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Hate Recruitment Agencies


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Ok, I am apologizing in advance as this will be a bit of a rant.


I have always had a problem with recruitment agencies in Australia. Whenever I was looking for work, I looked on Seek and tried for everything, normally with the lovely automated response that the position had been filled.


I never have trusted recruitment agencies myself, and now that my OH is out of work, he has been applying for jobs on Seek through recruitment agencies.


Well so far, what has happened, has just confirmed my suspicions about recruitment agencies.


OH applied for a job on seek through a recruitment agency, had a telephone and face to face interview with the company that was supposed to be hiring, only to be told today, that the job is on hold for god knows how long.... my question is why put a bloody job on seek if it is to be put on hold, and why go through the drama of interviewing people.


He also applied for another job on seek, again through a recruitment agency, and was told that there were 2 companies hiring... found out this week, that oh, the jobs are not there.


Why oh why do these recruitment agencies put on jobs, and then you find out that either the job is on hold, or that more than likely the jobs don't really exist.


Sorry this gets right up my nose.... job hunting is stressful enough without phony jobs being advertised.


I now have my husband seeking jobs back in Canada.... who knows, maybe jobs really exist back there.... can't help but to try.. for they certainely don't exist on bloody seek.com here.


Sorry rant over.





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Guest Guest31881

I think this goes for agencies in most countries. When my son was out of work in the UK he was interviewed by several agencies for jobs, only to be let down. I think they do it to increase thier client base. I often wonder if a job ever existed.

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Collin is right , i fell for this a few times , having to go into the city to regester with them, Hays.....also Skilled ...ive had two major issues with them , they messed me about big style for days, then weeks , i even went to RCR for a welding test for them to tell me the job doesnt exist ...!!!! thats skilled for you .........seek i find ok , the job im in now was on seek and been with them over 2 yrs ......

Karen, if your oh is still out of work , get in touch with centre link , for a new start claim ....they will sent you to community first ......i did this last yr and they payed for all my work shirts , got a health card off them for cheap prescriptions ect ....they are still sending me fuel tokens @ $50 a time and they look after you for 9 months ........in all my time in the uk i got nothing in benefits , here they look after you ............

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Ah yes the recruitment agencies - dont get me started!!! It is either dolly bird who knows nothing about nothing and when you explain what you have done they dont understand so your file goes straight into the bin unless of course someone smacks them over the head with a job that exactly matches what you did before and in any previous lives and then they can be bothered to pick up the phone and call (ok so not likely to happen). Wonderful jobs advertised, even temporary jobs advertised so you figure ok so will temp then when something permanent comes up I am first in line - yeah right. Personally I think the whole agency bit is a bit like broken telephone, I tell the agent what I have done (explain my CV in simple easy to understand language), they then interpret that in their agency understood language, speak to someone on the client's side who may or may not have the authority to recruit and so by the time we have finished the via via via route nobody is really sure what the job is they were recruiting for, if it is still needed or what is happening. I have also found in Oz there is a lot of secondment, so they may advertise a role cause they cant find anybody, but then somebody knows somebody in another section who is looking for a change and they bring them over to hold the position until a final decision can be made to recruit or not to recruit. Takes care of the problem of needing someone to fill the role and they can say oh the job is on hold. Good story tellers the lot of them.

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Ok, I am apologizing in advance as this will be a bit of a rant.


I have always had a problem with recruitment agencies in Australia. Whenever I was looking for work, I looked on Seek and tried for everything, normally with the lovely automated response that the position had been filled.


I never have trusted recruitment agencies myself, and now that my OH is out of work, he has been applying for jobs on Seek through recruitment agencies.


Well so far, what has happened, has just confirmed my suspicions about recruitment agencies.


OH applied for a job on seek through a recruitment agency, had a telephone and face to face interview with the company that was supposed to be hiring, only to be told today, that the job is on hold for god knows how long.... my question is why put a bloody job on seek if it is to be put on hold, and why go through the drama of interviewing people.


He also applied for another job on seek, again through a recruitment agency, and was told that there were 2 companies hiring... found out this week, that oh, the jobs are not there.


