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Am I crazy??

Missus B

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Guest guest74886
Oh my goodness, I just came here to agree with this statement. I could have written this (apart from mine would say buying director rather than medical director. Why do they employ people from overseas if they don't want us to use what we know!?


Bloody exactly,why do they??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :xmas18:

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How little you know.....I may have a job back in the UK but there has been a massive restructure within the organisation last week and I could potentially be stationed miles away from home. My days will be longer than here with the extra travel. I already work 12 hours a day. I don't particularly want to spend another 2-3 hours a day travelling to and from work. I also sold my house at a loss to come out here. So, contrary to what you think, I cannot just pick up life where I left it in the UK. Life as I left it in the UK with a familiar rota and nice house, is gone. I will be starting from scratch and will find it more difficult than here, to get back on the property ladder.


I'm quite happy to settle down anywhere but what I won't do is settle for a place that lacks depth for me, just because I spent all of this money getting here. Money isn't everything. Maybe you see it as a ''get out of jail free card''. Well, I say I'm lucky to have one then. Many don't.But if I didn't have one, I'd rather be living on the bread line in the UK. I am doing better financially here than I have done in years. But all the money in the world won't make you happy if you're not where you belong.


well, there's your answer then :wink:

btw no your not crazy, you just don't like it in Oz... no worries

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Yes I am saying that you have more chance of settling somewhere else when you don't have that fallback plan ready....... it's easier to say after a few month, " I don't like it here, it's too expensive, no decent pubs, food bla bla bla I want to go back". Where as there are so many people that do stick it out because they can't or don't want to pack up and unsettle their family again, and after a yr or 2 actually do enjoy it, and realise that oz is a different country, with different habbits, things & people than back @ home and embrace these things..... Obviously there are people that wish they did go back, or actually did go back within a few months, and have settled in back at home, and look back and think, well at least I gave it a go.... hats off for all of these people:yes:

Obviously if someone is still miserable after a yr or more, than sure go back, but to pay all that money, go through the hell of a visa route and give up after a few months is IMO complete madness... get down to the bottom of the reason why you actually wanted to leave home and immigrate to Oz........

Everyone is different and thank god for that, I was just asking here, what would Missus B do if there wasn't a job to go back to...


I have packed up 4 times in my life and moved to different countries, and wish I could have gone back plenty of times, but I couldn't, and I embraced the different countries I lived in, and this has made me the person I am now :xmas26:


Have you ever lived in Oz? I have been to lots of places around the world that I could see myself living in. I am not completely loyal to the UK. But if I don't want to be in Oz any longer, then it makes sense to go back there, as I can walk straight back into my job. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but having seen another post by you, you are not coming out here alone. Correct? I have no one to offload to. And that compounds the unsettled feeling.

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but having seen another post by you, you are not coming out here alone. Correct? I have no one to offload to. And that compounds the unsettled feeling.


This is the point. Moving somewhere on your own is an completely different situation. It's hard. and that's just with th normal day to day stuff. If you're not liking it now, just think how much less you'll like being on your own in a country you're not particularly happy in if anything happens to yourself or to your family and friends back in the UK. Been there, done that, never again moving alone to a place where I don't have close family or friends within a couple of hours drive. (Not that it's an issue at the moment, since I've got my OH to move with wherever I go)

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Hya Missus B,


I remember you're posts when I was hammering all that stuff out regards my realisation that home was, in fact the north of England for me. You were in the toon right?

Well, very sorry to hear it's not all it's cracked up to be love. I tell ya, those Aussie Govt sponsored migration propaganda TV shows have got a lot to answer for hey (general observation, not saying you got completely sucked in, at all). Just trying to think of an answer for you really. Only thing I can say is that well, Newcastle is a far better place to live than over here. Again, I have heaps of mates that have been over on jollies and all don't want to move here like I did cause they have crackin lives in the toon. People reading this from the UK who are in, like, Leicester or some other crappy town will not understand - simple as that.

You only have to gauge the demographics of the people who post on here that are now moving back to the UK, it's no miracle that a good % have been here either years and years or at least 6 - 8 years. Reason? The joint has changed.... People are greedy, selfish and have and obsession with real estate (to the detrement of the rest of the economy) - fact. Immigration from Asia / India is massive and really changing the culture - fact. People drive badly but will tail gate for k's cause you will get put in prison for doing 115kph - fact. Housing is generally sub-standard wooden boxes or tiny flats built by a Chinese developer - fact. Beach is miles away for most - fact. Pub culture is in massive decline cos it costs $10 a pint - fact. Heat in the summer is like cold in winter in the UK (unless you like sitting on a beach) - fact.

