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As per website, 176 processing time is 12 months, 175 processing is 18 months and 190 is 6 months. Really strange to know that 190 getting in 3 months, whereas 176 getting in 15 months. May be 3 extra moths being added in 176 is being compensated by reducing 3 months in 190 :smile:


189 processing time is 12 months


No brother only reason of 190 quick processing is less number of applications :) .. There are less number of applicants in 189/190.

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Yes less number of applicants and short / no security checks at all :)


It is premature to believe that there is no security check for 189/190 visa.


There are some 190 applicants who applied more than 3 months ago but their application is still in process but there are many who got their grants with in 3 months.

There is NO 189 applicant who receive its grant till date. Although some have them have crossed 3 months line.

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It is premature to believe that there is no security check for 189/190 visa.


There are some 190 applicants who applied more than 3 months ago but their application is still in process but there are many who got their grants with in 3 months.

There is NO 189 applicant who receive its grant till date. Although some have them have crossed 3 months line.


Kindly note that I mentioned short / no security checks, means either short or either non existent.

Iam also surfing in these forums for quiet a time now and I now how things work. You really think that a VVHR country like Pakistan , security check could be over in 3 months.


Then how is it premature to believe there is no security checks? Are they doing special security checks for 190 just because they are from EOI, I dont think so.


Anyways each has own opinion and I cant force my opinion on others. People are themselves educated to know whats going on around them.


FYI, 189 processing time is 12 months, how can we see 189 visas being granted in 3 months ? Also their priority processing group is group4 as opposed to 176 and 190

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Yes, its 18 months according to the website BUT it also stated that: 'We (DIAC) aim to process 75% of the applications within this time frame'. All of us know very well that we, being an VHR country, do not fall in those 75%. Historically/actually, our time frame was that which I mentioned in my last post.


Few days back, I predicted (based on certain estimations) that though the quota of FS visa has elapsed but they may receive their Med/PCC call in few weeks. Yesterday, one of those applicants received his Med/PCC call. Inshallah rest will receive soon.

Now, it my gut feeling that all 175/176 visa (applied before 30-06-2012) will start receiving their Med/PCC call in May. Inshallah


Love you for the bold quotes.... Insha Allah

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No brother only reason of 190 quick processing is less number of applications :) .. There are less number of applicants in 189/190.


My thinking is ... for example out of 100 COs only 2 are working on 175/176 and remaining 98 are working on 189/190. this is the reason of delay :biglaugh::laugh:

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My thinking is ... for example out of 100 COs only 2 are working on 175/176 and remaining 98 are working on 189/190. this is the reason of delay :biglaugh::laugh:



I think so too, and documented or not, 189/190 visa type has pushed behind the priority of 175/176 visa type. :cry:

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I think so too, and documented or not, 189/190 visa type has pushed behind the priority of 175/176 visa type. :cry:


Plus may be all security companies ASIO and others have special instructions to "treat 190/189 on priority and look into 176/175 files when you have some extra :cool:time" :rolleyes:


this is just a personal feeling and nothing to do with DIAC :jiggy:

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Plus may be all security companies ASIO and others have special instructions to "treat 190/189 on priority and look into 176/175 files when you have some extra :cool:time" :rolleyes:


this is just a personal feeling and nothing to do with DIAC :jiggy:



I hate to say this, but this seems to be true. What else could be the reason of expending security checks time-span from 8 months to 15-16 months in a period of last 1 year?

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I do not understand why people are talking about their unluckiness regarding 175/176. When we applied, it was very clear to us that it will take about 12-15 months (176) and about 18-24 months (175). We are observing that people are getting grant almost within this time frame.

Now, if the process has become faster for 189/190 (although 189 has yet to confirm). It is their luckiness not our unluckiness. DIAC is doing their work according to the guideline stated on their website.


Very well said. Legal entitlement of DIAC to enact policies prioritizing one visa class over another is incontrovertibly clear.

