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If the UK had the weather would you stay?


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No. The warmer weather in Australia isn't something I'm thrilled about - I'm in my element in properly cold weather and get nostalgic for Russian winters - although I know the Kiwi gf is looking forward to it as she finds British winters tough.

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aye you wud feel different up here in bonny jock land:wink:

Maybe, I think Leicester is wearing a bit thin. Not much happening in the midlands.

Scotland has a beauty all of its own and I hear they have real snow in winter too. We generally get a half inch of brown slushy stuff that lasts half a day

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We have just got in after a walk on the sea front at Blackpool it was nice but cold when we set off after walking 3 miles it had gone dark, Bloody cold and oh yes started raining (that fine wet stuff that comes in sideways). So we turned round to walk back head first in to the gail that had blown us their in record time. The kids moaned on the way back (I would of too but it was me that suggested the walk) so we sat on the window sill of Ripleys believe it or not, while other half braved the last mile to pick up the car.

While sat their my youngest asked me "will it be like this in Aus"

would I stay in the U.K if the weather was better No way just have to walk down the prom in Blackpool to know why.

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It wasn't the weather that made us move (although I have to say that having more sunshine does give you a feel good factor), for us it was looking for an opportunity to do something different and live in another country.

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Guest guest30038

would I stay in the U.K if the weather was better No way just have to walk down the prom in Blackpool to know why.


Move further inland to the housing estates and you'd have even more reason to leave Blackpool, and it has nothing to do with the weather.

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Guest Charlie Big Potatos

The weather down south England is great, yes it rains but it when the sun shines it is absolutely glorious. You also need to remember that without rain you get desert, the "green and pleasant land" wouldn't be without rain.

It also rains a hell of a lot in Australia, more than most people think. I think I read somewhere that Perth WA has more annual rainfall than London believe it or not. I used to drive from Sydney - Brisbane a lot and some of the route you could be driving through surry - it was so green and lush (ie rains a lot) and parts of QLD look brown and dusty with trees that resemble twigs (not much rain)

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Guest The Pom Queen

I think if the weather was 32 degrees every day and blue skies and I could take the beach, rainforest and my home back to the UK then yes I may consider.

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Tis true, even if we had the weather everything else would be the same... I'm looking for a change, more opportunitys for our kids now & when they are older so prob I would still go. It would be nicer to stay here with better weather tho, we could be more encouraged to do out door things etc.

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Guest rrwilky

Having just spent two weeks wearing my rain coat and my wellies on my holidays the weather is playing a bigger part then ever, but opportunities for the kids and getting them away from the lazy teen culture which exists in the uk is a big factor

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Having just spent two weeks wearing my rain coat and my wellies on my holidays the weather is playing a bigger part then ever, but opportunities for the kids and getting them away from the lazy teen culture which exists in the uk is a big factor


Kid are kids and they are just as lazy in Oz as far as I could see, then again even I spend loads of time on my x-box :eek:

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