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'Frozen Britain?' (Headline on Sky News UK!) Watching item about hotel in Arran.


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Well, I can't believe my good fortune to actually be over here and not just 'dreaming the dream' but 'living the dream(time!)


I'm sure that if Australia does go down the tube, you will be revelling in it!!!???!!!

For me it is well down the tube already, good job we are all different....I can't believe my good fortune living here in the UK.

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Thing is the people in Arran will just get on with it, help each other out, community spirit and all that. Coming from the Highlands myself and living where when the snow got bad that no roads where passible, scary when nothing left to eat in the shops or your own cupboards but you got on with it.


When i moved down south to England, OMG, what a fuss. I lived 15 mins drive from work. The first time it snowed heavily, i could have got there if they had bothered gritting the roads, but instead i drove as far as i could and walked the rest of the way. No hardship, i worked for NHS, people were depending on us. Did any of the bosess make it...did the heck as like, including my immediate one who lived round the corner from me and reckoned that the only way she could get off her drive was on her hands and knees!!


Feeling for you all though, read that they reckon its been the coldest March for about 25years (thats pre-historic i know to you Stace)


Hey but feel a bit sorry for me too, weve got our first rain tonight since Nov. Im not able to sit out in the garden


Just heard on the radio that it's been the wettest March for 40 years fifi. Hasn't felt that wet really, only today and last night and one other day and night I can remember. Every weekend has been great. The long weekend coming is for about 30 degrees again, perfect.


You'll be back outside with your Gin and tonic.:cool:

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The same happened during the floods in Brisbane, not in badly affected areas but areas that were hardly touched. Ive never understood panic buying.


That was due to the press harping on about closed roads and undeliverable freight. You don't have to live in a flood affected area to be hit by them. Our local Coles was hit by an electricity cut off and the shelves emptied. Folk realised that the food would be spoilt and headed there and bought up as they knew it would be a while before Coles could re-stock. Good job they did, because it was a week before the freezer section was re-stocked. They have a back up generator but that failed.

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The same happened during the floods in Brisbane, not in badly affected areas but areas that were hardly touched. Ive never understood panic buying.



Dont worry you will get to understand a lot better in the uk. Wait till they start talking of petrol strikes next, or there is a sign a hot weather coming and you cant get hold of any meat or bbq gear in tescos cause its all sold out by lunch time.

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Actually had to sleep in my dressing gown last night lol, had 50p on the gas! All topped up now though. I hate meters but at least i know what i'm spending i guess.


My mums got one of those meters and she always forgot to top it up lol i always had to catch the bus into town to get it. Its shocking that the village didnt even have a paypoint - poor old people.


Its quite a nice blue sky here but chilly atm - ive done loads of washing - dont know wether to attempt to dry it outside

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I love this snow, Stratford looked magical last night and the pace fir some reason was packed and buzzin, neve seen so any kids outplaying in the snow...they do love it just like we did as kids :cute:


Damn you corrected all your mistakes before i could slag you lol

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it is shocking, every newsagents and corner shop i know have a paypoint, luckily there's a shop at the end of my road


We have a few where i live now. Yeah its shocking - loads of people asked for one but not sure why they havent got one yet. Its the shop my mum works in lol, the owner isnt very good then wonders why he doesnt make enough money or get more customers!

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Weathers freaky - half an hour ago it went dark and started snowing and now its a blue sky. Ive hung a few things out on the washing line since its windy - just have to hope for the best lol.


I saw earlier that some places are still without power - think mostly Argyll and bute

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I would prob go through that amount of bread if i let myself - love toasties but i've cut it out my diet most of the time. We normally just go through one a week for daves piece for work


:laugh:haha Stace- I haven't heard that phrase since my mum was alive-lovely !

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Guest Ptp113

Perths great, but not for dull poms. As to Blighty weather, it's sad re the massive livestock fatalities, the full scope of which isn't known, and won't be until the thaw.

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Perths great, but not for dull poms. As to Blighty weather, it's sad re the massive livestock fatalities, the full scope of which isn't known, and won't be until the thaw.


Yes apparently a lot of lambs have died. It's sad because lambs are supposed to be a sign of spring. It's one of the things i look foward to

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