Why oh why do these recruitment agencies put on jobs, and then you find out that either the job is on hold, or that more than likely the jobs don't really exist.


Sorry this gets right up my nose.... job hunting is stressful enough without phony jobs being advertised.


I now have my husband seeking jobs back in Canada.... who knows, maybe jobs really exist back there.... can't help but to try.. for they certainely don't exist on bloody seek.com here.


Sorry rant over.






Thanks for the info Karen, although you have me worried. I have two 'interviews' lined up, one tomorrow and one on Monday. Both are with the recruitment company, not the employer (don't even know who the employer is???)


Am I wasting my time?? Are there even jobs there????


I saw a recruiter a few weeks ago regarding a job application I made, they didn't seem concerned about the 'job' at all, it must have been ficticious. They just kept telling me they would find me a job due to 21 years industry experience and to 'leave it to them'. Funnily enough, I've not heard from them since.....


Thanks for the heads up and does anybody know the best approach to take to find work over here???




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Guest guest32776

Completely agree. I am looking for a little untaxing job in administration, secretarial type stuff in Cairns - as there isn't a hope in hell of getting a position needing my degrees or teacher qualifications here. I'd have been better off taking a level 4 in 'pig shooting' by the looks of things..... There are adverts in the paper from recruitment consultants - had interviews, passed all the typing, word, excel tests with flying colours but then they tell me 'of course, things are a bit slow at the moment'. Clearly the jobs they advertise to get you in do not exist and then once they have your CV they target all possible employers to get the commission on placing you. Very irritating. Not helped by the fact so many places seem to insist on citizenship!

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Now the question is what are the benefits of these recruitment agencies. Why they are publishing such fake, non-existence but most-matching jobs? That's the game of internet marketing starts.


The more the visitors is the more the page/domain rank is. The more the domain rank is the more valued advertising is. They just want us to visit and stay hours surfing pages. If you check ranking of these sites you will see they come within 10000 ranks that means it is a high price domain practically.


Now to maintain the earning meter they conduct some fake interviews. since interviews does not guarantee job its legal to call any one.


ha ha.... GR8 business.

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Also remember that the agency staff have quotas to meet they can hardly say oh well business is slow, nobody is hiring so I wont bother to bring anyone in for tests, interviews etc. So when business is slow they make sure they advertise, you send in your CV, now they have some guinea pigs to practice new interviewing techniques, try out their new program testing software (purchased at a ridiculous price etc). They are also hoping that a company will go wow look at that XYZ agency is swamped with jobs for e.g. administrators, we need an administrator so XYZ agency will definately have someone suitable to our needs. Company phones they send them a batch of CVs anything and everything, let the company pick a few they like and away you go. A lot of the people in the recruitment industry are also looking for jobs for themselves so you go see someone and then next week they have been replaced, person number 2 has interviewed their own candidates in the meantime and so you lose out.


Look there must be some real jobs out there and maybe the agencies you are going to see are on the level and do in fact have real jobs with real companies. Just let us know how it goes.

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i maybe able to help you twins mom i know some one that could be looking for a pm in Hvac , they want to know has he worked in WA and who he worked for here , and his experience , you can pm me if you like

i assume your still in perth


regards Heyllene xx

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i know some agencys advertise jobs that dont exist yet , but if the client wins the contract then the job will become a reality , so they put the feelers out to see who is available , if the contract is delayed but goes ahead a year later , they then contact you .

i remember my husband applying for a job and they contacted him ten months later to say he had been put forward as first choice , i was amazed then burst out laughing [ i answered the ph and told them he was working in taiwan and the best of luck finding some one .

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Normally I would agree with you Karen, Recruitment agencies are notorious for posting jobs on the Net that don't exist! But I have just had a good experience with a specialist agency here in the UK. Midway through last month I was made redundant (thank goodness, but that another story) So I browsed the Net and the same job kept on coming up on multiple sites, I fitted the profile perfectly so I thought why not and phone the agency. Yes the job was available, Emailed my CV and they phoned back the next day to arrange an interview. By the end of September I had a job offer, same rate of pay and only 20min down the road!(I had been driving over an Hour to get to the office on office days) They basically wanted me to start immediately but I got them to agree to a months grace before starting. So understandably I'm pretty impressed with job hunting on the internet at the moment.

