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Moving back after 20 years


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To ME that is the great thing about this country, we have the great pubs and the cafes and restaurants.


Sure...prefer the pubs in Britain and the cafes/restaurants in oz by a decent margin (except indian), as not such a fan of the cafe/restaurant british food in general though of course excellent food can be found in both...and not a fan of aussie pub food much, vive la difference...

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I have to agree that eating out in the UK is a much better experience. I find the restaurants in Aus are generally overpriced. If you do happen to find somewhere decent to eat, they are putting the chairs on the table at 8:30pm so they can sweep up to go home (had that happen more than once). We have lived in several places in Australia and have recently returned from touring the UK and for us the UK wins hands down for quality of food and price. As for Indian food in Australia its a ridiculous price....never paid for popodums till i ate in an Australian indian restaurant and the indian food is generally like something out of a jar!

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I do not like the cafes in UK or the coffee. I do not like the meals either far too fatty. The curry is also not authentic. Having been to India and with my husband with indian crew curry in UK is nothing like their curry. I used to find Australian curry very good however they are now trying to please the natives and of course we get inferior curry. Same with the chinese food. My daughter worked in Chinese restaurant whilst at Uni and the food she brought home and ate was nothing like what was sold. They cooked up proper stuff after the restaurant closed. So its horses for courses but I feel ill just thinking about the fat on food.

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A few observations from my time back in UK. Well its a year later and I have been living in London for 12 months now. Many things have happened. I was worried about work and I got some, not better work than I got in Sydney - much the same really and about the same money. Off the top of my head things that I really notice here, Its too crowded, there is no space here and everybody wants some. The food is dreadful and expensive and for the coffee lovers - prepare for disappointment. The Indian food is great, the humour is fabulous and the Englishness is excellent if thats what you crave.

If you have been living in Australia for a long time which I had been 20 years - My standard of living is much the same but its just different. I thought accommodation to buy and rent in Sydney was crazy well its much worse here, space is at a premium and be prepared to pay a lot for it - I reckon 10 to up to 20% more than Sydney. I have travelled to Europe a couple of times but you don't go too much cause you need to work to be able to keep your head above water in London. Summer is great, Winter is hideous and it lasts and lasts. A 3 zone weekly Oyster card is £37.80 thats about $80 a week just to move around. I personally came back because I had an itch that needed to be scratched and plus I had an ageing mother who I wanted to spend time with while I could. Well for me coming back despite the cost the crowds the bad food and accommodation issues, London is still one of the best cities in the world, it is eclectic, interesting, fun, ever changing and engaging - there is only one London and it is a wonderful adventure being here. My mother passed recently and I will be eternally grateful that I was here for the last year and I have no unfinished business or guilt for not being here. For me coming back was one of the best decisions I ever made, but that chapter of my life is over now and I will return to Sydney and back to my Australian life which I have always loved. Don’t underestimate coming back, it is a big deal and there is lot of change to deal with, its hard and it can be lonely too but if you want to come back for a while or permanently, do it, but remove the rose coloured glasses first. An old friend of mine once said if you don't do anything - nothing happens, he also said you can go back but you can't return. I think both are true. I’m glad I got off the fence and to the airport but I am happy to leave again too.



Glad you popped back with an update. Always good to hear from people who made the move that way. Sorry to hear of your mothers passing. The important thing is you tried it, managed to spend time with your mother and have now figured out where you wish to be. And that is what a move back can be about for some. Another move back the other way again ;) Others stay put and are happy. Its what works for you and I have every respect you returned and for your future plans.


Good luck with it all.

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A few observations from my time back in UK. Well its a year later and I have been living in London for 12 months now. Many things have happened. I was worried about work and I got some, not better work than I got in Sydney - much the same really and about the same money. Off the top of my head things that I really notice here, Its too crowded, there is no space here and everybody wants some. The food is dreadful and expensive and for the coffee lovers - prepare for disappointment. The Indian food is great, the humour is fabulous and the Englishness is excellent if thats what you crave.

