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Everything posted by JetBlast

  1. A) - Yes B) - Without knowing the particulars I can't be sure, but it was worth it for me. C) - I believe this is if you get gaps in the 17 year run. I don't believe this would apply to you.
  2. This is unrelated so I advise you open a new thread.
  3. If I am honest I can't remember. it was around 5 years ago. Sorry.
  4. I needed to get 79 and it took me a few attempts. Anyway have a look at the videos on this YouTube channel, they are super helpful - https://www.youtube.com/@E2PTE/videos I kept tripping over the written section, it was down to the structure of the response. I purchased tutor time with the above company and nailed it, so if you do struggle it might be worth considering. Good luck!
  5. For the benefit of others, under different circumstances, this isn't quite right for everyone. You have to be in Australia for 4 years total, but a minimum of 1 year on a PR visa, this also has to be the last year. For example, if someone spent 3 years (or more) in Australia on a temporary visa, obtained a PR, they could then apply for Citizenship 1 year after receiving PR (Exclusions apply). However, for many people who arrive here on a PR, it is usually 4 years on that PR visa before applying for citizenship. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship/become-a-citizen/permanent-resident#Eligibility
  6. You're overthinking it, every passport is scanned when you enter and leave Australia. A record is stored on file. They know you have been. I must admit, after all the effort to gain a visa, it is underwhelming when you first get here. Nothing at all happens!
  7. PSA: It's Malaysia Airlines not Malaysian
  8. It wasn't that modern really. The aircraft that was lost was designed in the early 90's.
  9. I would avoid Air France then. They have had a lot of incidents for a major airline. In 2022 the pilots had a punch up in the cockpit!
  10. To be fair I don't see how you can blame the airline for getting shut down. It just so happened ot be in the wrong place or the wrong time. The suicide pilot theory hasn't been proven. Again this can happen with other airlines. It happened with German Wings and SilkAir (Subsidiary of Singapore Airlines).
  11. I applied June 2021. Nothing here. There is a Facebook group called 887 visa. People are sharing their story on there. There hasn't been much happening in ages. Before christmas they opened thousands of files asking for outstanding medicals for children. Might be a sign they are going to start working on the backlog.
  12. There are a lot of IT jobs outside of these areas, Systems Admin in particular. In SA these roles are very hard to recruit for and as a result are fetching $1,000 day for contract work. This is after all deductions.
  13. See if you can find someone who has a shipping container with spare space. I found someone willing, gave them a few $. I got my boxes shipped cheaper, the other person got some extra cash. Everyone wins.
  14. I continued to pay mine. The increase in pension more than makes up for the additional payments. Infact, I will recover the additional payments in the first year of claiming it. Assuming I last that long!
  15. I have recently started (in a permanent position) at a well known Australian company and I am about to go onto birding visa A. For them it wasn't an issue at all. They just wanted to know my story. I have also hired people on bridging visas at a previous company. I think the culture of business that's key.
  16. I am one of them. But for such a long stint it's a big risk to take.
  17. Just to add that the Medicare only covers essential care and nothing elective. The foreign investment tax in South Australia (just an example to help the OP understand) is 7% plus around $5,000 application fee. This tax is in addition to other fees a local would pay such as stamp duty.
  18. I also found it handy when applying for police checks, for example having to disclose 10 years of addresses.
  19. I would upload form 80, I did. You have got nothing to lose (apart from some time maybe) in doing so.
  20. Thanks - I am wanting to buy a house so this would be welcome news!
  21. Hello, It seems that a large number 887 applicants with children born in Australia are being asked for medicals. I know 2 people in person and lots online with the same experience. Has this happened before? Could this mean they are trying to get these applications ready for processing? Could this mean they are going to attempt to get through a large number of these after Christmas? Thanks
  22. Thank you! I should make a post about this. The baby would be here if it wasn't Poms in Oz! I met my partner via a friend of another member on here...
  23. Thanks! I have a child due (who will be Australian from their mothers side) but might also apply for a British passport (as I am a Pom) so I was curious. Thanks
  24. You can book from the Airport website (with collect and drop off from the airport). https://www.adelaideairport.com.au/parking-transport/rental-car/
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