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Citizenship approved!!


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Had our citizenship applications approved today! Lodged applications end of May, appointments were Wednesday, sat the test, passed, approval same day according to the immi site!


Just the 5 to 6 month wait for a ceremony now which could mean a Christmas or Australia Day ceremony! If it is Australia Day that will also be the 5th anniversary for us, we left the UK for Perth on Australia Day 2009.


The final piece of the immigration jigsaw, feels good to have done it and will be nice to be able to vote and feel like a fully integrated member of Australian society.



Don't feel it changes things that much though I don't 'feel' Australian, I'm just a Pom living in Australia, still British and proud! Equally proud to be an adopted Aussie though and be part of this great Nation, God bless Australia!:biggrin:

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Congratulations and fantastic!! We're 10 months off being able to apply but we will definitely be doing it, we love our life here and our daughter has lived her longer than she lived in UK, like you ill always feel like a (very lucky) POM living in OZ but our 5 year old is already a proper little Aussie!!

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Guest Guest26012
Had our citizenship applications approved today! Lodged applications end of May, appointments were Wednesday, sat the test, passed, approval same day according to the immi site!


Just the 5 to 6 month wait for a ceremony now which could mean a Christmas or Australia Day ceremony! If it is Australia Day that will also be the 5th anniversary for us, we left the UK for Perth on Australia Day 2009.


The final piece of the immigration jigsaw, feels good to have done it and will be nice to be able to vote and feel like a fully integrated member of Australian society.



Don't feel it changes things that much though I don't 'feel' Australian, I'm just a Pom living in Australia, still British and proud! Equally proud to be an adopted Aussie though and be part of this great Nation, God bless Australia!:biggrin:


congratulations HH! Great feeling!

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Congratulations! We had our Citizenship ceremony last Friday, and it is exactly like the last piece of the puzzle has slotted in to place! I think you arrived in Aus about the same time as us (if I remember your previous username correctly :cute:.

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