our unrealistic expectations of Aussie housing. Infact, they were quite amazed at how much we British spend on doing up and re-decorating our houses, whereas over there, they like to do it nice once then forget about it as they would rather be outside and socialising - This sounds more like the kind of lifestyle I would like - although I probably wouldn't say no to a pretty, sparkly new house either, lol.

I agree that there are no mentions of school fees and as parents to teenagers, this sets unrealistic views of affordability.

We are selling our house to use the collateral for visas and moving costs etc, so plan to rent for at least the 1st year when we arrive, so was really interested in the rental market aspect. How many British actually move out and buy straight away anyway??

All in all we love the show and have it set on series link so we can watch it when we get home - if timings were right we would definitely apply for the show too.

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as satiated above the show is good if your looking at different areas. But not very informative only basic information. The budget section is unrealistic. compering shopping lists of cause the bill will be bigger you looking at imported food not local brands. No mention of medical care, car related charges ,schooling charges, childcare costs children's after school clubs. oh the list is endless

My mother is the one who is agenst our move and uses this show as fact. It has taken 2 years to get her to understand that the shows developers are wearing rose tinted glasses. by not adding all facts makes good TV.

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Clearly it would have to be heavily edited. They are condensing a week of the family's time to around 40 minutes. The thing I wonder is whether the edit presents a false picture or a condensed flavour of the points that came out from the week.


They obviously want the drama of opposing feelings on a move on each episode which probably makes for good tv but I wonder sometimes if the format ends up applying pressure on those who want to stay in UK. As a viewer you can feel the pressure to say 'Australia' or 'New Zealand' at the end is quite strong. Almost as if they have to justify why not rather than the other camp having to justify why go.

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Haven't watched it or any aus related migrant type shows for 2 or 3 yrs,only seemed to show the pro's of moving,never the cons,like a promo for aus,too biased for my tastes, plus a lot of the houses they showed were out of my price range,might be different now,i dont know

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I watch it with a pinch of salt and just watch it for entertainment purpose. I have liked this series that they have shown some people renting which makes a nice change. It's a shame they don't include the costs of the actual move when they do the reality check. I also wish they showed them more properties outside the city centre area's (I think they did for one of the Perth one's showing them Mandurah), but the NZ one's all seemed to be Auckland and within 30 mins, and then people are surprised as to why it's expensive. I think the show is good for the people on it to get an idea of the job market which can come to a shock both good and bad for people. Though most things on this show can be found out via research but I enjoy watching it :P

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