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Karen, I totally sympathise. I applied for 37 jobs in 20 months and was lucky to even get a 'no thanks' most of the time. As well as being annoying and unhelpful, it chips away at your confidence bit by bit until you begin to wonder if you'll ever be worth employing.


I have found the best approach is to look at individual companies' websites to see what they have on offer. I have also sent my resume to companies I feel my skills would be best suited to, that don't necessarily have any current vacancies.


In the end, what got me offers of employment was looking at each job description and painstakingly tailoring my resume ti suit every little detail on the job spec. I also completely removed the bit about me having relocated to Oz from the UK.


It must have worked because I got offered 3 jobs in the same week. I wish for your hubby to find something again soon as you have had a real uphill struggle lately :hug:


Sue x

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Guest siamsusie
Well, I went for the 'interview' this morning, guess what, there is no job!!!


Is it worth me going to the one on Monday for another ficticious job?????




:hug: Steph, yes please dont give up! Sue Skyes eventually got hers + two others, you will get there:hug: Susie x
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Steph I'm so sorry you spent all that time preparing, getting ready and travelling all for nothing. You should still go along though because if nothing else it hones your interview technique and you become tuned into what they're going to ask you next!


Don't give up. Your job is out there, it's just playing hard to get. Keep going, hun!

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Steph I'm so sorry you spent all that time preparing, getting ready and travelling all for nothing. You should still go along though because if nothing else it hones your interview technique and you become tuned into what they're going to ask you next!


Don't give up. Your job is out there, it's just playing hard to get. Keep going, hun!


At least I got to put on a frock and make-up!!!!




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At least I got to put on a frock and make-up!!!!





That's ma girl :notworthy:


My feet are so unused to actual shoes these days, I spent a week after my interview with band aids on the backs of my heels...oh the joy of putting my slippers on when I got home, I cannot describe:laugh:

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That's ma girl :notworthy:


My feet are so unused to actual shoes these days, I spent a week after my interview with band aids on the backs of my heels...oh the joy of putting my slippers on when I got home, I cannot describe:laugh:


I know what you mean, I have my slippers on now.....:biglaugh::biglaugh:




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Sue, I can absolutely relate to what you said about it knocking your confidence and I'm so glad that you've got back into work - it really gives me hope. :smile:


Steph, that really stinks. :hug:


In general, I have found agencies here are just like agencies in the UK. Never, ever assume that the big ones are going to be any better, usually the small ones are the best and the most likely to find you a job that suits you down to the ground. If you can, ask around about the agency you are considering to make sure they are what you are looking for and when you do meet them, make sure they know what you are looking for so you get what you need. Don't let it be all about them!


The best way to get ahead here is to network and do as Sue advised. I've had a lot of practical and good advice from the people I have talked to just through getting the RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) process started. Even that looked as though it was going to be a no-go because of the cost and my lack of PR but I persevered and got the ball rolling as of this week. Through that alone, I've learned a lot about who does what and what kind of people they are looking for in my particular area of expertise. Personally I find it hard to network because I am shy and introverted by nature so if I can do it, I reckon anyone can.


I still check Seek but rarely see anything advertised that I could do in this area and it's been the same through the agencies I've tried so far. Karen, I wish you and your husband the best of luck and I hope that he can land something that will allow you to live where you want and live well. :smile:

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Guest bobkerry

well this is according to your thinking... i do agree with you and i must say that there should be a equal basis recruitment system so that no one feel any kind of problem and will face no difficulty....so this is very much important to make sure that whether the recruitment process is up to the mark or not

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Guest Gollywobbler
im looking for a new welding job in WA ......ive done my time where im at , come xmas i want out .........



Hi Karen and Tonyman


Tonyman, Karen's husband is a Welder as well.


Have you two heard about the forthcoming WAMEX Show - apparently employers will be looking for people to do FIFO to the mines in WA?


Being female, I know nothing about what sort of Welding might happen in a mining environment and the Show might be a complete waste of time anyway. However the details are in the thread below:




It might be worth a PM to VeryStormy on the thread above, to try to discover a bit more?


Good luck, both of you.





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