If you have been living in Australia for a long time which I had been 20 years - My standard of living is much the same but its just different. I thought accommodation to buy and rent in Sydney was crazy well its much worse here, space is at a premium and be prepared to pay a lot for it - I reckon 10 to up to 20% more than Sydney. I have travelled to Europe a couple of times but you don't go too much cause you need to work to be able to keep your head above water in London. Summer is great, Winter is hideous and it lasts and lasts. A 3 zone weekly Oyster card is £37.80 thats about $80 a week just to move around. I personally came back because I had an itch that needed to be scratched and plus I had an ageing mother who I wanted to spend time with while I could. Well for me coming back despite the cost the crowds the bad food and accommodation issues, London is still one of the best cities in the world, it is eclectic, interesting, fun, ever changing and engaging - there is only one London and it is a wonderful adventure being here. My mother passed recently and I will be eternally grateful that I was here for the last year and I have no unfinished business or guilt for not being here. For me coming back was one of the best decisions I ever made, but that chapter of my life is over now and I will return to Sydney and back to my Australian life which I have always loved. Don’t underestimate coming back, it is a big deal and there is lot of change to deal with, its hard and it can be lonely too but if you want to come back for a while or permanently, do it, but remove the rose coloured glasses first. An old friend of mine once said if you don't do anything - nothing happens, he also said you can go back but you can't return. I think both are true. I’m glad I got off the fence and to the airport but I am happy to leave again too.


Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope everything goes smoothly with your plans to return to Sydney.

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I am sorry also for the loss of your mum. I was set all on going back to England. Now, I am not sure. I think we have goals and dreams, and pre conceived ideas to keep us going, and I think that is wonderful. But adaption to the real world, or reality is just as important as to the luxury. I have not read a great detail as to your post or what you went through, but you went home to support your mum. Now you can analysis.


We are going home to support 3 aged and sick grandparents in NZ. Then we will re think. I will not make plans until my parents/grandparents are taken care off. Then we can look and decide.


I don't like living in Australia, but I get the impression you do. You went home for your mum, words don't even matter. You were there for your mum.


You now do what you want to do, and all the best.

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Yes London is and always will be an exciting place- I was brought up there and went to school there but I wouldn't want to live there now, I am much too Aussiefied and spoilt by how things are here. Guess you go where your heart is and where you feel 'at home'. It is so good that so many people on here follow their dreams and don't just sit around wondering!

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  • 8 months later...

Well I thought it was time for an update.

After my mums passing I decided to wrap up living in London and return to Sydney. It seemed quite logical, I had to leave where I was living in London and luckily I have an apartment in Sydney and my tenants lease was up so It was easy to just jump on a plane and move back into my old place.

I got back to Sydney in January and after catching up with old friends enjoying some sunshine good food and coffee it was time to get back into Sydney life.

It is now August - I work freelance and its been ok - I have a life a car a few mates. I really can’t complain.

Problem is I just find Sydney so - Dull - after being back in London it just feels small a bit parochial and too hot in summer - theres a lot a like too after all I have spent 30 odd years here and I really do love the place.

But I love London too, thing is now I have no family in either country and I am a orphan now - which is weird but you play the hand you are dealt.

Thing is with that situation - one is truly free and can really go anywhere and not really have to justify it to anyone.

So I am thinking again of going back to London as I really miss it - work is good for me there, unfortunately I no longer have a place to stay there but I will just rent something like the other millions of folks - so its not that big a deal.

So I am thinking rent my place out in Sydney again. Go back to London and live and work, it will be different because my mum is gone and I will feel that deeply but I will have a new experience of the place.

Or I could just accept that my UK time is done and just get on with things here in Sydney where I have a nice life (mostly) but just a bit bored.

I am 55 now so getting a bit long in the tooth - but as was pointed out to me there is nothing wrong with being a ping ponger - its actually a good option if you can make it work.