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Sorry - just another observation. Its lunch time and I've got a sheppards pie to destroy.


Me and our lass were watching some program on SBS (I think) about this French fella who was going around cooking a feed in France (Lyon last night). Now, I'm not what you would call a cultured gentleman - being from Middlesbrough and spending most of me life surfing and racing dirt bikes, but I tell you what (she is Aussie but lived in London for ages) we both turned to each other half way through and said "what the bl**dy hell are we doing here".... We were essentially watching our old lives (finding a mad little cafe somewhere in Euro land, getting on the p*ss with the locals - having a right old laugh), and well - nothing comes close to that!


Now, what you need is advice - I think that Northshorepom fella is pretty clued up. Just treat it as a career break down under :-) No dramas, no issues - just a break than back home.... All good.


General consensus from me is that the AUD$ will be going down next year so probably not a bad idea to bang some $ into your UK account. I use that Oxforex.

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it amazes me that people keep saying give it longer...why? If you don't like a place you don't like it, what is this magic about oz that makes people try and convince the OP to give it longer


Because many of the reasons you don't like it will disappear the longer you are there. I remember going into the city for the first time and being shocked that I didn't know any of the shops except the Body Shop and feeling like an alien. Two years down the track I know what is in every shop - in the same way I knew the differences between Next and Dorthy Perkins in the UK. I didn't have an established friendship group - that takes a while to build up but once that is in place you feel more like you belong. I didn't know the geography of the place and driving into the city to find a carpark was stressful - more you do it, it becomes second nature. I was in rented accommodation after owning for my own house - wasn't allowed o paint or put a picture on the wall - that felt alien, so I did craft classes to compensate for wanting to be creative. I didn't know Aussie brands of food/ washing powder etc, the news in the paper was all alien as I didn't understand the politics, knew none of the celebraties, knew nothing about the sports team or AFL, the music and bands, the TV programmes, couldn't find a radio station I liked, magazines were meaningless as I didn't know any of the people in them. But gradually, very gradually it all sneaks in and you become acclimatised, you begin to understand Australia and with that becomes a sense of belonging. If you jump ship without giving all this a chance then you've wasted your money to get here.


I have done all the above, done the 2 years and will have to do the same again, none of this changed my mind don't want to live here any longer than i have to!

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Have you ever lived in Oz? I have been to lots of places around the world that I could see myself living in. I am not completely loyal to the UK. But if I don't want to be in Oz any longer, then it makes sense to go back there, as I can walk straight back into my job. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but having seen another post by you, you are not coming out here alone. Correct? I have no one to offload to. And that compounds the unsettled feeling.


Yes I have lived in Oz before, born there actually. Been back a few times as well, the last time was 12 yrs ago. And yes you have done your homework quite well as I won't be moving back by myself, my GF and daughter will be comig with me.

I didn't mean to have a go at you, or anyone else if that is how it came across, sorry if it did! If you don't like it there, then indeed do pack up and move home, as now is the time to do it with a job back home. Enjoy the rest of your stay and try and see some of the nice things Oz has to offer, so that once you get back home you can look back on the whole experience knowing you've seen oz and it was a nice place to visit, but not to live.. Best of luck with what ever you do!!

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we been in QL GC now since Sept 6th, to cut this short we have had some hard times since being here, but nothing that has made us want to return to Manchester, we are a family of 5 and have settled really well, we love it here and have no intension to leave. so sorry to here your storey, good luck.

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I don't think your crazy - if it's not home for you than it's not home for you. However I would think you were crazy if you don't spend at least some time travelling round and seeing the rest of the country before moving back. Especially as you don't have kids schooling to worry about. I appreciate you can't really up and move to a different state for work because you have been sponsored, but the different states each have there own history, culture, laws and climate and it would be a shame not to at least visit some of them before you leave. Make the most of the place while you are here, treat it as a bit of a working holiday, an adventure and a lesson learned. Good luck.

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People are greedy, selfish and have and obsession with real estate (to the detrement of the rest of the economy) - fact. Immigration from Asia / India is massive and really changing the culture - fact. People drive badly but will tail gate for k's cause you will get put in prison for doing 115kph - fact. Housing is generally sub-standard wooden boxes or tiny flats built by a Chinese developer - fact. Beach is miles away for most - fact. Pub culture is in massive decline cos it costs $10 a pint - fact. Heat in the summer is like cold in winter in the UK (unless you like sitting on a beach) - fact.


Surfndirt: Don't know where in Oz you live but I need to say - NONE of those "facts" apply to the part of Oz where I live.

