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Everything posted by wolvesaussie

  1. You not going to quit then and try your luck? People advised us to see if we could get a year off with the job held open in the UK. She asked but head said because she was a science teacher they would have problems getting another job science teacher on just a year contract so they refused her. Head did say though it would have been different if she taught in a different subject. Her school had a fairly high turn over so the head said that if it didnt work out in Aus then contract her on return and she may be able to sort something out
  2. Its not impossible to line something up in advance. There was someone on here who did it when I was first looking for info.
  3. Yeah it was fine for us as I had secured a job in advamce so wasnt lots of presure. Going at that time also gives u the chance of a term four contract
  4. I would say best time is u finish up uk school year then head over in august. That's what we did sep to nov was when most jobs advertised for following year
  5. my girlfriends sitting at the dinning table with me marking her brain dissection kids work. Shes been turned into a Math/Science teacher as well strange how they do that here
  6. not sure about for the visa but my girlfriend needed to have a written reference as part of registering to teach in victoria. it had to address certain points and i think it was downloaded from vit website
  7. hi, i have moved back after nearly 10 years in the UK, slotted right back in, makes me wonder why oh why did i stay so long in england (though I was happy there at the time). One interesting thing a couple of people have mentioned, why have people had problems with medicare my medicare is fine, havent had to re-register for it or anything, still works.. been to the doctor with it since i have been back. I am still thinking over this private insurance business. I thought I had a year from when I got back but not sure what i need to do to prove that my medicare was never suspended, have to look into it . It does not seem so bad to me, if you put off getting it for 10 years, then surely the 10 years of saved premiers money goes a long way to canelling out a 20% tax on the Private insurance.
  8. Thats a good site Petals, havent seen that before, very usefull. All the schools my girlfriend had interviews for had Lab Assistances (shes a science teacher so asked them) but none of them would give her access to a teaching assistant like she had in nearly all of her classes in the UK
  9. HI, does anyone know about unions, my girlfriend started her first aussie job last week and no one has mentioned anything about teaching unions, should she join? Which one? Is there only one? any ideas? Thanks
  10. HI, my girlfriend was a Biology teacher in the UK, 3 years experience, quit her job end of UK school year and headed over to Victoria. Applied for about 70 Science Teacher jobs (aug-Nov) and landed a full time permanent teaching role which she started this week... Shes had 6 months holiday living the dream off my salary . Quick recap of the situation of the 70 jobs she applied for, I think she got about 5/6 interviews... of the 70, maybe 15-20 were straight science the other ones were Maths/Science or Science / some other combination... Hopefully she will be happy everyone says its a great school with good kids.
  11. if u have the energy search this thread I cut and paste the email we got a while ago. prob oct 2013. we asked for clarification on account of girlfriend job. she had a resignation window which was before the nine months so we needed to know it would be granted and she wasnr resiging for no reason
  12. we were told after a week that subject to medical it would be granted at the appropriate time.
  13. Hand feed the Rainbow Lorekeets (Spelling??) today in the back garden, birds around here are great, tho my brother says the Cockatoos with the yellow MR T cuts eat the wooden deck and can be trouble. The dog is currently at the window keeping his eye out for the Wombat, he does it every night
  14. I got offered two jobs from the uk in Melbourne. I am an aussie passport holder tho. not mrga money 80, 000 sql server work. applied for about ten jobs maybe interviewed for four. didnt seem like it was that hard to find work in that area. there were actually so many jobs advertised I couldn't keep up over a period of days.
  15. they usually give a not before date to get police checks medicals done. u pick date yourself to suit ur first entry date. police checks took three weeks I think
  16. I forgot exactly what a form 80 is but its not required from the UK we didnt submit one and they didnt ask. the co will ask for more information if they require it
  17. was no need to worry girlfriends been granted by good old VF.about six and a half months.
  18. hmmm do u think it would piss vf off if we emailed her asking why all these other applications have jumped over us. my girlfriend isnt flying till august so its not desperate but she would be a lot happier if it was granted before I left for aus in three weeks
  19. Im in Birmingham, have family in the midlands so ended up here. I dont really know, I imagine they are nice but dont really know to be honest, I only know the Northern Suburbs. Brunswick is good for going out and bars etc. I think I would like to live in one of those bayside areas you mention but we going to wait and see where we end up getting jobs
  20. Just checked we have same CO as SDH, applied on the same date, but havent been granted yet, its odd as shes insisted it would be July from the start, might get onto her next week and find out why other people getting better service .
  21. Hey Stuart, I grew up in Greensborough and am heading back there after 10 years in the UK, its a nice part of Melbourne. We are October group, not granted yet, been told right from the start it would be July
  22. hi I have been there a few times the centre is really nice these days. fixed it up in about 2006 to be capital of culture. lots of museums pubs resturants etc. I suspect it may be like Birmingham tho money spent on the centres during the boom years of labour spend spend spend but the outter suburbs arent very nice. well not many of them
  23. we applied in october as well I guess we should check to see if they got the medicals and police check she did in. is there a way of checking online or is it just a matter of emailing. we thought we might be contacted to be told everything in order.
  24. <p><p>hi tottally forgot about that I will take a look when I get home I think its on my laptop</p></p>

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