So I am clearly undecided but I obviously got re Londonised with my time back there and I just miss it.

I will think about it a bit more but if going back last time taught me anything it was not to let fear rule my decision making.

I am in a bit of a unique situation I think - its tricky to know what to do. Anyway Sydneys great and London is great I love both but I feel Londons not done with me quite yet or I should just concentrate on building my life up here again.

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Well I thought it was time for an update.

After my mums passing I decided to wrap up living in London and return to Sydney. It seemed quite logical, I had to leave where I was living in London and luckily I have an apartment in Sydney and my tenants lease was up so It was easy to just jump on a plane and move back into my old place.

I got back to Sydney in January and after catching up with old friends enjoying some sunshine good food and coffee it was time to get back into Sydney life.

It is now August - I work freelance and its been ok - I have a life a car a few mates. I really can’t complain.

Problem is I just find Sydney so - Dull - after being back in London it just feels small a bit parochial and too hot in summer - theres a lot a like too after all I have spent 30 odd years here and I really do love the place.

But I love London too, thing is now I have no family in either country and I am a orphan now - which is weird but you play the hand you are dealt.

Thing is with that situation - one is truly free and can really go anywhere and not really have to justify it to anyone.

So I am thinking again of going back to London as I really miss it - work is good for me there, unfortunately I no longer have a place to stay there but I will just rent something like the other millions of folks - so its not that big a deal.

So I am thinking rent my place out in Sydney again. Go back to London and live and work, it will be different because my mum is gone and I will feel that deeply but I will have a new experience of the place.

Or I could just accept that my UK time is done and just get on with things here in Sydney where I have a nice life (mostly) but just a bit bored.

I am 55 now so getting a bit long in the tooth - but as was pointed out to me there is nothing wrong with being a ping ponger - its actually a good option if you can make it work.

So I am clearly undecided but I obviously got re Londonised with my time back there and I just miss it.

I will think about it a bit more but if going back last time taught me anything it was not to let fear rule my decision making.

I am in a bit of a unique situation I think - its tricky to know what to do. Anyway Sydneys great and London is great I love both but I feel Londons not done with me quite yet or I should just concentrate on building my life up here again.



Welcome to my world. We've become gypsies without a home. We may have a place to live, and we can live everywhere, but there is no place we belong.

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If I had the financial means to go back I would go tomorrow. When you get older and reach retirement and dont have a job to fill your days that is when it really hits home how little there is to do in Aus, unless you can afford and are fit enough to travel many kms to visit a different state. Uk there are so many places to visit and all with in resonable traveling distance.

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If I had the financial means to go back I would go tomorrow. When you get older and reach retirement and dont have a job to fill your days that is when it really hits home how little there is to do in Aus, unless you can afford and are fit enough to travel many kms to visit a different state. Uk there are so many places to visit and all with in resonable traveling distance.


Spot on Tina .....i see the u.k warts and all ...i only love some of it ....sat on the motorways in traffic ,in the rain ain't great ....the litter in some places drives me potty ..BUT ...I also see the stunning natural beauty of the place ,in my opinion ,taking everything into account ,the best in Europe .

Why ? ...well the Swiss and Austrians have the mountains ...the Spanish and Portuguese the beaches and the heat ,but we have a bit of.

Was of everything ,and all close to hand .

We don't score 10 out of 10 for everything ,but 7s and 8s.

The only other place in Europe ,to me ,that has everything is northern Italy .

As I get older ,I have a growing appreciation for the u.k

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Other issue is transport, unless you live in a major capital city public transport is hard to find and very expencive, cars are not cheap to run and parking at any attraction be that city or country is seen as a pot of gold ready to be emptied by the local councils. In the UK in many country villages you can walk to the shops and if you want to go further well public transport is good compared to Aus and not as expencive.


Age changes you Bunbury61 you really do see things differently. You are 100% correct of course there are places in the UK many would no longer want to live and trash is an issue in places but over all the UK is a great place to live. Absoluetly regret leaving.

