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Amber Snowball

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Everything posted by Amber Snowball

  1. Go to homeaffairs.gov.au and look at visa support. There is alot of info on that site that should help you. Sorry struggle to put links in as my iPad doesn’t like it!
  2. Could you look at applying for the parent visa now, you only pay a few thousand for the initial application and then as it takes so long it might be ready when you are. There’s no guarantee that if the government change or abolish visas they won’t make it retrospective but sometimes they honour the current applicants and close it or change the rules for new applicants. Worth thinking about maybe. It is frustrating for you. Good luck.
  3. Ga'day future cobbers', ( just getting the hang of the lingo ) Can I be there when you try this out on the locals? Classic! Good advice in your post though.
  4. Bentleigh and Bentleigh East are ok. I work with a few people who live in Bentleigh East and wouldn’t live anywhere else. Too expensive for me. What sort of budget do you have?
  5. Good luck. It’s one of those areas that raises alot of debate, but if the law in the UK says it is ok then Australia will recognise that. There are other threads on here for a slightly different issue that I have personal experience of and that is removing a young child where the father isn’t on the birth certificate ( hence I queried that earlier) and that also raises much debate and opinion! I think there have been so many horror stories involving the Hague Convention and associated court cases that no one here would want anyone to ge caught up in it if they could avoid it. Westly Russell appears to know his stuff so you should be in safe hands. All the best. ?
  6. You are usually required to leave Australia on your Australian passport (Australia likes this) and then enter the UK on your British one. Or at least that is what I do and it goes pretty smoothly. unfortunately your pension has to stay here. If you are just moving with a suitcase probably not much to do, you lucky thing, except maybe open a fx account to transfer any money back as they are better than the banks. Moneycorp are on the forum. I have just opened an account to prepare for my move. Sorry to hear of your break up but good luck with your plans.
  7. What sort of prices have you been quoted? How much stuff are you taking back? If you don’t mind me asking.
  8. All valid points here that go beyond the law. It really is going to depend on the nature of your relationship with your child’s dad and what relationship he has with his child. Each situation is unique. If there is no relationship he may just say yes because he doesn’t care but he might also say no just to be an arse. @Parley put it bluntly but his statement stands. Would you let the other parent take your child to the other side of the world? Either way you are going to be asked to provide evidence of consent to remove I would think. Especially as your agent has said this. Is the agent MARA registered and have you got a second opinion if you are not already fully signed up with them? There are always going to be specific details of your situation that may or may not make a difference but I think we all agree you’ll need his consent.
  9. This thread is over 3 years old. Maybe things have improved.
  10. The other thing is you have to account for Australian law as well. At 16 I think Australia would want to know if permission has been given for a dependent child to leave their home country by an identified parent. Australia need this up to the age of 18 I think.
  11. I think the legal age of majority is 18 though isn’t it? If he is on the birth certificate then you will probably need permission. If he won’t agree then you need to go to court. A UK court will usually ask the child’s feelings about this as well when they are this age. As with anything court really should be an absolute last resort. The advice from your agent might have changed if any laws have changed in that time, just thinking out loud. 16 is a tough age to move with education etc. Good luck.
  12. Now I’m going to have to ask you to cool your jets here. I’m going back in the opposite direction and need all this strong pound talk to stop, just for a little while.
  13. Thanks. Sorry should have said I have a couple of bits of furniture that I’m taking and the cabinet is just too big. I could try and lay it down but don’t want to damage it. They are the only bits of furniture I’m taking as they are the only bits of any value and quality. Shipping the extra boxes separately is a good idea though. I might see how much the price difference is as that might motivate me to try and pack the movecube. I’m still unsure on actual volume of things I’m taking to be honest, but I’ll keep this in mind as a big cube and a small one might be too much. Thanks.
  14. No shipping arrangements yet. I’m not moving much back. Just a bit too big for a movecube, so will be going as a shared container I suppose. Got to arrange the cat as well. I’m holding off until I have a definite date on the house sale as I can’t afford to move unless it’s sold. My son will have some of my furniture and some I’ll donate to Brotherhood of St Laurence, none of it owes me anything and just a couple of bits to move back. Handy you’ve managed to flog some things, it all helps. I’m finding the clearing out quite therapeutic.
  15. Ah yes the panic..... I had an offer on my house within 10 days but things have stalled a bit with their finances so hoping it gets sorted this week, otherwise I’ll have to have more opens and start again. I still have time to sell and leave at the end of June as planned. Luckily I don’t have to worry about school starting dates. I have started to apply for jobs, not sure how that will go being offshore but worth a punt. I have made myself a spreadsheet with things to do which has helped, it feels like I add more than I cross off at the moment though..... All the best, it is an exciting time despite the stress/hysteria/panic. One step at a time!
  16. Depends on size of rent/mortgage but I’m in the farthest outer reaches of Melbourne, 3 adults and my living expenses are not less than $4000 per month. Don’t know Sydney but it’s not cheaper. We run 2 cars within that which you might not. No holidays included in that. I could cut back further but choose not to and don’t eat out, take my lunch to work so not extravagant either.
  17. Ok, none the wiser. The CBA has a holding account that matured term deposits sit in until they receive instructions, but I doubt they’ll let it sit in there, even for a month. So, I am leaving Australia in the next few months (if this house sale ever goes unconditional) and will be going into the CBA to change bank details/address/leave instructions as to what I want done. I’ll ask about this small time lag and see what they say. I’ll report back then.
  18. Mmmmm. Ok, will look out for that! Thanks. might have a little look now....
  19. I don’t understand anything you have written here. But you say with confidence and I like that!
  20. You make me sad..... I suppose the sorry state of our IT means we are safe from the Russians, connections so slow they’d get bored waiting to hack in.....
  21. When he said “Leigh can fix it” not sure he meant something on the scale of this pile of arse. Ooo unless he can bring some more fibre optic so we can have it everywhere, not just to the node. Yes, that’s it, bring more fibre optic Leigh!!!!
  22. It misses by a month I think but it will have to be renewed, they won’t give it me back early and the law says it needs to be where it needs to be. I’ll just withdraw it a month into its new term, all that happens is I won’t get any interest paid. If I find it’s any different I’ll let you know, but this is what I’m expecting. It matures April and I can access it in May from memory.
  23. Quite possibly or equally likely is Centrelink putting some pointless red tape around the arrangements which ties the CBAs hands. Having lived here a while I could believe either scenario. I have the joy of trying to get the bond back next year. See if I have to jelly wrestle them for it. ?
  24. Hi, just going to chime in here. I am the assurer and when I opened my commbank term deposit the only option I had was 30 months. I have had to keep to that time limit on the term deposit ever since. I was told it was the only product that was available for this purpose. This was 9 years ago, so not a new thing the commbank are doing. Feel for all of you in this part of the forum. Good luck.
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