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Everything posted by xxlornaxx

  1. Marking should be same but I went to macquarie university and got all the 8s and above I needed, was my first time there but my third shot at test
  2. Go ape...if they are old enough...there is nothing like it here, only smaller crappy versions and it builds self confidence and it's lots of fun....also hang out at asda more, you will miss it when you get here
  3. Not getting regular dollars and spending pounds - it would have felt like it was more expensive however I stay in Australia as I find it over all cheaper when everything is balanced out and I have much more disposable income. Anyway you went on a long holiday and don't like it, Ive felt that way about few places I have been to On holiday too despite everyone telling me it was amazing and I would love it, I just didn't go back and didn't take advice from them again lol individual thing and no big deal, if you want to do more travelling just don't go to Australia as you didn't like it, go somewhere else, end of story really
  4. Thank you very much for all the input, has helped and given me some things to think about
  5. I'm living in Australia, single, eligible for citizenship on July 9th, stable employment. i applied for and have been told I can expect to be accepted for a mortgage on Monday on place I have picked but now I'm scared it's not the right thing to do and may be better off just renting long term. My rent is currently $290 a week. My take home pay is usually around $3000 a fortnight, sometimes bit more sometimes bit less, this will increase the longer I work. My mortgage would be roughly just under $450 a week but on top of that I would have added extras I don't pay now as I'm renting. The government are giving me $20000 towards it which I thought I should take advantage of but now I'm not sure. No one in my life has any logical advise for me, the people I would trust to ask say the live too far away to know and just offer up pros and cons of both. Anyone have any experience of same or can offer any insight....I just don't know what to do lol it's such a massive long term commitment and is the repayments too high for my income? Thanks
  6. What type of visa did you apply for? 189 permanent resident How long did you take to complete the application process (i.e. From the start to when you submitted to immi) 4 months waiting on skills assessment and then 5 weeks from day of EOI Did you need help with any of the process, if so where did you get help? Needed some information, got info from forums and a free consultation with an agent Why didn't you go through a migration agent? Cost and seemed easy enough to do alone If you were to complete the process again, would you do it yourself and why - yes, I had no problems doing it alone
  7. No you don't need an Australian address or a visa...but you do need to present in person to an ahpra office within 3 months of getting eligibility/acceptance letter from them to complete registration or you would need to start over...so don't apply till you are ready to go over
  8. http://www.paycalculator.com.au/ i find it very accurate
  9. Why has ahpra changed time to 3 months, anyone know?
  10. I think the heat sometimes changes the taste...when I can get bon bons or other toffee or chocolate I like, it doesn't taste the same as its not frozen solid and even after having it in the fridge a while it's not same...I miss sweets too like cola bottles, they are not the same here but you just get used to it and then when I go back home I look for the things I'm used to buying here and miss them! Someone told me they put something in the chocolate here to stop it melting so quick? I got a box of uk sweets for Xmas but they all tasted out of date and yuck, even my favourites, weird n disappointing. If you are seeing your stay as temporary then you prob will never accept n start to prefer sweets here and just await the day you can rejoice in your proper sweeties lol I always feel sorry for Aussies having not tasted really nice sweets but they probably would think same about ours! Just what you let yourself get used to I guess
  11. You partner would need to register with ahpra to be able to work but then she could join an agency who will find her work and move you around every few weeks to a new place and pay your accomodation organise everything for you etc and also pay good wage especially if you do rural....or even do a few weeks work, save and then have few weeks off
  12. What skilled profession would you be going under then?
  13. In Queensland (mental health) we have quite a few nurse practitioners who have to do the do nurse practicioners masters course over 18months to 3yrs with a doctor as your mentor/guide and work place has to agree to support you, need 5yrs mental health experience too but you would only prescribe if you then got a role as nurse practioner and everywhere I have worked they have there own clinics and that is there only role and do diagnosing and prescribing. where I work they may be looking at our mental health triage nurses in ED being able to prescribe but they would need to be ok with doing the masters course through university. Look at your local university's and see what they offer.
  14. You don't need ahpra for visa only to work so I wouldn't complicate things for yourself too much and forget that for now but keep a copy of all your documents as you may need to send same ones to ahpra. Read the anmac website and soak up all the info on there and start there...also read the immi website on your visa of choice....write a list of what you need to do and tick them off as you go..that's what I did..it seems like a confusing mountain initially but lots of reading and it starts to make sense and is straight forward enough when u get you head round it all....I did mine without an agent and there was no issues and I felt like u did in the beginning
  15. I've never had to provide proof of address at any gp's and I've registered with a few in the UK. Also that would be denying homeless people of their right to healthcare so can't be a mandatory thing at every GP
  16. Key assets, life without barriers, churches of Christ, healthcare Australia, procare personnel...
  17. Gumtree has lots of cars for sale and I have found Woolworths car insurance to be cheapest and excellent when I needed to claim too
  18. What do you mean it is not relevant? Are you trying to get registered as a nurse in aus?? You can apply to anmac any time you like.
  19. I opened bank account on temp visa...but also when I registered with Medicare I didn't need to provide bank details...I have done now but didn't need to at start and still got card
  20. Vodafone have a very good deal at the moment, was on news the other night and although people moan about their coverage when I lived up that way I never had a problem....I've gone with Telstra now though as I was travelling around a lot and they are best for overall coverage but bit more expensive. There are phone stores in all the major shopping centres so you just need to pick one.
  21. I didn't take these 'credit references'...and not sure how they would be helpful....I got a rental, credit card, finance on a car etc with just ID and employment contract
  22. I'm a nurse so Employers came to London to recruit and sponsor....I got another 457 just by applying for job and saying I needed sponsorship...guess it depends what profession you are in as to how easy it is
  23. Can get mortgage with 5% deposit if you really wanted to and if building a new home or moving into new build and are first home buyers you can get $20000 towards home/deposit and no stamp duty (depending which state) also where I live they are giving an extra $12000 to anyone who builds in the area so thats $32000 towards deposit on top of what you may already have saved. If you have no savings they can use rental history as savings history instead. Also there is a builder in my area who will loan you deposit needed...not options everyone would want to do but need to look at what's available in your area. I got a mortgage and house on half acre block with help of the grant and only had to show three payslips which was 6 weeks employment proof.
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