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Considering returning to UK


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Guest Hatton
Plus these people have probably never lived in Oz and do not know what it is like, they just see the sunny beutiful beaches on TV programmes but do not have a clue what it is really like to work 6 days a week and live in a Country you are not happy with, go with your heart, life is an adventure and you can always go back if you want.

Good luck whatever you decide.


Spot on.

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Hi all,


Just though I would give a little update on my situation.


After spending the year in Oz I returned home 3 weeks ago. My decision was made a bit easier by my company stalling on sponsorship and I hadnt time to do regional work to get my 2nd WHV..


Ive been home 3 weeks and I know this is where I want to be. I really enjoyed my time in Oz, seen some great places and met some wonderful people but I always knew that even I had of got sponsored Oz was never goin to be my home. Ive had 2 nights out with my family and friends since been home and theyve been the best 2 nights ive had in a year and it wasnt because they were fussing over me or that I was a novelty it was because theyve been there for over 20 years for me.


Oz was a nice country and is paradise for many but I just felt that everything here is more relevant to me.


Thanks to all at PIO as it provided great support and advice for me.


Glad you are happy with your decision...great stuff.

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Hi all,


Just though I would give a little update on my situation.


After spending the year in Oz I returned home 3 weeks ago. My decision was made a bit easier by my company stalling on sponsorship and I hadnt time to do regional work to get my 2nd WHV..


Ive been home 3 weeks and I know this is where I want to be. I really enjoyed my time in Oz, seen some great places and met some wonderful people but I always knew that even I had of got sponsored Oz was never goin to be my home. Ive had 2 nights out with my family and friends since been home and theyve been the best 2 nights ive had in a year and it wasnt because they were fussing over me or that I was a novelty it was because theyve been there for over 20 years for me.


Oz was a nice country and is paradise for many but I just felt that everything here is more relevant to me.


Thanks to all at PIO as it provided great support and advice for me.


Great to hear you have made the right decision to return home, sometimes you just know in your heart of hearts where you belong, wishing you all the very best :cute:

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Guest melbourne07

Hi - I know its such a tough decision to make, family and familiarity in UK compared with a better lifestyle but less familiar surroundings in oz.


We have been living in melbs for 3 years and definitely the hardest year is the first when you have to find friends, settle in and deal with being away from your home country.


If you can - stick it out! Australia is a wonderful place and we have been back in UK to visit family for almost a year now and i can honestly say its absolutely dire here, I've applied for 6 jobs and nothing and the economy is really suffering so people are miserable with the taxes going up and benefits etc. going down.


obviously you will know what's right for you and if you're young and have no ties then you may find it easier to live in UK. having said that, don't give up your australian journey too fast in case you can't return.


good luck!!!

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Guest melbourne07

hiya - sorry ignore my last post, didn't realise you'd come back home! :wacko: enjoy your time back in uk!

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Guest Hatton
Hi - I know its such a tough decision to make, family and familiarity in UK compared with a better lifestyle but less familiar surroundings in oz.


We have been living in melbs for 3 years and definitely the hardest year is the first when you have to find friends, settle in and deal with being away from your home country.


If you can - stick it out! Australia is a wonderful place and we have been back in UK to visit family for almost a year now and i can honestly say its absolutely dire here, I've applied for 6 jobs and nothing and the economy is really suffering so people are miserable with the taxes going up and benefits etc. going down.


obviously you will know what's right for you and if you're young and have no ties then you may find it easier to live in UK. having said that, don't give up your australian journey too fast in case you can't return.


good luck!!!

Foe some yes...for others the UK offers them a better lifestyle, we are all different and what suits one does not suit another.:cute:

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Guest craignkaren

good on you hilton, hope the future will bring you all you want. least you tried it out-as they say we dont regret what we do in life only what we dont!

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Get your permanent residency - which your employer sounds like they may help with? - Then you can get a re-entry visa for Australia if you go back to England and regret your decision?


I came here on a WHV in 1978, 12 months then an extension of six months then the Aussie Govt announced their first and last amnesty for illegal immigrants. I was not here illegally but I was here before the cut-off date. One of my brothers got residency the same way and the other got sponsored by his employer.


Of course it's better to become a citizen than just a permanent resident. One of my brothers refuses to become a citizen so he has to keep applying for re-entry visas whenever he goes overseas.


The old 'ten pound Poms' used to have to stay for two years or they'd have to pay their own fare back to UK (I think?) The reason being I guess that you need at least two years to settle in?


