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Last night....


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...we became Australians!


Very nice, very casual ceremony - a fair number were just in shorts, t-shirts and thongs! It was very quick and we then went for a meal at M on the point and some cocktails. Now the hard one. Have to get a passport today as fly back to work tomorrow!

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VS - you might be able to get -

The Australian Declaratory visa is an administrative document that resembles a visa. In limited circumstances it can be issued to Australian citizens who hold a foreign passport, including if you are:



  • under 18 and will be travelling with a non-citizen parent
  • have an emergency or other compelling situation preventing travel on an Australian passport. You will need to provide supporting documentation.
  • http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/931.pdf



It does say you have to provide Aus citizenship proof but they will know you obviously cannot. Might be worth dropping into Immigration today and asking about that one (they are very helpful in there) if you have no luck getting an Aussie passport on the spot from DFAT (good luck with that one!)

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...we became Australians!


Very nice, very casual ceremony - a fair number were just in shorts, t-shirts and thongs! It was very quick and we then went for a meal at M on the point and some cocktails. Now the hard one. Have to get a passport today as fly back to work tomorrow!


The pork belly roll is legendary. Absolutely gorgeous. Had lunch there a good few times.

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Guest Guest16631

........congratulation to you........you'll return to work a different person than left.......!

........will they tell the difference.....lol...!

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Thanks everyone. It means a lot


I managed to get a passport. It is only a temp 1 year one, but they will replace it with a normal one when I get back. It's the same as a regular one, but just has the expiry set to 1 year.


Now you can start work on becoming an Aussie............

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I am just filling in the citizenship application forms and would welcome some help please.

1. How long did the process take, application to ceremony?

2. What do you do passport wise once citizenship is granted? Do I then have to apply for an Australian passport? Is my UK one still valid as well? Can I travel on the UK passport as an Australian citizen?

3. How much do the Australian passports cost and how long do they take to be issued?


Thank you.

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I am just filling in the citizenship application forms and would welcome some help please.

1. How long did the process take, application to ceremony?

2. What do you do passport wise once citizenship is granted? Do I then have to apply for an Australian passport? Is my UK one still valid as well? Can I travel on the UK passport as an Australian citizen?

3. How much do the Australian passports cost and how long do they take to be issued?


Thank you.


I applied in June and recieved an email within days of the application asking me to attend the test. My test date was for August - though they agreed to bring mine forward as i would be away with work on the original date. After the test, i recieved a approval letter a couple of weeks later. Then though it is up to your local council as to when you get a ceremony and every council is different. Some run them every month, some every three months. Overall, for us in Mandurah, it took about 5 months start to finish.


Once you are a citizen you need a Oz passport to leave and re-enter Oz. So yes, you do have to have a Oz passport if you intend to leave the country. Your UK one is still valid as well and if you travel to the UK you should take both. Leave Oz on the Oz one, enter the UK on your UK one, leave the UK on the UK one and re-enter Oz on the Oz one. You can enter the UK on a Oz passport, but you would need a visa.


I am not certain on the cost for a normal one as i was a different case to most - i needed one with the extra pages as i fly a lot and i also had to pay a fee for having it done express - i had proof that i needed to fly on the saturday after becoming a citizen on the thursday night, so they did one within 6 hours. But, that is unusual. I think the normal fee is about $250.


Normally you have to wait 10 days after becoming a citizen to apply for a passport and they then take a couple of weeks to come through.

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