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Rise in UK Suicides Blamed on Recession

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest Guest16631

The sharpest increase was among middle-aged men aged between 45 and 59 rising to their highest level for a generation, according to figures released by the Office for National Statistics.




..................these are men at their prime of life..............usually at the life stage of a family and home to look after...........the providers and standard setters............the bloke down the pub ,in the park with his kids.............a father..brother....uncle.............it's a crying shame.........a disgrace in today's society that this is what's happening...............to feel that there is no way out ...........must be so soul destroying .......to know that your leaving your loved ones behind...............if this news does not evoke compassion for those going through this....................I feel sorry for those people as well..................because to be so flippant and uncaring..............shows a very sick and nasty mind...........Therefore but for the grace of god/circumstance............call it what you will.................and the higher the I'm all right jack ladder .........you climb..............the further you have to fall..............they may not be any hands out trying to save you.............!

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I did, and I would have said the same thing when I was going through it, just my warped sense of humour...you just get off on being so high and mighty don't you yet you would ban women and children fleeing persecution a safe haven into this country.


I am not being high and mighty, as i have posted on here before my best friend killed himself when he was little more that 30 and i know first hand what this does to families, you are a sicko.

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anyway back to topic . it's obviously never the answer but that's not the way people see it when they're in that frame if mind


so many people use credit cards and loans these days,easy to get into debt and get way over their heads. people losing jobs etc


it's never the answer but it's just not the way people see it when they are seriously depressed

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Guest The Pom Queen

Ok let's leave PB to play with his friends whilst we discuss grown up issues. Anymore off topic will be deleted.

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i've both had suicide and murder in my family. i have also served in the military..


and the latter i guess is why my mind jumped to the same thing as PB said, im not sure if its a coping reaction, or just a sick mind.


im sure you all know far more about me than i do, and i await your professional analysis of my psychological state, but for the record, in my opinion PB you are not sick, you just call a spade a spade, and for that i respect you :smile:

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Having lost a dear friend to suicide as he was in debt was so devasting.His poor wife & three young children their lives changed forever. I just wish that that he had talked to friends who might have been able to help him. He was a very proud man who didn't bother anyone, but feel he felt a failure that his business went down the pan. The pain is family went through & are still going through, I would never wish that upon anyone!

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My cousins OH killed himself back in the late 1970's.He was a brit who had moved over to South Australia,and later met my cousin (also a brit).My cousin came home from work to find their two young daughters in bed alone.She could'nt find her OH,and then heard the car running in the garage!The rest is history.He did'nt leave a note and to this day she still does'nt know why?Her daughters have struggled over the years wondering why also.He was only 28!Very sad.

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But do these people really want to die, most of the time it's out of desperation for something that's happening in their life at that time.


I don't know....Having seen much of this in my job and my best friend took his own life 6 years ago, I have to say that I honestly think some people are just not for this world...


There is a good documentary called ''The Bridge'' in which stories of suicide victims, families and survivors are told. It gives an excellent, albeit partial insight into this terribly complex decision.

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Suicide should be allowed to anyone if they want it, we put animals down when they are dying, why not people if they want.


The thread isn't about euthanasia its about people who are in a dark lonely place and the only way they see out is to tie a rope around their neck or jump off a bridge! You are taking this down an entirely different route!

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Guest Guest26012

Have worked with, and experienced suicide. A desperate act that is a sad reaction to situations that individuals cannot cope with! A huge impact and tragedy for those left behind.

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I don't know....Having seen much of this in my job and my best friend took his own life 6 years ago, I have to say that I honestly think some people are just not for this world...


There is a good documentary called ''The Bridge'' in which stories of suicide victims, families and survivors are told. It gives an excellent, albeit partial insight into this terribly complex decision.

You get plenty of serial suicide people who would never take their own lives and a lot do it for attention for whatever reason, the real ones are the ones who do it first time and are successful.

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The thread isn't about euthanasia its about people who are in a dark lonely place and the only way they see out is to tie a rope around their neck or jump off a bridge! You are taking this down an entirely different route!

Don't agree, think it is relevant to the thread, the reasons why they do it.

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Guest Guest26012
You get plenty of serial suicide people who would never take their own lives and a lot do it for attention for whatever reason, the real ones are the ones who do it first time and are successful.


Oh for gods sake, pb! Multiple attempts at suicide ARE a cry for help! They are just as real as the ones who succeed! And a huge proportion of attempted suicidees can be saved if they get the support they need! They are all REAL, as you put it.

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You get plenty of serial suicide people who would never take their own lives and a lot do it for attention for whatever reason, the real ones are the ones who do it first time and are successful.


OMG cant believe that you said that people do it for attention" get real! he was bloody desperate he wanted an easy way out, which is not as the effect it has on the loved ones is terrible.

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Oh for gods sake, pb! Multiple attempts at suicide ARE a cry for help! They are just as real as the ones who succeed! And a huge proportion of attempted suicidees can be saved if they get the support they need! They are all REAL, as you put it.

Erhhhh that is what I said.

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OMG cant believe that you said that people do it for attention" get real! he was bloody desperate he wanted an easy way out, which is not as the effect it has on the loved ones is terrible.

Plenty do it for attention, some do it as a cry for help, many people would never take their own lives although they have tried several times, I am afraid this is a fact no matter how much you criticise me for saying it, plenty do it for real and do succeed but many do do it fir a cry for help but many do do it for attention and would never ever go through with it.

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