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G'Day from Cairns


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Well today has been a bit more interesting! We decided to walk 5kms to the botanical gardens...stayed there for 10 mins as stupidly we haven't got any insect repellent yet and were getting eaten alive....and then walk 5kms back home again lol. We'll revisit another time. When we got back though we arranged to view a car, we liked it, well I say like, it was the cheapest thing we could get that was still roadworthy, so we took it, $1400 bargain we thought! After that we set up the GPS and drove to Ellis Beach...just gorgeous! We're going to hopefully do Daintree tomorrow, better get some repellent first though!

Here's some photos :cool: last one is sunrise from our balcony


broom broom.jpg

ellis beach.jpg



broom broom.jpg

ellis beach.jpg




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Today we went to the beautiful Daintree! We didn't explore much of the rain forest admittedly, we didn't actually bring enough cash to do the rainforest walk BUT we still saw loads of it driving to Cape Tribulation and the walks through the rain forest to get to the beach. It was a 5 hour round trip there and back from our hotel to cape trib but well worth it!! We plan to go back to see more gorges and more of the rain forest in the future. Enjoy the photos :biggrin:

PB191221.jpgcrossing the daintree river...$20 return

DSC01617.jpglookout point over the rainforest

DSC01634.jpgmyall beach


cape trib.jpgcape tribulation

cape trib.jpg





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  • 2 weeks later...

Soo since my last update we have been to barron gorge, millaa millaa and other nearby waterfalls, lots of beaches nearby and plenty of relaxing/sunbathing by the lagoon and esplanade! Paul has been looking for a job for the last week or so and has got a job on a farm a few hours southwest of Cairns. It'd mean me staying here and him staying at work and just coming back on days off but I think it'll be ok, not ideal but Paul's keen to get some money in ASAP since I can't work and he enjoys working on farms. That'll be for a few months until March, after that (and once my visa app is in and i'm on my bridging visa) we were thinking of doing some more travelling and seeing the bits of aus we haven't seen. Then come back to Cairns and both look for jobs in the city and a home to rent. Unless we decide we like some where else and go there instead. He starts his job in 2 weeks so rushing around to do the visa stuff now.

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Soo since my last update we have been to barron gorge, millaa millaa and other nearby waterfalls, lots of beaches nearby and plenty of relaxing/sunbathing by the lagoon and esplanade! Paul has been looking for a job for the last week or so and has got a job on a farm a few hours southwest of Cairns. It'd mean me staying here and him staying at work and just coming back on days off but I think it'll be ok, not ideal but Paul's keen to get some money in ASAP since I can't work and he enjoys working on farms. That'll be for a few months until March, after that (and once my visa app is in and i'm on my bridging visa) we were thinking of doing some more travelling and seeing the bits of aus we haven't seen. Then come back to Cairns and both look for jobs in the city and a home to rent. Unless we decide we like some where else and go there instead. He starts his job in 2 weeks so rushing around to do the visa stuff now.


Almost like being in Pompey, hey?:wink:


BTW, nice pics thumbs.gif


Cheers, Bobj.

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  • 1 month later...

Another update (for those who don't already know)

Since my last update, Paul gained a job, and then lost it after 2 weeks! So he ended up taking a job in WA, that'll last for another 6 weeks. Hopefully he'll have a bit saved up and he can continue looking for another local job. If he struggles his boss has offered him another job working away about a month after he finishes this one. So last resort kind of thing. Before Paul went away we put my visa application together and sent it off at the start of the year. I've got an acknowledgement email, that's about it so far.

My bridging visa will start in a month, so when that happens I can finally job hunt. I've sent an email off about volunteering at the hospital, If i don't hear back I'll think about applying for other voluntary jobs until I get paid work. As Paul is away and we are watching the money i'm not doing a lot at the moment...quite bored, but I haven't gone mental just yet lol. Paul's relatively happy with his job working away at the moment, apart from obviously being apart!

That's it for now...

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