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Moving back to a new area - good or bad idea?


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Hi everyone, the title says it all really. We are planning on moving back to the Uk from Perth. For those that have moved back do you think that moving back to a new area is a good or bad idea?


The reason that I ask is that we are considering moving back to a new area as we feel that our old area is part of the reason for us leaving the uk in the first place. The negative obviously is that we would be moving all the way back to the Uk and would not be right near friends and family (we would be about 3 hours away). Your thoughts would be appreciated.



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Guest chris955

We moved back to a village in a totally new area, best thing we did as it was like a brand new start. We are loving it. Good luck.

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It depends on why you are leaving Perth. If part of it is that you haven't made friends, them you are likely to have the same issue in the UK.


In saying that, if we move back, we would probably go somewhere else as well.


Hi Verystormy, friends and family is part of the reason, but the bigger reasons for me is missing the proximity of the Uk to Europe and other holiday destinations, the culture and huge range of places and attractions on your door step for day trips and weekends away, the seasons being the right way around etc. etc.

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Choose your area carefully!Apart from the obvious factor of ensuring work is available for you,do you have kids?Would you need to check out schools?And work prospects for when they leave?You mentioned travelling is important to you,so you would need to live fairly close to a good airport.My daughter lives in Cornwall,and their closest airport is Exeter,which has very limited flights leaving.Bristol is their next closest,so they have to add on 3 hr car journey.Ok thats not huge,but they have young kids.I could'nt imagine coming back from holiday and then having to endure a drive home that long.

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Choose your area carefully!Apart from the obvious factor of ensuring work is available for you,do you have kids?Would you need to check out schools?And work prospects for when they leave?You mentioned travelling is important to you,so you would need to live fairly close to a good airport.My daughter lives in Cornwall,and their closest airport is Exeter,which has very limited flights leaving.Bristol is their next closest,so they have to add on 3 hr car journey.Ok thats not huge,but they have young kids.I could'nt imagine coming back from holiday and then having to endure a drive home that long.


Agree with everything you say. I have already looked at work, schools situation, future opportunities etc. and am convinced that they are the same or better in the new areas we are looking at. So I suppose my question is more from an emotional point of view rather than a practical point of view. The feedback so far has strengthened my belief that a new area is probably for the best....

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We are temporarily moving back to the same area purely because we have a house there but we don't intend to stay there. We've been away nearly 5 years and I'm very aware everyone else's lives have moved on - we'd only lived there 7 years anyway and have no family there. We have taken everything we have learnt from living there previously and everything we have learnt from living in Perth about what does/doesn't make us happy to decide and of course work/schools/transport We're only heading 10-15 miles away from where we were before though, it sounds like you are planning something more adventurous :) Where are you from and where are you thinking of going?

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Hi everyone, the title says it all really. We are planning on moving back to the Uk from Perth. For those that have moved back do you think that moving back to a new area is a good or bad idea?


The reason that I ask is that we are considering moving back to a new area as we feel that our old area is part of the reason for us leaving the uk in the first place. The negative obviously is that we would be moving all the way back to the Uk and would not be right near friends and family (we would be about 3 hours away). Your thoughts would be appreciated.




Hi, I moved back to my house in Ireland when I left Perth, and I love it, but I'm actually appreciating now what I had and I don't ever want to move. What I would say is, if time and money permits, as you are missing family/friends, go back to what you know and look at it with new, yippee to be back, eyes. You might feel that you've outgrown it/changed and its not a good fit for your family right now, then look at other areas.


Thats not to say not to do some research now on jobs/schools/housing, etc, but as all of us that have tried Australia and come back know, research can only get you so far, you have to live in a place to get a genuine feel for it.


Good luck with your move

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We are temporarily moving back to the same area purely because we have a house there but we don't intend to stay there. We've been away nearly 5 years and I'm very aware everyone else's lives have moved on - we'd only lived there 7 years anyway and have no family there. We have taken everything we have learnt from living there previously and everything we have learnt from living in Perth about what does/doesn't make us happy to decide and of course work/schools/transport We're only heading 10-15 miles away from where we were before though, it sounds like you are planning something more adventurous :) Where are you from and where are you thinking of going?


Sorry to detract from the OP but where are you moving back to Jules? Just out of pure nosiness :)

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I know that the area we lived in the UK and the outlook for schooling for our son was one of the reasons we moved here. We lived in Gee Cross near Stockport and Manchester. Loved the little village we were in but weren't very far away from some horrible areas. Schooling wasn't looking very good at all and the local education authority were less than helpful.


