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What part of Perth are the flies less in numbers?


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I have recently found out about the fly problem in nov and dec. We are looking to move to Freemantle. Is there any places that have less flies the thought of them going in your nose ears and other cavities have made my husband ick.


Are they really that bad? We were going to book a reccie for nov 11 to see a few places .



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I have recently found out about the fly problem in nov and dec. We are looking to move to Freemantle. Is there any places that have less flies the thought of them going in your nose ears and other cavities have made my husband ick.


Are they really that bad? We were going to book a reccie for nov 11 to see a few places .







Stay inside!

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Oh dear are they really that bad?

Will have to get a hat with some corks on or one of those mini electrifying tennis rackets - zap the little blighters:idea:lol






Yes, they are very bad - this year they have come early too, also got a dozen or so bites from the mozzies last night whilst walking the dog!

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no where safe.... but its not all day and its not for forever. Worst time seems to be around 5pm in the suburbs and in the bush they seem to be around during the day but stopping about 5pm. (I seem to be bombarded early evening just when the kids are at cricket training/little athletics/tball etc. Mozzies are more annoying especially for the kids, I am told, however, that after a few years the mozzies wont eat us as much, its just that we're new blood. They dont call this time of year Flyvember for nothing!

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Guest Anoop kottukkal


I loadged My GSM-175 on 30-04-2009 and got state sponsorship on 10-02-2010 and i have not get any feed back from DIAC .How long i have to wait .




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Guest davesalt


I have recently found out about the fly problem in nov and dec. We are looking to move to Freemantle. Is there any places that have less flies the thought of them going in your nose ears and other cavities have made my husband ick.


Are they really that bad? We were going to book a reccie for nov 11 to see a few places .



Hi, I'm north of Perth, and the flies have been a pain, but more of a nuisance than than a plague. most of the stores near me, are selling the mozzy head/face nets. Today no flies at all, well....none of the small pestering ones, just some of the bigger "buzzers", either way, I wouldn't say it's been off putting, and you can learn the " aussie salute" as you waft the flies away, :animal-bee:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

When we were there the flies were a pain, but...................... not all the time, we never got pestered on the beach at Port kennedy, Rockingham, Cottesloe, Scarboro and Hilarys, but we got pesterd in the park overlooking the marina at Manduragh and walking about at Port kennedy. We sat out every night for the whole month in the summer and not one mozzie bit us, but we got bit to death in Brisbane. The flies are a pain at times, but if you keep your doors closed and avoid certain areas, then they were less of a pain, i don't know why mass poison isn't given to them, by the WA government, horrible little creatures.

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I have recently found out about the fly problem in nov and dec. We are looking to move to Freemantle. Is there any places that have less flies the thought of them going in your nose ears and other cavities have made my husband ick.


Are they really that bad? We were going to book a reccie for nov 11 to see a few places .




Hi Minnie659


I live in South Beach in South Freo and Im right on the coast where the flies are supposed to be worse but I have to say either they hate me (I'm one of those that mozzies never attack!) or the flies hate freo because I'm really not noticing it. Saying that currently got sister and BIL here and both are really whinging about the flies so maybe I'm just immune but they say by the end of November they will all be gone.......it really is a small price to pay for living in paradise! Please don't let it put you off....

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Its only for a few weeks , and they are only the small irritaiting flies ...not the big bluebottle ones they have in the uk............and yes about 5pm ,when their dog poo day is done , you seem to get one irritaiting fly that just wont go away , in one ear and out the other ......i just wear a hat , spray tropical gear on my face and they are gone ........i wonder if flies actually knew what dog poo was ..would they be sick ........do flies have any use what so ever.......its not like africa where they land on ya lips and eyes like birds on a telegraph pole having a nap...........dont get the wrong impression .......i almost 4 yrs ive still not swalowed one .......and they just dissapear within weeks ......

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Its only for a few weeks , and they are only the small irritaiting flies ...not the big bluebottle ones they have in the uk............and yes about 5pm ,when their dog poo day is done , you seem to get one irritaiting fly that just wont go away , in one ear and out the other ......i just wear a hat , spray tropical gear on my face and they are gone ........i wonder if flies actually knew what dog poo was ..would they be sick ........do flies have any use what so ever.......its not like africa where they land on ya lips and eyes like birds on a telegraph pole having a nap...........dont get the wrong impression .......i almost 4 yrs ive still not swalowed one .......and they just dissapear within weeks ......


Tonyman! What you mean dog poo? Don't you poop and scoop??!!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Tonyman! What you mean dog poo? Don't you poop and scoop??!!


I think he is on about his aftershave, urgh de toilet. lol:laugh:

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i wonder if flies actually knew what dog poo was ..would they be sick


Yes, they are sick - that's how flies eat. Flies vomit on food/dog poo, stomp on it a bit and then suck it up to eat it when it's more digestible. That's why you really don't want flies near your food ;)

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Yes, they are sick - that's how flies eat. Flies vomit on food/dog poo, stomp on it a bit and then suck it up to eat it when it's more digestible. That's why you really don't want flies near your food ;)


Thats why i want tonyman as a golf partner, because the flies will be round him, leaving me to play my shots. lol:laugh:

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Im in east perth and travel through to north fremantle - they seem worse in north fremantle.


I am getting used to them and it saves paying for lunch as there full of protein.


You can't fool the WA flies...They know sh*t when they see it...:wink:


Sorry mate, couldn't help it...I know, it's an old one.:laugh::laugh:


Cheers, Bobj.

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We, re down near Mandurah. They spray every so often down here to keep the mossies down. We hadn't found the flies a prob until this last week, when they have been a pain in the bum. We've only found it to be the little ones that pester you, the big ones don't bother you. I've had a thing about flies since we had a plague of them in the UK a few years back! Like someone else said, you can get a net that fits over your hat to keep them off your face! They are persistant little buggers!!!

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Tonyman! What you mean dog poo? Don't you poop and scoop??!!

Jessie, of course i poop n scoop but sometimes im not around in the garden ........or if someone forgot to pick their mess up in the park ect ....thats what i mean .......i never go anywhere without a nappy sack.........:wub:


thank Basil , for your detailed info , remind me never to stay in your hotel......! :no:


and dopey .....i only attract female flies as they love my black suede after shave .......:wink:

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Thank you for your advice. I have told my husband and we are planning to come out next November at least he will see it for himself. He said he has the image of the flies constantly on you like you see in African documentaries. It's only for two months. We have been looking at Jonduloop and hilarys as well.

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Guest brickie001

the furkin flies are bad this yeardunno about south perth\but anywhere between joodalup and gingin yeh probs get an extra 2 files round yeh per 10 kms

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Guest SusieOR
Yup pretty bad this year - lack of dung beetles apparently! It`s funny watching everyone walking along doing the flappy hands & jerky head - not so funny when it`s me! Once you snort your 1st fly or swallow it life never seems the same again!!:laugh:


Urgh... Thanks for that... LOL



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Guest SusieOR

Just a quick tip... which I have used & found to be great!!!


Re the mozzies...


I used to get eaten alive & then someone advised me to have a glass of lemon juice & water ever day!!!


The mozzies dont like the taste of lemon juice & it seems to work for me... I def dont get bit like I used to!!!



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