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Everything posted by AnnetteV

  1. You should check what is needed regarding the English level, 4.5 is very low. Have a look at the skills select website. I submitted my English result when I made my EOI, thought we had to do that, mine is with state sponsorship so had to have 7 In all 4 tests. It might be different for you guys depending on the type of visa.
  2. it was on the limited list so knew it will be difficult but will also try community service jobs and admin temping. Im very grateful for being granted the visa with ACT sponsorship and am keeping a positive mind. my co said I can ask to be released from ACT if no jobs but have to apply for a lot. I cant see myself living in Canberra for life, am more of a big city person but will do my very best to honor my obligation.
  3. hi I was wondering if you can tell what you ended up doing if a decition has been made... I got 190 visa with ACT sponsorship but am finding it difficult to find work as well. I activated my visa in april and had a job interview with Hays but no luck. They said 80% of the jobs needs security clearance but am not sure if that is correct, sounds like a lot. I work as a career counsellor in secondary schools in Denmark where Im from, but masters from UK.
  4. Hi, its legal to move at a later time within the 5 years as long as you have activated yr visa in time. I just activated mine and will first move in a couple of years. My case officer said that is fine and many do that so no worries
  5. In my case doing the reccie trip has been worth the money, in a sad way. I have been granted 190 visa with ACT sponsorship. I have been every where else in Oz but not ACT so last week and this Im in Canberra. I have been doing a lot of walking, talking to recruitment agencies and the locals. My conclusion is that ACT is not the place for me. So am glad i spent the extra money on this trip but off course sad that I can't move here. I also had a job interview for a job as a recruitment consultant but not being a citizen for those jobs means I can't work as one. If you guys have been to Perth and know the area it might not be needed but think and talk to each other a lot about it. I will go home to Denmark and see what I can do about my move to OZ, I gues employer sponsored visa is one way. Best of luck to you guys!
  6. My job is about helping students with what to study after year 9.-10. So very different from a sales job as a recruitment consultant. I guess Im asking for tips/advice from someone with experience in the recruitment sector.
  7. Hi guys I was wondering if anybody has any tips or advice regarding a job interview as a recruitment consultant for an agency in Canberra? I have a job interview on the 23rd. I work as a careers advisor now in secondary schools so it will be a very different world but hopefully more dynamic than my current job. I'm Danish and working in Copenhagen, my degree is from England where I also have work experience from.
  8. Hi Maybe also have a look here http://www.jobs.act.gov.au/all_vacant_jobs - there is a casual teachers register.
  9. Hi I have to agree with all the above but try to look for a sponsorship job, that might be a bit easier and quicker but not without perhaps some concerns. www.seek.com.au and type sponsorship in search field and also http://mycareer.com.au/? Good luck
  10. I think its everybody who apply for sponsorship.
  11. Hi, Maybe if you just search for pharmacist, more options will come up http://www.seek.com.au/JobSearch?DateRange=31&SearchFrom=quickupper&SearchType=search+again&Keywords=pharmacist+&state=3100&locationtext=Canberra http://mycareer.com.au/search/jobs/act/canberra-act/?s=777&sq=industrial+pharmacist+#url=/search/jobs/ACT/canberra-act/%3Fs%3D100%26sq%3Dpharmacist%2B Also if you know of any companies in ACT who has industrial pharmacist hired you can write them a speculative application. I'm career counselor and found most of my jobs on the local university or college website, the jobs where not on seek... best of luck
  12. Hi, I was not asked to pay again for the ss act. I just emailed my co and explained. The next day there was a new invite. I will have my validation in late April :-)
  13. Hi I havent read the other posts but I was wondering if you could rent out yr house and take 12 months sabatical from current job. That way you will have a safety net in case you dont like it there and want to go back home. And what is the worse there can happen? You will have no "what ifs" if you go and perhaps still your old job and house to come back to in the odd chance you dont love it there. just my thoughts and what I plan to do when I move to Oz by myself 37 and single :-) best of luck
  14. Thanks guys, I do have some hobbies and am excited to move there, I just tend to worry a bit when I read some stuff on here. Bazinga, you are right its "only" a moral obligation but I would like to move there since without ACT SS I would not have been able to get a visa
  15. I just scanned and email mine to my case officer and there were no problems. Like you had uploaded in my application but the IT system is still new so probably they are being asked for again...
  16. Hi, I was wondering if there is anyone on this forum who have made the move by themselves in their 30s or older and settled in well? Advice or info would be great. I got SS to ACT and 190 visa granted so have to live there the first two years, I was hoping for another place to live but it will be okay to start with. I'm just a bit worried because I see post with people feeling lonely downunder and that is from couples plus my friends from Sydney and Brisbane say Canberra is a place they would never live in... I plan to move in about a year, early 2014. I was suppose to go live with my boyfriend from Brisbane but we broke up and I still feel like going especially since I was granted the visa but I do worry a little bit. I will validate my visa in April. Any advice or experiences would be nice to hear Happy new year :-)
  17. Hi, Read this http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/booklets/1119.pdf You must prove everything you have written in your EOI, prove by official letters, references, copies of degree, employment contracts and so forth. You can read it all in the booklet 6
  18. I did received a valid visa application email after lodging but I think that might a system created email...
  19. I dont think there is a limit to number of EOI but the is a limit to how many invitations you can receive. I had to withdraw my first visa application so made a new EOI, got second invite which is the final one I can receive - I was told by CO. That is why I wrote make sure there is no mistake in second visa application. So I can't apply for a 3rd time. EOI and visa are two different things as I have understood it. In any case I was told by my co that I could only make two VISA applications in total so I had no room for mistake in my second application... I dont read EOI as an application, I only read the visa application as an application.
  20. Hi, I did not have that question about applying before... And also I created a whole new EOI - my co told me to do that. I got the ehealth number from her so I attached that in the new one. And yes do check everything because we can only apply twice after second application we can not apply again... If you guys are sponsored by a state/teritory you also need to reapply for that. - I just emailed my co from ACT with the new EOI and she sent me a new invitation the next day. I wish you guys all the best :-)
  21. Hi, I wrote a letter to withdraw to my co, explaining why and also applied for the refund. Sent both at the same time to my co and emailed back that I would receive the refund after two weeks so much faster than the 8 weeks they wrote to me. I wish you all the best.
  22. Hi, I received the same email back in october as I wrote in my message yesterday. My advice is withdraw, ask for refund and reapply. I did and now have my 190 visa granted. I feel for you and felt the same way as you. But there is a chance to withdraw and reapply. Just remember to say no to the question... Positive thoughts :-)
  23. Hi, I made a honest mistake on my EOI, I said yes to the question about if I meet the Australian study requirement and I should have said no, because it was study in Australia and I just read it as having studied somewhere. My CO told me that was the five points I had too much. So I had to withdraw and reapply second and final application. Im sponsored by ACT who sponsored me again in second go, got the invitation the next day and reapplied mid october. I was granted my 190 visa mid november. I was also granted a refund from first application fee and I got those money back after five weeks so a very scary but good experience. I suggest you write to your CO and ask where the extra points are claimed so you can find the error, by system or you... I hope it gets sorted soon so you dont have to worry. Best wishes
  24. Great news, congrats. Its a fantastic feeling :-)
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