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God it's wet


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The local village primary school has started doing canoeing lessons on the schools playing fields. The lake in the field is becoming quite substantial. I've had enough rain.


It's been far too wet last year/this year. I feel so sorry for the people who have been flooded

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Guest guest30085

Absolutely tipping it down here. I hope no one suffers any more flooding.


Though, in some versions of the UK, there will be bright beautiful sunshine and little bunny rabbits and lambs will be skipping around the lush green meadows, whilst families are picnicking and the small children will be making daisy chains :wubclub:



(Crap weather makes me grumpy) :wink:

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I don't think we've had it as bad up here (for a change!!) as a lot of places, but I've had enough now. I want to be able to walk across the fields again without being knee deep in mud. I'm fed up of washing the dog after his walk and mopping the floors every day. :dull:

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The local village primary school has started doing canoeing lessons on the schools playing fields. The lake in the field is becoming quite substantial. I've had enough rain.


Tell me about it,trying to set stone today,gave up again again at 1.15,costing me £! but at least im not as bad as those in the flood zones

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Ive had my lot with this rain! Wish I didnt have to walk the dog. The tow path into town is flooded right up to the road. It's weird to see benches in the middle of the river. I know I shouldnt mock, but..............more than one twit cant read the flood warning signs because there were several cars roof deep in water (one was a porche)! It floods in that location even without the torrential rain!

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It is pretty ridiculous! I feel so sorry for the people who have been flooded up the way in Somerset.


We've got off pretty lightly, however, it does make farming really difficult. Be prepared for higher food prices in a couple of months. :-( What I wouldn't give for some sunshine.

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The local village primary school has started doing canoeing lessons on the schools playing fields. The lake in the field is becoming quite substantial. I've had enough rain.



This is a result of climate change , we will have to get used to it .

And when I see earthquakes in Pakistan and turkey , and the boxing day tsunami that wreaked havoc , death and misery, in Indonesia

Then there are the bushfires in Australia and the united states

Then the united states is blanketed in temps down to minus 46c , including florida

Then there was the tsunami in Japan ....

We have a minor flooding incident to an area that's built on reclaimed land ,below sea level , that the authorities will have deal with ,dredging is not the whole answer

And taking all that into account , I think " thank god I live in the British isles " .....it could be a whole lot worse

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Guest guest30085

The wind is blowing like a blowy thing here and has rained heavily on and off all today. It's freezing and it's grim.


I love being a Pom, it means I can whinge about the weather constantly ;)

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