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Surfndirt: Don't know where in Oz you live but I need to say - NONE of those "facts" apply to the part of Oz where I live.


As a fellow Tasmanian, I can agree with Skani 100%. I don't think I could handle life in a big, hectic city after living here. And the weather is better than the UK, but not as intense as the mainland cities.

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Hya Missus B,


I remember you're posts when I was hammering all that stuff out regards my realisation that home was, in fact the north of England for me. You were in the toon right?

Well, very sorry to hear it's not all it's cracked up to be love. I tell ya, those Aussie Govt sponsored migration propaganda TV shows have got a lot to answer for hey (general observation, not saying you got completely sucked in, at all). Just trying to think of an answer for you really. Only thing I can say is that well, Newcastle is a far better place to live than over here. Again, I have heaps of mates that have been over on jollies and all don't want to move here like I did cause they have crackin lives in the toon. People reading this from the UK who are in, like, Leicester or some other crappy town will not understand - simple as that.

You only have to gauge the demographics of the people who post on here that are now moving back to the UK, it's no miracle that a good % have been here either years and years or at least 6 - 8 years. Reason? The joint has changed.... People are greedy, selfish and have and obsession with real estate (to the detrement of the rest of the economy) - fact. Immigration from Asia / India is massive and really changing the culture - fact. People drive like w**nkers but will tail gate for k's cause you will get put in prison for doing 115kph - fact. Housing is generally sub-standard wooden boxes or tiny flats built by a Chinese developer - fact. Beach is miles away for most - fact. Pub culture is in massive decline cos it costs $10 a pint - fact. Heat in the summer is like cold in winter in the UK (unless you like sitting on a beach) - fact.

Wow, it's not that bad ate, I agree with the materialistic obsession with people in oz, I agree with the massive immigration Asia India but surly that s a good thing as most of these people are highly skilled, I agree with it being a big brother country with cops as ad as thieves the way they watch and fine you, I also agree with the weather not suiting everyone I much refer the 4 seasons in the UK, and yes I do agree their are no decent pubs and if there were the cost of se means they would remain empty.

p.s I sired on them, and I agree th standard of new houses in oz is shocking, they are built to last about 30 years by the foreman on site in numerous occasions.

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I spoke to my sister today and she thinks I'm a bit flighty. She might be right. But at the end of the day, I gave it a go. I'm still giving it a go. I'm still carrying on as if I'm gonna stay here forever. But once I made the decision to go back to the UK, it's the lightest my heart has felt in a long time. I'm more excited about going home, than I was about coming to Oz. I know that some of you say, people will be delighted I'm home for 5 mins and then go about their lives. That's fine. I wouldn't expect anything less. But at least I'll be closer to them and can drop in for a cuppa. I'm not expecting life to be any better when I go back. It'll be the same as when I left it. But I wasn't running away from anything when I left. So I know exactly what it will be like when I return. I know how bad the weather can get. I know how frustrating the job can be. But I felt at home there. And I'm more than happy to spend the rest of my days there.


And in answer to Dom's question? If I met a hunk? If he's right for me, he'll still be as hunky in rainy Britain:wink:



Do stay long enough to take advantage of the fantastic forex rates back the the UK at the moment. Think of all the tax free savings & bonds you can send home whilst your out here earning good money. Also you can finish with a bloody good holiday :-)

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Surfndirt: Don't know where in Oz you live but I need to say - NONE of those "facts" apply to the part of Oz where I live.




I've often wondered whether you're truly unable to see the bigger picture or you simply choose not to. Either way, you're in a good place I reckon. Carry on...

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Surfndirt: Don't know where in Oz you live but I need to say - NONE of those "facts" apply to the part of Oz where I live.


Hya Skani,


I'm in Melbourne..... As Perthbum say's it's not that bad at all but from my experience my 'facts' are pretty true for Melb / Vicco.


I see you are in Tassie - very different joint that one (as we all know who live in Oz, it's not exactly a secret that Tassie is nowt like the rest of the country), kinda like a cross between UK, NZ but with the cheap(er) Oz petrol prices!! I love it down that way - often thought of a stint TBH but there's bugger all graft ay...

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I've often wondered whether you're truly unable to see the bigger picture or you simply choose not to. Either way, you're in a good place I reckon. Carry on...


Having much longer experience of many places in Australia than you, I am in a much better position to see the bigger picture.


I have no problem with surfndirt (or anyone else) expressing his experience of where he lives.

I do have a problem with anyone stating them as "facts" about the whole country. Because it is patently not true.

As he so very eloquently proved with his subsequent post.

Thanks, surfndirt. If I lived in Melbourne I'd probably feel the same as you. My commiserations....:wink:

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Having much longer experience of many places in Australia than you, I am in a much better position to see the bigger picture.