I went back for twelve years so I'm not in a position to criticise anyone for wanting to do so.


It is hard to settle. I am not an outgoing person but I made an effort to push myself to talk to people, at the beach, the pub. The last couple of weeks I've been swimming at Redleaf in Woolahra then going to Rose Bay RSL for a coffee and I'm getting to know people (I hope) at both places.

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Guest braziersm

hi we have been in perth 5 years next wk and we r looking at moving back to uk, hubbys a bricklayer and the last two years has been up and down,theres to many people out there that will work for less so the wages have gone down over 300 dollers a wk ,yes the moneys better and so is the weather but even after this amount of time we still miss home. people in the uk think we r mad but as we have no family here and have a grandaughter which we dont even know yet is a good reason we think, just need to make the move :-)

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  • 2 months later...
hi we have been in perth 5 years next wk and we r looking at moving back to uk, hubbys a bricklayer and the last two years has been up and down,theres to many people out there that will work for less so the wages have gone down over 300 dollers a wk ,yes the moneys better and so is the weather but even after this amount of time we still miss home. people in the uk think we r mad but as we have no family here and have a grandaughter which we dont even know yet is a good reason we think, just need to make the move :-)


I agree with the wages. I was told that if you had been in Oz 5 yrs ago wages were much better but the sheer amount of migrants arriving in Oz has seen wages drop.

I initially thought wages were better but the cost of living basically evens it up. When I tell people here what wages I was on they think its great but they dont realise the extra cost of living

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Guest braziersm

when we came over the wages were great ,its mad how it has changed in 5 years ,even going for a job,i had to go up against 60 other people, that was just childcare,they say in uk theres skills in demand , its only tradies that r comming over and not enough work for them all,the lands taking to long to be released, oh well rant over lol we r going to give it till after xmas and then make big decision :-)

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Guest Newinsydney

For me when I compare to the UK I look at jobs in my field and Oz is paying 50% more. Definitely a higher cost of living though.

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Guest pommieozzie
when we came over the wages were great ,its mad how it has changed in 5 years ,even going for a job,i had to go up against 60 other people, that was just childcare,they say in uk theres skills in demand , its only tradies that r comming over and not enough work for them all,the lands taking to long to be released, oh well rant over lol we r going to give it till after xmas and then make big decision :-)

The only regret I had when returning to UK after 8yrs in Oz was that I didn't do it sooner!!

Have been back home now for 3yrs & still loving it with a whole new appreciation of our country,there really is no place like home :idea::

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We've only been here 6 weeks and we want to go home! We did our homework & had been before but the reality of the cost of living doesn't actually hit you until you are here trying to do it. Wages may be higher, only by a tiny amount for my job, but it doesn't reflect the much higher cost of living at all :o(

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Guest braziersm

its amazing how many people have moved back to uk and love it,i miss everythink to do with it ,my son has just come back from afgan and we cant get there to see him ,he is comming over next month ,even he thinks we are mad to go back,my nine year old wants to move back to be with the family,she got to meet them all last year and has gone on about them since,i think she would do better at school there as well they are so far behind,she loves history !! they have no history,well not much,wow i think i sound like a pom lol

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its amazing how many people have moved back to uk and love it,i miss everythink to do with it ,my son has just come back from afgan and we cant get there to see him ,he is comming over next month ,even he thinks we are mad to go back,my nine year old wants to move back to be with the family,she got to meet them all last year and has gone on about them since,i think she would do better at school there as well they are so far behind,she loves history !! they have no history,well not much,wow i think i sound like a pom lol


I dont think you are mad to want to go back at all! If you have a kid who relishes history, just think how much more full their lives would be, back in a place where there is a tangible, relevant history on every street corner. That is one thing that makes me very sad, my kids dont have a real appreciation of history at all - this trip, my youngest, now 30 is just beginning to actively seek out the 'old' stuff and is relishing it for the first time in his life - he grew up in Aus. He is also actively trying to engage his 4 year old's interest in history as well as we go and do the rounds of castles, abbeys, stately homes etc


Sorry you have to miss your son's return - the medal presentations are amazing ceremonies and hugely emotional but at least you have him back now. I know how difficult this past 6 months must have been for you!