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Guest Dave53

Just come across this thread .. How refreshing and enlightening . I thought I was the only person in Australia who through advancing age felt the same about Britain .. As age has crept up on me and after almost 29 yrs in Australia the yearning to return to my homeland has never been greater . I do have the advantage of having travelled back and forth over the years , and indeed my last trip back ended only 2 weeks ago . When I meet up with old workmates who incidentally are all a few years younger than me , and on good pensions , and look at myself who is still working and still likely to be for at least 2 years , it does touch a raw nerve and inevitably the question as to " was it worth it " springs to mind .. I will work 7 extra years compared to my ex work colleagues . How I could turn the clock back , and as Tina2 says " Absolutely regret leaving "

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Dave thanks for posting I too felt I was the only one who has realized I made a huge mistake in not going back when it was possible for me to do so. I really hope that those reading this thread will take from it, that they need to think about the future and the time they will retire, does Aus offer what they want in retirement which may well be quite different from what they wanted and may well have achieved when they were younger and first came out to Aus.

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Other issue is transport, unless you live in a major capital city public transport is hard to find and very expencive, cars are not cheap to run and parking at any attraction be that city or country is seen as a pot of gold ready to be emptied by the local councils. In the UK in many country villages you can walk to the shops and if you want to go further well public transport is good compared to Aus and not as expencive.


Age changes you Bunbury61 you really do see things differently. You are 100% correct of course there are places in the UK many would no longer want to live and trash is an issue in places but over all the UK is a great place to live. Absoluetly regret leaving.


Just come across this thread .. How refreshing and enlightening . I thought I was the only person in Australia who through advancing age felt the same about Britain .. As age has crept up on me and after almost 29 yrs in Australia the yearning to return to my homeland has never been greater . I do have the advantage of having travelled back and forth over the years , and indeed my last trip back ended only 2 weeks ago . When I meet up with old workmates who incidentally are all a few years younger than me , and on good pensions , and look at myself who is still working and still likely to be for at least 2 years , it does touch a raw nerve and inevitably the question as to " was it worth it " springs to mind .. I will work 7 extra years compared to my ex work colleagues . How I could turn the clock back , and as Tina2 says " Absolutely regret leaving "


Dave , financially I would probably have been better off in oz ....and I will be working till I drop ( by choice I might add )....its not the lack of pension or the super or the house size that does it for me ...its the people ,the choice and sense of belonging .


Iam only here once ,so I ain't going to rattle around in a 5 x 2 house in retirement .


Plus I realised I had responsibilities ...wife ,kids ,mom and dad ( as they got older ) ,and thank god I gave presedence to the later ,when I did .

We are looking at downsizing now the kids have grown up ....getting rid of all the shite I don't need ,and Tha includes people ....and then my lovely wife and I move on to the next chapter .

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Wish to God I could do it :sad:

its not always as simple as it seems unfortunately

We went back late 2013 bought a lovely little Bunglaow and settled back easily as we have may tend life long friendships in our home town

But when my hubby fell and broke his hip we realised how things could be as we got older with no family in the UK so made the Decision to return to Oz

We are not unhappy here but if we had our time over again would we emigrate no we wouldn't as for years it's torn us between the two countires

When we emigrated I had the pull of my parents now it works the other way round and we feel we need to be close to our children and theirs

In retirement the UK is easy in so many aspects travel being the foremost as no where is too far away ! Whereas in Oz we often say we spend half of our life in the car

Hindsight is always a good thing methinks

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Bristolman sadly yes, we have looked at it so many times from so many angles, we would be happy to sell our home and live in a tiny rented house to get back to the UK but there is one major obstacle that we can not get round.


We could never live with the decision if we just ignored the issue and packed up and left. Awful really, you cant put into words how strong the longing is to go back it eats away at you, but if we went it would only be replaced by a dreadful feeling of guilt for leaving the reason for not being able to leave behind. Hope that makes sense.

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