Your condescending comment doesn't faze me one bit, it actually proves my point.

Just because you've been here longer than me or others doesn't make your opinions about Australia more valid than my or others' opinions, or in fact, your opinion on other peoples' opinion. Facts or no facts.

I also haven't seen you giving any constructive advice to the OP on this thread, other than criticising someones opinion, as you always do.


Like I said, carry on.... I'm so outta here, unfortunately I've made the mistake of checking in on this thread after I've promised myself not to come on this forum anymore.

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Guest GeorgeD

Folks, just a gentle reminder to try and focus on the topic of the OP. We are in danger of heading off on a tangent.


Does anyone have any more advice on the OP's situation?

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My contribution for what it's worth ......


I came out here (NSW South Coast) in 2011 as I married an Aussie:laugh:, and on balance it seemed easier for me to move here ......she had a son and dependant father and I was single with no ties per-se. Apart from that I believed that I would have a far better lifestyle here. I have had a very challenging time. We duly married, and I managed to find work albeit after some 5 months .....however my 1 year contract ends soon and is not being renewed,. On top of that , we have had an incredibly challenging time with a lot of bad luck, and a very testing father (in-law). I have not found the lifestyle anything like what it promised to be (my perception) and have struggled in particular with the lack of social scene (we are not in a city, but in the UK that didn't matter!), the wierd closing hours etc of shops and newsies etc, and I have found the cost of living really quite shocking! I was very committed to making a go of it here and even brought my cat with - sadly he appears to be struggling with alergies etc although he is generally 'ok'.


The end of my contract is making me re-examine the whole situation, and my wife, stepson and I are very strongly considering going back to the village I lived in in Scotland where I still have my house (rented) and I have extensive friends and family support. I am also asking myself if I am crazy - it cost me a fortune, a great deal of stress at times, my fairly lucrative job (at the time) and alot of now seemingly wasted time to get here, and now I am considering going back - with all the stress/expense/time etc that will take.


Are you crazy??? :err: Am I crazy??? :eek: No, I don't think so ....it just hasn't worked out, and if you think going back will result in a happier and better outcome for you, then that is what you must do! I understand, to some extent, the arguement of giving it some time, but having played that game and given it 6+ months more - I started feeling this way back in March/April - I am feeling no different - actually slightly more depressed/demotivated/disillusioned. You have to use your head, yes, but you have to also follow your heart and trust your convictions.


My decision is not yet 100% made, but I am very close ......... I hope that helps ....it kind of helps me putting it all down.



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Guest guest74886
My contribution for what it's worth ......


I came out here (NSW South Coast) in 2011 as I married an Aussie:laugh:, and on balance it seemed easier for me to move here ......she had a son and dependant father and I was single with no ties per-se. Apart from that I believed that I would have a far better lifestyle here. I have had a very challenging time. We duly married, and I managed to find work albeit after some 5 months .....however my 1 year contract ends soon and is not being renewed,. On top of that , we have had an incredibly challenging time with a lot of bad luck, and a very testing father (in-law). I have not found the lifestyle anything like what it promised to be (my perception) and have struggled in particular with the lack of social scene (we are not in a city, but in the UK that didn't matter!), the wierd closing hours etc of shops and newsies etc, and I have found the cost of living really quite shocking! I was very committed to making a go of it here and even brought my cat with - sadly he appears to be struggling with alergies etc although he is generally 'ok'.


The end of my contract is making me re-examine the whole situation, and my wife, stepson and I are very strongly considering going back to the village I lived in in Scotland where I still have my house (rented) and I have extensive friends and family support. I am also asking myself if I am crazy - it cost me a fortune, a great deal of stress at times, my fairly lucrative job (at the time) and alot of now seemingly wasted time to get here, and now I am considering going back - with all the stress/expense/time etc that will take.


Are you crazy??? :err: Am I crazy??? :eek: No, I don't think so ....it just hasn't worked out, and if you think going back will result in a happier and better outcome for you, then that is what you must do! I understand, to some extent, the arguement of giving it some time, but having played that game and given it 6+ months more - I started feeling this way back in March/April - I am feeling no different - actually slightly more depressed/demotivated/disillusioned. You have to use your head, yes, but you have to also follow your heart and trust your convictions.


My decision is not yet 100% made, but I am very close ......... I hope that helps ....it kind of helps me putting it all down.




Everything you say resonates, if its any consolation we are going back to Europe after 8 years and we are having to sell a rental property at a loss and having to spend 6 weeks tarting it up as another expense, so you may be getting out cheap.

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