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Guest braziersm

thanks for that it helps when you get feedback , i went to see him pass out that was bad enough i was not allowed to cry lol my daughter misses him so much hes her would bless, she loved the fremantle prision tours and straight on the net to look up the names she had read about,i have two others who want to stay but i think when mums not about they will change their mind :smile:

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My dreams of going back to the Uk a a happy family have all come crashing down on me. A few weeks ago I made a very unexpected visit to the UK to visit my mum who had just had 2 mini strokes. I loved being home and spending time with her and my family. Needless to saying coming back to Oz was very hard but I was looking forward to carrying on with our plans to go back to the UK. A few days later my Oh went back to visit his dad and it sounds as if his experience was not the same as mine. Within a few days of him coming back myself, my Oh and my 2 daughters were involved in a car crash and were all hospitalised. Luckily the car we were driving protected us very well and our physical injuries were minimal. At this very emotional time, and also at a time when I was feeling even more homesick, my OH said he no longer wanted to go back to the Uk and that he would not change his mind. I am absolutely devastated. I just don't know what to do. I have also told him that I will not change my mind. I feel like my life is unravelling.

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Guest guest59652

Menlow4 - awful situation. My take on it would be are you going to be ok for the next 20-30 years. The UK yes is in a recession and people say omg why are you thinking of coming back. They are people who generally have never gone out of their comfort zone and moved overseas. Only time will tell - private message me if you want to talk it through any more.

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Guest Guest 47403
My dreams of going back to the Uk a a happy family have all come crashing down on me. A few weeks ago I made a very unexpected visit to the UK to visit my mum who had just had 2 mini strokes. I loved being home and spending time with her and my family. Needless to saying coming back to Oz was very hard but I was looking forward to carrying on with our plans to go back to the UK. A few days later my Oh went back to visit his dad and it sounds as if his experience was not the same as mine. Within a few days of him coming back myself, my Oh and my 2 daughters were involved in a car crash and were all hospitalised. Luckily the car we were driving protected us very well and our physical injuries were minimal. At this very emotional time, and also at a time when I was feeling even more homesick, my OH said he no longer wanted to go back to the Uk and that he would not change his mind. I am absolutely devastated. I just don't know what to do. I have also told him that I will not change my mind. I feel like my life is unravelling.


Sorry to hear about the accident glad you are all physically ok, what's changed your hubbys mind? Was he completely set on going back before he visited his Dad?

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My dreams of going back to the Uk a a happy family have all come crashing down on me. A few weeks ago I made a very unexpected visit to the UK to visit my mum who had just had 2 mini strokes. I loved being home and spending time with her and my family. Needless to saying coming back to Oz was very hard but I was looking forward to carrying on with our plans to go back to the UK. A few days later my Oh went back to visit his dad and it sounds as if his experience was not the same as mine. Within a few days of him coming back myself, my Oh and my 2 daughters were involved in a car crash and were all hospitalised. Luckily the car we were driving protected us very well and our physical injuries were minimal. At this very emotional time, and also at a time when I was feeling even more homesick, my OH said he no longer wanted to go back to the Uk and that he would not change his mind. I am absolutely devastated. I just don't know what to do. I have also told him that I will not change my mind. I feel like my life is unravelling.



What a shame!

There is no magic bullet unfortunately and you have to make a decision about where your priorities lie - is it possible for example to do regular long trips to support your mum?


I have been in a similar position for years but this trip my husband has seen how frail my parents are and since being here mum has had a stroke and a couple of days ago dad (her carer) had a heart attack so our thinking is that he will get his visa sorted and I may well stay here - it rather depends on when/how dad gets out of hospital.


Maybe your DH will commit to regular long trips or maybe he could be persuaded to have a 5 year plan with a return to Aus when all those pressures on you have been resolved.


More :hug: it's a ****ty position to find yourself in! Take good care of yourself and make sure you all get well before you make any rash decisions one way or the other.

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Guest braziersm

sorry to hear of all your bad luck menlow4 i can understand how you feel ,i didnt want to come to oz but came as oh wanted to give the kids a better chance in life,after 5 years hes said he wants to go back , two of my boys want to stay and ones already gone and my daughter is over perth bless,so its somethink we all want,i think maybe your oh will come around :-) thinking of you just now,hope all turns out ok for you all :hug:

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Thanks for all your comments and support. I think he just had a bad expereince having to spend 8 hours a day in the hospital with his dad, I also think it rained alot and he spoke to a few of his friends who were telling him how lucky he was living in Oz. I hope things will sort themselves out for us!

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