We considered moving down to the South Coast as we always liked it down there. Trouble was the places we liked were way too expensive and the salaries not much more.


There is no way we would return now and love it here but can see your point in thinking of somewhere new. There are some horrible areas in the UK. If the place you are from is one of the reasons you left I can't see much point in going back to the same place.

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We didn’t move to Aus but we did relocate within the UK and it was the best thing we could have done. It may only be a few hundred miles down the road but the community and the lifestyle is very different, and we now live in an area we love. Through work and school have made some great friends, and feel very settled. Family are a few hours away but close enough to visit, and we are part of all major events like birthdays and weddings and Christmas.



Lots of research is probably the key and just as important whether you are moving a hundred miles or ten thousand. Schools, jobs, housing, amenities and crime levels can all vary enormously depending on the location, but you will get all that information from the internet.



Fwiw, I would think very hard about the reasons for originally leaving the UK. If it was to scratch an itch, well that’s a tick on the list. If you were unhappy with lifestyle, job prospects, community......going back to the same area may simply create a different set of problems to deal with. Settling in an area that is different, but close enough to maintain friendships and family ties may be the compromise that could work. Worth a shot maybe? Tx

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Sorry to detract from the OP but where are you moving back to Jules? Just out of pure nosiness :)


Our house is in Brightons, Falkirk - we chose to live in Falkirk originally because I was working in Glasgow and my husband was looking for work so it made the whole of the central belt available to him (& as it happened he got a job in Leith so it was perfect). Falkirk is an okay place but our dream has always been to live rurally and we also would like to be closer to Edinburgh, as my son will be going to school there, so we plan on moving somewhere in the Lothians. My parents are in the North-East so somewhere south of Edinburgh would be good. I have friends who are still very much part of my life in Falkirk and Linlithgow and I think the decision will in part come down to how much things do pick up where they left off (or not). Still open-minded though, I've learnt enough from our journey here to be cautious in making assumptions about what will make me happy :)

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We sold our UK house when we moved back and bought a new one about ten miles away out of the city in a village. We would have moved anyway, even if we hadn't been in Oz, as we had kids, and the inner city lifestyle didn't fit anymore. Let Australia show you what you want out of life in the UK if it can.

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Had I returned within a few years I would have been keen to move somewhere new - so many places I actually want to live in! However we are here to support elderly parents so I'm back home - been away over 3 decades so its just like a new place.


One of the bonuses of having lived in Australia is that nowhere in UK is really that far from anywhere else - 3 hrs? Nearly next door!

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One of the bonuses of having lived in Australia is that nowhere in UK is really that far from anywhere else - 3 hrs? Nearly next door!


I hope that feeling last, I am so looking forward to introducing my son to my favourite places - the Lakes, Northumberland, the New Forest, the West Country and the whole of Scotland.


To be honest the whole of Europe feels next door - when I flew to Cairns it took 12 hours, I could even get to LA in that time!

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Interesting discussion


This is something we will have to think about when we move back, whenever that is (I guess about 3-5 years time)


My wife and I are very different in the kind of area we like to live in....I either like to be in cities proper, or in the country proper, as I grew up in both. My wife likes the suburbs as that's what she grew up in, they leave me cold tbh.


In the UK we had 9 years of "my" preferences - first in central Cambridge and then in a Suffolk village. Now we've moved to Sydney and live in the 'burbs, as it was "her" turn. Even though we are only here on a temporary visa and have no intention of staying permanently, we sold our house in the UK, mainly because we didn't fancy maintaining it - or trying to manage the maintenance - from the other side of the world (it was 14th century)


Living here now I can see how village life had got really old for my missus - it's the gossip and small horizons that got her down. So we're glad we sold up, as whilst where we lived was lovely, those feelings would just have got worse and worse for her. I'm very glad we left before she began to resent it. Maybe it would be easier for her if she worked, but as she doesn't then that's moot.


So when we do go back it will be all change, and we'll need to work out where to live. Those 8 years in E Anglia were also convenient for my parents, again I guess it's time we lived closer to hers who live down in the Chilterns/Thames Valley. So we'll probably head somewhere around there. I don't know where though......she won't wear the villages, and most of the towns I think are pretty horrible. So I bet we end up after our Sydney experience in a London suburb. Which will mean $silly to afford a nice one, and $silly to afford the private schools, so I'd best get off and earn them


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