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Everything posted by JockinTas

  1. I know Bowral. Lovely town but fairly expensive for renting and buying a house or flat.
  2. I have friends in Greensborough ranked 168 and Rosanna ranked 121. Both nice suburbs.
  3. The parent visa is very expensive if you don't want to wait all those years. The only option now for migrants wishing to bring their parents to Australia is the "contributory parent" visa – at a cost of $47,120, plus a bond of $10,000 to cover any welfare payments made over a 10-year period. The total is $105,905 to bring two parents to Australia.
  4. Hand on my heart I haven't come across any Australians bad mouthing the English or England - in fact many of them loved going there on holiday BUT I agree about some media people making snide comments about the UK - that does make me cranky :mad:
  5. Great thread!! Must be a complete nightmare for those parents.
  6. Sitting in an office all day when I was working probably wasn't helping lose any weight (heel never bothered me then) but I've lost weight over the last year and am quite fit. Anyway, I'll take your advice - probably try a different walking shoe though the ones I have are supposed to be very supportive.
  7. I'll try that Stacey - I don't think it's gout either more like a tender tendon. Bloody painful though.
  8. Foot excercies eh ................ I'll google that and give it a try.
  9. ^^^ What kind of pain was it Stacey because for the past few month I've had really sore heels - not low down or under them but where the foot joins the leg if you know what I mean. It feels really tender then I get shooting pains up my calves. I do a lot of walking and it's so sore to do so sometimes. I should really go to the doc but so far I've been gritting my teeth and getting on with it.
  10. I use tofu in lots of meatless recipes. My favourite is a Thai red curry. Yummy!
  11. Yes, solar make a helluva difference. Just my husband and myself usually but we often have people staying.
  12. $900 for 2 months electricity!!!! :shocked: Our bill is every 3 months and is easily half that and I am not grossly understating. We don't sit around the house all day using electricity - we are out and about and often sit out on the verandah at home where it catches the sun. I sit out there reading every day. We don't have gas but we do have solar. Our last (quarterly) water bill was $264 and that included watering the garden. I find car registration is cheaper here. We pay $500 per annum.
  13. Good luck and have a great flight over :smile:
  14. There is Ikea and Harvey Norman. I don't know what DFS is I'm afraid.
  15. I don't know about the job market but the best time of year would be in the Australian winter. The weather will be lovely then. It's very hot and humid in the summer and the wet season can last 'til about Easter.
  16. I often wonder how this happened. I worked with a lovely Fijian Indian young lady. She developed an awful cough and I said she should go to her doctor but she said it was just a cold and didn't bother. The cough didn't get better and one day she coughed so much she threw up so I said you MUST go to your doctor. Anyway she did and after tests it was confirmed she had TB!!! She was off work for weeks and had to take 15 different pills every day under supervision of a nurse. All of us who worked with her had to have tests. Nobody else in her family had TB. It is a mystery how she acquired the disease.
  17. I've just finished reading this thread and it has to be one of the best on the forum :smile:
  18. Couldn't have put it better myself :yes:
  19. ^^^ I always smile to myself when I hear young folk saying "Having a baby won't change our lives so much" ..... little do they know :wink:
  20. They sure did. My grandmother was 51 when she had my Dad. She thought she'd finished having her babies (5 in all) at the age of 38. He grew up to be a fine, strapping man. Grandma lived to the ripe old age of 97 :cute:
  21. Once they are past the toddler stage or the terrible twos, you're right .... they are a lot of fun.
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