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Yes less number of applicants and short / no security checks at all :)


well until they publish their figure, we can't really know..


from what I gather, people with 60 points are being invited in second or third invitation round.. while 65 is being invited in next invitation round..


in any case, what I mean to say is that they are running out of work in skillselect so they're focusing on their "not so preferred" backlog.. I think they now believe prioritizing people with 175 and 176 SS (is that the same?) is better than focusing on skillselect applicants.. I mean, we've seen very very few 175 applicants getting calls between Oct to Dec than Jan '13 alone.. meh!

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It is premature to believe that there is no security check for 189/190 visa.


There are some 190 applicants who applied more than 3 months ago but their application is still in process but there are many who got their grants with in 3 months.

There is NO 189 applicant who receive its grant till date. Although some have them have crossed 3 months line.


Good post. IMO, few 190 vsa grants should not be equated with the contravention of the norms of an ostensible FIFO based application system. Furthermore, these grants should not make us believe either that all 189/190 applicants have been spared the detailed scrutiny of their backgrounds. I remember at least one male applicant receiving his visa grant fairly quickly in 2010/11 when others applicants (including bro Usman) were undergoing extensive SC.

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Good post. IMO, few 190 vsa grants should not be equated with the contravention of the norms of an ostensible FIFO based application system. Furthermore, these grants should not make us believe either that all 189/190 applicants have been spared the detailed scrutiny of their backgrounds. I remember at least one male applicant receiving his visa grant fairly quickly in 2010/11 when others applicants (including bro Usman) were undergoing extensive SC.


I personally know 3 Pakistanis who applied under 190 and got their visas within 4ish months (heard about them last october / novemberish).. that too from UAE (with extensive international travels).. I've seen 2 ~ 3ish people with 190 getting their grants pretty quick on forums.. these people are those whom we either know personally or find their way to our forums.. heck even fewer people posts..


Obviously, I couldn't say that there aren't any cases where 190 folks haven't or aren't going through SCs but the probability of going through one, is obviously, far lower in 190s than for others.

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Plus may be all security companies ASIO and others have special instructions to "treat 190/189 on priority and look into 176/175 files when you have some extra :cool:time" :rolleyes:


this is just a personal feeling and nothing to do with DIAC :jiggy:


Right You are, I think this is the case :)

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I personally know 3 Pakistanis who applied under 190 and got their visas within 4ish months (heard about them last october / novemberish).. that too from UAE (with extensive international travels).. I've seen 2 ~ 3ish people with 190 getting their grants pretty quick on forums.. these people are those whom we either know personally or find their way to our forums.. heck even fewer people posts..


Obviously, I couldn't say that there aren't any cases where 190 folks haven't or aren't going through SCs but the probability of going through one, is obviously, far lower in 190s than for others.


Then this trend may reflect a greater demand for 190 applicants.

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well until they publish their figure, we can't really know..


from what I gather, people with 60 points are being invited in second or third invitation round.. while 65 is being invited in next invitation round..


in any case, what I mean to say is that they are running out of work in skillselect so they're focusing on their "not so preferred" backlog.. I think they now believe prioritizing people with 175 and 176 SS (is that the same?) is better than focusing on skillselect applicants.. I mean, we've seen very very few 175 applicants getting calls between Oct to Dec than Jan '13 alone.. meh!


Ya, you are right. To proceed ur point, please take look at the following table:


[TABLE=width: 502]


[TD]Invitation Round[/TD]

[TD]60 pts Application Called Date[/TD]

[TD] Days Difference






























The last data shows that the person applied 5-12-2012 was called in the first immediate round 17-12-2012. Another major thing that can be observed that the difference is reducing day by day and if the trend continue (which is very likely), in a couple of weeks they will run out of applications. Remember their aim is to call 3000 application per month in the following months till June. Now DIAC will have following options to achieve their yearly immigrants target:

1. Increase the quota of 176 FS sponsored visa. (Which I believe will not more than 1000 applications) (Highly likely)

2. Expedite the process of 175/176/189 visa applicants from VHR countries. (highly likely)

3. Reduce the minimum level 60 points. (Very Unlikely)

4. Reduce the target of immigrants (Not sure what to say :) )

5. ...

