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  1. Mailing them in seems quite simple. I just don't know if I can trust them in the post.
  2. I've just found a small stash British 20 pound notes in the bottom of a drawer. About 200 pounds in total. I know they're not valid currency but could be exchanged if I was in the UK, but I'm in Australia. Is there any where I could cash them in? Any way to post them back to the UK safely?
  3. Melbpom

    Old car

    You could donate it to kids under cover.
  4. But it might not come to that. By the time she's gone through the Australian system she might have formed more bonds and chose to study here. As to the cost, what would 4/5 years of board cost, never mind the flights of family to and fro? I'm not even sure international fees are cut and dried anyway. I think (could be wrong here) that they're set by individual universities, so it might just be a case of doing some research and shopping around. I've been looking for my son to do a masters and the fees seem to vary.
  5. 14 or 15 seems very young to stay behind in the UK. She's still a child and she will cope with whatever move you need to make. Perhaps you can give her the option of university studies in the UK.
  6. Is it always possible to replicate the options given by skyscanner? I've seen a trip I'd like to book with Emirates which would be Mel to London Heathrow and then the reverse trip from Gatwick to Melbourne. If I go the the Emirates website, the options are limited to arrive and depart at the same airport and this comes out more expensive.
  7. I know someone moving back to Australia from the UK. They have dual citizenship. They are planning to sell their house prior to the move. The query is, is it better to wait for the completion of the sale before boarding the plane? Or wait for the money? Is there a change in tax status as soon as they arrive back in Australia and would that trigger capital gains in the UK?
  8. I'd be cautious about the tax implications of renting your house out e.g. capital gains.
  9. My youngest is in his mid 20's, born in Australia, went to uni locally and now has a good job in engineering. He has a large group of friends that he's known from school. All of them have professional jobs and are living at home while saving madly for house deposits. It seems to be the norm here and something you might have to plan for.
  10. Second vote for the tumble dryer, I brought my condenser dryer back because they're expensive here.
  11. I moved back to the UK and lasted less than a year before moving back again. I thought I'd enjoy the colder climate but froze even in summer. When we landed back in Melbourne the waft of heat on a warm summer evening was such a relief. There were other factors in my moving back, mostly my sons, but like Marisa I felt unfamiliar with the UK. I didn't belong there anymore, too Australian. If you go, just be sure to research your entitlement to an Australian Centrelink pension. I think there are a few threads on the subject on this forum.
  12. A lot of rental properties require you to fill in an application form online and this makes it very difficult to skip questions you can't answer (e.g. referees, salary, rental history). Instead get a hard copy of the application form, fill in what you can and add some background info.
  13. NDIS broadly covers therapy (such as Speech, OT, Physio, BSP), support workers and aids & equipment. There are very few participants that qualify for housing known as SDA (Specialist disability accommodation). To be eligible you would need to have multiple profound disabilities. It's a long process requiring heaps of reports from therapists. I've been through the process with my son and he was deemed eligible. Living expenses for someone with a disability who's unable to work would be covered by Centrelink payments e.g. DSP (Disability Support Payment) and rent assistance. I would bring all the reports you have with you when you return from the UK and if you are interested then make an application to the NDIA to participate in the NDIS.
  14. I've bought some nice gifts from Aboriginal artists and businesses lately, such as a necklace from Roots and Mirrigal, tea towels from Girrigun and balms from https://bushmedijina.com.au/
  15. Maybe try clicking the "report post" in top right hand corner of the relevant comment you want amended. I've done this for a post of my own that I wanted removed. I can't help with your problem but suggest you contact by private message some of the migration agents from this site.
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