6. ...


Inshallah good news are on their way for all the applicants.

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Ya, you are right. To proceed ur point, please take look at the following table:


[TABLE=width: 502]


[TD]Invitation Round[/TD]

[TD]60 pts Application Called Date[/TD]

[TD] Days Difference[/TD]





























The last data shows that the person applied 5-12-2012 was called in the first immediate round 17-12-2012. Another major thing that can be observed that the difference is reducing day by day and if the trend continue (which is very likely), in a couple of weeks they will run out of applications. Remember their aim is to call 3000 application per month in the following months till June. Now DIAC will have following options to achieve their yearly immigrants target:

1. Increase the quota of 176 FS sponsored visa. (Which I believe will not more than 1000 applications) (Highly likely)

2. Expedite the process of 175/176/189 visa applicants from VHR countries. (highly likely)

3. Reduce the minimum level 60 points. (Very Unlikely)

4. Reduce the target of immigrants (Not sure what to say :) )

5. ...

6. ...


Inshallah good news are on their way for all the applicants.


Sorry for my ignorance, which point do i fall under based on my signature?

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Point 1 Bro. Ur timeline does not show when CO assigned to you?


Maybe the CO was assigned on:

12-Sep-2011: Informed of background check | (The email from MARA agent only had the name (Name A) of the sender in signature with team 7 )


Or Perhaps on:

23-Aug-2012: CO required information/update on international movements | (The email from MARA agent only had the name (Name B) and designation (Case Officer) of the sender in signature with team 7 )

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Then this trend may reflect a greater demand for 190 applicants.

Your assumptions seems very valid as the trend shows less number of 190 applicants in most of the jobs on the list for example my job which is HR Advisor, occupation ceiling for this job is 4500 (that means they require 4500 HR Advisors) but from July 2012 till 22nd of January 2013 only 108 invitations have been issued and I dont know how many out of 108 have actually applied for the visa and even all of 108 have applied they are still 2.5% applicants in this job.

As it seems January is almost on end and they have less candidates to work on (may be) or 190 are more in demand and they want to encourage more to apply for 190 with faster processing (I hope so)

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Yes, its 18 months according to the website BUT it also stated that: 'We (DIAC) aim to process 75% of the applications within this time frame'. All of us know very well that we, being an VHR country, do not fall in those 75%. Historically/actually, our time frame was that which I mentioned in my last post.


Few days back, I predicted (based on certain estimations) that though the quota of FS visa has elapsed but they may receive their Med/PCC call in few weeks. Yesterday, one of those applicants received his Med/PCC call. Inshallah rest will receive soon.

Now, it my gut feeling that all 175/176 visa (applied before 30-06-2012) will start receiving their Med/PCC call in May. Inshallah


Guru, InshAllah :) thanks for great hope :):D

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Then this trend may reflect a greater demand for 190 applicants.


But why are 190 in greater demand? 176 have exactly same skill set, same experience, same points and stil they are being pushed below the queue. Iam not saying DIAC should do as we wish, but I know one of my friend who is victim of this immigration policy. He applied for canada in 2004, then canada started new fast track in 2007 and 2007 applicants were getting quick grants , whereas my 2004 friend is stil waiting and his file finally considered backlog and deleted.


Yes you can say that they can do whatever they want, but despite of that lawers have filed a case against CIC - Canadian Immigration which is in progress. So this is sheer dictatorship and monarchy and by no means it can be called fair by CIC.


I also take side of DIAC but Iam very worried that God forbid, Ausie take the same route as Canada has done. Peace to all

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